Presets not showing up for Arturia V Collection & Pigments 3 FIX!

Discussion in 'Software' started by birdboi, Dec 8, 2021.

  1. birdboi

    birdboi Producer

    Oct 20, 2021
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    If you downloaded Arturia V Collection and the Presets are not working or not showing up at all, here is how to fix it.

    Step 1:
    Go to this file Location:

    Step 2:
    After that, find the file named "db.db3", and delete it completely.

    (This is most likely the file that holds the database of all the presets, for some reason its corrupted or broken. Deleting it will basically redo the database and fix all the issues)

    Step 3:
    Then restart your DAW and all your plugins, and load up one of the plugins and wait a little until the presets are visible and ready to use. Also make sure you run your DAW as ADMIN for first time (thanks BEAT16)

    There you go!

    If you installed Arturia V collection but also want to update Pigments 3 or add it to the collection, you would follow this same step process. (I'm not sure if the latest release by V.R has Pigments in their V collection though)

    If you have Pigments 3 FROM downloading the V Collection, try this:
    Go to the same file location mentioned above, and delete all presence of Pigments 3, including all the folders and such. This also includes the Pigments 3 VST present in your VST folder. Arturia V collection doesn't let you actually delete individual plugins as far as I know of, let me know if I am wrong though, If I am not, try finding the Pigments 3 here:


    Wherever you put your VST in, default location is:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

    This part above ^ is a maybe, I'm not entirely certain.

    Install the latest version of Pigments 3 or whichever version you want to Install. Once its done downloading, follow the same step process above from 1, otherwise the presets will only show up for Pigments 3 and none of the other Arturia plugins.

    If you did this process and a new version of Pigments 3 comes out, uninstall Pigments 3 from Control Panel, install new version of Pigments 3, and start from Step 1 again.

    BTW, I did do this step process myself, it works. I've seen a lot of people not understanding how to fix this preset thing, so here it is.

    Note: I got both my Arturia V collection and Pigments 3 from V.R, it should be the same process for R2R.... hopefully?????
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Make sure to run the DAW as Admin because it needs Admin permission to write new database file (db.db3) in the ProgramData folder.
  4. Technetic

    Technetic Noisemaker

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Thank you for this thread. It's just what I was looking for
  5. jurr

    jurr Noisemaker

    Jul 21, 2023
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    wow thank you for this fix! it is exactly what I needed as my user folders and saved user presets were not showing up in the browser. after doing this all factory and user folders and presets show up immediately, now everything works perfectly!!! :wink:
  6. satisfiedOne

    satisfiedOne Newbie

    Feb 9, 2024
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    wow wow wow fixed it <thanks alot and more
  7. aghori

    aghori Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2020
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    Funny you just replied to this thread, I was about to necro it myself. The blame will go on you.

    Actually, that's not a good (complete?) advice, Ableton disables some features when you run it as admin (like dragging-droping audio files, you can't go from non-admin to admin areas in Windows)

    Anyway my question: let's say you imported these big preset packages, but you're only interested in a few packs inside? How do you extract the presets?
    a) Arturia VSTs won't let me save them in batch, only one by one.
    b) When I copy/move the presets files directly, it doesn't work, maybe it's a different format or something
  8. Sacculus

    Sacculus Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2017
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    yes the R2R prestes and synth looks awesome!

    How many presets have you with the V presets collection 10 r2r?
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