Pot is legalized in Canada!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by crecy, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. People don't merely inhabit ecologies, we ARE ecologies. There is no fixed "you" that somehow exists independently. Everything is based upon reciprocity and interdependence, the constant flux of negotiating boundaries. Being an organism is inseparable from being "chemically dependent", you are just a bunch of membranes that stuff flows into and out of, and all affects you.

    Once you are no longer dependent upon food, air, and water - I'll accept your moral high-ground. And that's saying nothing of dependencies which aren't strictly necessary, such as companionship, money, and property.

    I agree that people are terrible at assessing risk, but that makes me even less trusting of authoritarianism, which justifies and condemns things in capricious ways as to suit it's own agenda of security through control over others. For example, look at the trillion dollar boondoggle which has become of the US "security theatre" over the past fifteen years. How many lives has that saved? Meanwhile, how many USians die from traffic accidents every day? Why doesn't that cause the same level of outrage as a potential phantom terrorist in every woodpile? Why no "zero tolerance" stance of limiting speed limits to 30 MPH? Surely, no price, no inconvenience is too great when it means saving thousands of lives every year!

    Because, people don't care what the actual risks may be. They are conditioned to see some things as being "a social problem", and others as generally acceptable, with no real justification offered. That's already the world you are living in. And no shadowy agency needs to put cannabis on the table for discussion, it's a naturally-occurring plant, FFS. Not to mention that it is a sacrament in several religions, which should have automatically exempt it from government interference in the first place.

    Meanwhile, why am I "allowed" to grow Foxglove? Lots of plants are poisonous, will just straight up kill you. Why aren't those banned? Why can I just go and buy a chainsaw when I could accidentally lop off one of my own limbs? Countless things not only CAN cause more harm than Cannabis, they DO and ALWAYS HAVE HAD more of a potential for personal harm. Authoritarianism isn't actually about risks or well-being, and never has been. It is about trying to push one's preferred social values upon others by force, under the pretext of paternalism when it feels it can afford to be friendly.
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  2. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    sorry just took the last crystals i had:unsure:
  3. I am going to ask my 13 y.o. daughter to read this as it frames the discussion superbly. You are a fine educator.
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  4. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Just because something is legal, doesn’t make it right.
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  5. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    “It’s a naturally occurring plant.” True, however we’ve modified it to a point where its anything but natural. Hell, look at what we’ve done to other plants and animals. A farm raised chicken by today’s standards would be a behemoth compared to what a natural chicken was just 50 years ago. Have you ever seen the size of a “natural occurring” strawberry compared to a store bought berry? Most pot is anything but natural these days.
  6. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Long live Canada!

    Tobacco - Kills millions of people every year - legal
    Alcohol - Can kill you and is bad for your health - legal
    GMOs - Makes you fat and can cause diseases on the long run - in every supermarket
    All the substances they add in chickens and cows, besides inhumane growth of animals - legal

    You people should be outraged about more important things...

    Cannabis is helping a lot of people with diseases...:winker:

    Canabis is not killing anyone, my friends...
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
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  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    We the people are unbalanced. It's not really our fault, we live in a crazy world and insane societies. Well being is the least of anyone problem. Producing stuffs, earning a living, buying stuffs, make children, buy them stuff, take credit to buy stuffs, work more to reimbourse. Family life reduce to 20 minutes "diner" in front of a laptop. We collectively overvalue things like profit, predatorial businessmen and women are elevated to the rank of saint, and yet things kindness, creativity and free gesture are rarely saluted, often used without mercy and instrumentalized for more profit.
    We are unbalanced and unhappy. It's for structural reasons, not neurological or psychological ones. We have rotten values and erratic collective goals, but officialy we're are the incarnation of reason, the house of humanism and we view ourselves as civilized models. The children that act up or are too active ? We give them pills, it's an individual problem. The depressed housewives ? Well there is a pill for that. Overworked husbands or unemployed fathers worked up their problem with the help of booze and their fists. Pharmaceutcal consumption became a national epidemic in all developped countries in the last decade, the first reason for OD, and one of the most probable cause (with heart problems coming from unhealthy diets, mostly in poor environements) of an early grave. Those damn pills aren't natural, they kill and they are legal. Booze kills people everyday (including people who don't use it, indirectly), the health consequences of booze is a story that cost us billions every year, same with cigarette, a profitable murdering legal industry.
    People aren't junky they are unbalanced, unhappy, and mostly it's not individualy they are to blame, it's collectively that we are insane. Booze, pills, cigarettes, overeating shit, are just consequences of global matters.

    Jesus it makes me sad, and keeps me awake at night. I'll make a spliff to go through that and create a beat about that crap. :chilling:. Cheers

    And good for you Canada !
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  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    This is not a political debate my friend. My little soap opera joke was honestly not aimed at you. Yet, as i mentioned a long time ago here, everything is politics. We impose politics with the way we live our lives and interact with our fellow citizens. We shape our surroundings with our actions because every action has its own repercussions. You don't really have to be politically active to be conservative. It's just a way of thinking or a mental state if you like.
  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Indeed. It's like eating nuts if you're allergic to it, and short of that asking for it to be declared illegal because it kills people.

    Nuts don't kill people. Nuts are awesome. Don't eat them if you're allergic or can't digest them. :wink:
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  10. complete

    complete Producer

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Dude, drugs already free floating anywhere. You can get it everywhere, but only from dealers who are acting criminal. So why don't take the criminals their business model away and let the government make the money. I'd prefer it that way. But some are not able to see the bigger picture. :dunno:
  11. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I hate drugs.
    I do a lot of drugs.
    I know that the chemical reactions they cause, lead our minds to places they would not normally go.

    Once in a while, this is profoundly inspirational and causes epiphanies.
    Every day, it will only corrupt.

    I am a hypocrite.
    I also know.
    I am what I am.

    For the record, marijuana never felt like dangerous like the others.
    Also, my ex-girlfriend never felt dangerous like the others.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
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  12. Rohan

    Rohan Member

    Jul 26, 2015
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    pots are made in india however weed is still not legal. i'm not lucky. cheers!
  13. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Really ? Old Testament ? You represent the -dangerously- monarchic monolithic opinion of the middle ages Inquisition. Sure, let the priests guide the peeps because it is only they who follow the only truth, the word of God and the people are weak and cannot control themselves. And priests although they are people too they are enlightened whereas the rest of us are just captive sheep awaiting for slaughter and so frail we can't make the correct choices for ourselves. Isn't this what you are implying?
    Adam and Eve of the tale had only one law to follow and they broke it. Humans are investigative and curious beings. It is what led us to great achievements and may be our downfall as well. You may subsitute the apple with a cannabis bud if it suits you. Paraboles are useless to people who cannot interpret them...
    I embrace my weaknesses as much as i welcome my strengths. They both are part of who i am, and i am because i have the ability to think. And as long as i maintain my sanity and clarity of thought i will object to whoever tries to manipulate me into thinking a certain way.
    My ancestors, among other things, invented Democracy and their descendants were the first non Hebrew civilization to embrace Christianity and spread the word of Love imbued with the heritage of their archaic achievements in all sciences and arts etc etc. It couldn't be otherwise, Greeks were touched by the Word of Jesus, there was no turning back. Yet some people at the time, with the very same mindset you pose, were telling them they are sick and being manipulated, obedience to the old gods is all they needed. Of course these guys had already made religion a profitable profession hehe. Little did they know all of them, in all their wisdom, that history was going to repeat itself once again...
    It leaves me speechless how that simple move of a whole nation's vast majority towards Christianity was manipulated for profit and total control for obedience by the few holding positions of power through out the ages, the more Christianity spread. From a point of view, being Greek, i feel more responsible for the crimes commited to His name. And you come here asking for the very same obedience telling us we 're sick... At the very least, if i abide to your words which i do not, we still have an excuse, what's yours for being stiff as a brick. You can stay vigilant but thank you, i won't buy today. I have a lot from this supply from 2000 years ago.
    Bottom line? Legalize it, don't criticize it.
    You be well
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
  15. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I have always questioned how you can make a plant that grows freely be an illegal thing. It makes as much sense to me as trying to force me to wear a seat belt when I drive. That isn't a choice for anyone but me to make.
  16. crecy

    crecy Rock Star

    Nov 22, 2015
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    64° 19' 12.9864'' N 96° 1' 31.1304'' W
    [​IMG]I went, and there's still everyday a huge line up, all kinds of people! They are also getting out of stock, I was going for some tsunami, a strong strain of northern light, but they didn't have anymore, so they handed me as a substitute the MK Ultra...when I opened it up, I was instantly satisfied, a strong complex aroma, earthy, woodsy, spicy and skunky here are 2 pics:

    By the way, Indica, sativa and hybrid, what do you prefer?
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2018
  17. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    It's weird, even creatures like sponges have these receptors - guess everything likes getting high! Or maybe it's just rly boring being a sponge? =) Also (strangely) we can override this by producing pregnenolone, which is almost as if human beings were designed to enjoy gear!
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  18. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    It was discovered not too long ago that endocannabinoids play a role during the "joggers high", probably as some kind of painkiller and/or gratification for the endurance (and boringness?) on an endless track. Before, we thought the body only produces lots of endorphins when running long distances (to suppress pain) and those would lead to the high.. My conclusion: all runners vary somewhere between pot-smoker and painkiller-pill-poppers. :p
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  19. josenacha

    josenacha Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    After all I read, I only know that after 30 years of smoking cannabis and maria, everything is bad, whether legal or not, the only ones that will win with legalizing these drugs are the governments. My wife this last week was 72 hours with oxygen mask and has been on the other side of life. Boys and girls tobacco is bad, cannabis and Maria more, eat a barbecue or some scrambled eggs from time to time as a whim and be happy, especially listening to music, this especially. Greetings to all:bow::bow:
  20. Luzifer

    Luzifer Newbie

    Jun 13, 2016
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    Use instead of abuse. How about that?
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