Pot is legalized in Canada!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by crecy, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    The Canadian legal system sucks, so the black market rules!
    I ordered 3 pounds of grade A bud online for $600 a pound during a 420 sale :woot:
    Got 300 grams of 95% D-9 distillate for $8 a gram during the same sale :woot:
    Sharing it with friends and using it as underground currency.
    As such, it's more stable than bitcoin.
    I bake the most dynamite muffins :rofl:
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  2. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    And equally after building schools, playgrounds, sidewalks etc through the tax profits from bud dispensaries in certain parts of the US, there is an abundance and the black market is thriving! lol.
    So yeah. Cali is cheap as chips in the UK now, on import!
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  3. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    i saw scott storch stash in ca on kollegha#s visit video , it was cash crop chem weed gelato and he said it was cali stuff
    so i wouldnt be so sure bout having true cali organics in the UK

    just BTW humbold s company is fundet by UK business man
  4. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yes, totally correct and I'm aware of that. Thank you. Horrible, non-flushed, Babylon greed-bud!
    I do have some good contacts but sometimes they were let down and let me down, so we'd just let it pass onwards on its journey!
    I don't like to fund greed, but more importantly I choose to support something on moral highness grounds prior even to highness highness grounds!
    And I want as natural a grow and personal high as is possible.
  5. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I got a medical prescription to grow up to 15 plants :woot:
    Am having hernia surgery June 7th, then using up sick time recuperating, then retiring :thumbsup:
    Already bought tents and lights, seeds and all else to grow my own.
    Between my new synths and guitar and my growing, I ought to have an active retirement :guru:
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  6. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    I really don't know how it is in Canada (like how expensive is legal weed ect...). But in Germany it's really horrible to get medical weed, I have a huge health issue and I know that weed helps much better than some chemical pills. I hope they legalize it here and make it at least a lot better for pepole who only want to take this stuff for medical reasons. But I think even if it gets legalized the laws would be even harder than in Canada, because it's germany lol
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Maybe so. Because a lot was learnt from observing Holland, but maybe only the negative was focused on? And plus the German are not the Dutch anyway, so it would be different in theory!
    See, I always find this perception which implies there is another reason to use bud or even any other response from taking it, very interesting.
    Firstly, I know there are two types of people.*
    Those that can enjoy the effects and stay lucid (well, y'know!), and those that get messed up and/or fall asleep!
    The second type would not consider using herb for medical reasons, I doubt.
    Of the first type, those in constant pain such as myself will know that the normal recreationally sought-after effects are irrelevant, and most of the time it just gives us a better standard of living to be able to live a day feeling normal and in touch with ourself!
    And of course, if used with a clear mind, the inner effects can be very rewarding and revealing.
    And it helps create different pathways for thinking which is of benefit to mental heath and neurological/brain health.

    So once we rule the trash-heads out of the equation, what reason is there for using it other than usage for medical/health, and inner benefit?

    * Sorry; three types.
    The unfortunate person that suffers from psychosis due to ingesting a psychoactive substance.
    Last I heard, one in ten have a propensity for psycotic episode, and strong bud will trigger it affectively!
    But don't be dissuaded! You may not be psycho.
    The herb anyway can also accentuate the feels you happen to be holding at the time.
    A wake up call for stress-heads! lol. :winker:
  8. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I belong to this group. I used to smoke pot every day, probably 7 times a day. It helped calm my hyperactive personality and I really enjoyed it. Then I went through some shit. Everything fell in on itself - relationship, work, education, started getting into harder drugs as well (opioids). One day, I smoked weed and it gave me an anxiety attack from hell. Pondering the meaning of life, recognizing the inevitability of death. When I smoked up after that, I would go into hours of agonizing fear and no way I was able to stay in the company of others. It felt like I wasn't part of my body, I would lose my sense of connection with reality and have these terrifying philosophical epiphanies. It felt similar to ego death with heavy psychedelics. So I stopped. I tried it a couple times in the year or two after and had the same experience, so I quit for good.

    Honestly don't miss it. It was nice but even on the best of days, it clouded my mind and I was less productive. I can completely understand why people with chronic pain would take it, so long as they don't get the anxiety I suddenly started getting. It was like hitting a brick wall - one day it provided relief, the next I couldn't do it anymore.
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
  9. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    I smoked weed back in the teenage-years much more (but still not that often, just like once in a month or something like that), I like most of the effects, but kinda I'm not that interested in getting high anymore, it's a little harder to get shit done while you're high, on the weekends it's still super cool and funny, but I don't really want it anymore when I'm working. But I have some huge problems with migraine, and weed helps better than the pills, and the side effects (like feeling high) ar not as big as the pills. When I take the pills, I can only lie in bed & doing nothing, with weed I can work (even if it's just a little). And I think it has more positive things, for my mind.

    But yeah, the risk that weed maybe triggers bad thoughs or psychosis is real, I know some guys who got paranoid or psychotic after taking weed really often, and I know many who smoked weed only once, because they got an anxiety attack. I'm a little scared that some day happens the same to me... Right now it's my favourite healing plant, but maybe it get's evil in the future xD

    Yeah that's my main problem with weed now, it's not as bad as the pills, but still kinda annoying. At least at times, when you want to be focused and productive
  10. Gascoigne

    Gascoigne Newbie

    Jun 8, 2021
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    Ehh, it would be very great if they would be able to sell marijuana to tourists :D. That is why Netherlands is still the best country in the world!! In there, every single person can buy weed, not only their own citizens. However, at the beginning they were also having the same rules, they only allowed their citizens to buy it, only after a couple of years the law was changed. Man, I have ordered one of the best water pipes from pipesarsenal.com, but I cannot buy weed from anywhere, that is freaking annoying.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
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