Plugins secretly emitting noise

Discussion in 'Software' started by digrev, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I like noise... :dunno:
  2. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i've check and for the fabfilter Simplon was the DC Offset, just add your plugin (mixtool) with dc offset enable to remove it :grooves:

    after the plugin or at the end of the chain
  3. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Dc offset can be deleted just with High-pass filter (low-cut).
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Ok i've run some test here is the results with Visualizer and Voxengo Span

    blank project
    audio track with no audio clip or signal going on just Waves MV2. After the plugin the peak is -138 db

    Those are some gater i tested and their new peak

    -Presonus's Stock gate -210 db
    -Fabfilter Pro G -238 db
    -Waves C1 Gate -inf
    -Sonnox Oxford Dynamics gate -134 db
    -Waves Rvox (depending on the threshold) -138/-259 db
    -Waves Rchannel (depending on the threshold)-197/-inf
    -OZone 5 Dynamics -138 db

    seems that only the Waves C1 is doing his job.
  5. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    Hoho, stop. Don't want to come over as someone calling stupid or whatever.

    If the original topic starter is just asking 'hey, I see this, what is it about' then I wanted to answer that. There is a good reason for it and it's not harmful at all (and like I said, you want it there).

    But since his tone 'came over' (if there is such a thing on a forum) as kinda 'attacking', and he had a link "also see where I show you that compressors...blabla' I had the idea that he come over as 'LOOK WHAT I FOUND, SHAME ON THEM' or something like that :).

    And some users here said 'well you can filter out DC with that plug and so', yeah.. that is for plugins who need it because they don't use tricks like that.
    Denormalization is also mentioned here.
    Really, plugins (and audio code) emitting 'noise' around the -180 dBFS mark is normal. There is a reason some do it. If that reason is not there, they don't (like the one gate which seemed to work in what the original poster said).

    So no, I don't mean to 'chew up' the original poster at all. Sorry if I came over that way. Just don't write posts that come over as a conspiracy theory while there is a good explanation for it. And start reading books or tutorials on audio DSP coding to find out what kind of problems can be there (like DC offset, denormalization, aliasing, etc...) and the tricks to combat them...
  6. digrev

    digrev Noisemaker

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Did you even read my first post? where i stated that some plugs overtly intentionally for whatever reason emit noise. Whether its to correct quantization or emulate analog equipment point being is that its there and in some cases its not stated that its there hence covertly. "Good" plugin writers should give us the choice of turning this off or on like some already do. I find it funny that noise which back in the days people struggles to do away with which before the digital age took over they had do deal with. Back in the days tape hiss and crosstalk were the unavoidable sideeffects of analog equipment, people didnt LIKE this they HATED it and tried there best to keep it minimal. It was something they had to tolerate but try to limit as best as possible now people purposefully adding noise. I understand where its usefull however did you think about this, for the inexperienced unaware who dont even know the noise is there need to know at least its present. Imagine this, someone adding 10-20 plugins that all emit noise covertly. Noise in a signal is cummalative aka the more things that produce noise the more it increases in decibels till the point when it starts to register on channels meters EVEN without an analyzer which has happened to me. THEN on top of that one bounces down track and uses dither which adds MORE noise (which in all technical geekdom is concerned you dont even need to add more noise at this point as the persistent noise stream is enough to correct the quatization of digital audio from one bitrate to another!!!) Just saying people should be aware of this and be able to enable it or disable if at ones discretion.
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