Plugin Alliance, always need to reactivate every time, is there a fix?

Discussion in 'Software' started by good!, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. Shaw

    Shaw Newbie

    Dec 23, 2021
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    Hey !
    I had a problem like that with legit PA :)

    The solution for me were simply to run my daw as administrator, it worked after that !
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  2. Alino2

    Alino2 Newbie

    Feb 10, 2023
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    Hello good!
    Do you have tested my solution ?
  3. good!

    good! Guest

    Which DAW are you running? I always install as admin and also run Ableton as admin..
  4. good!

    good! Guest

    I did all but: -authorize a usb 3 key on a highly priority usb3 port ? This part lost me because I dont use usb3 for plugins, its all on my local C drive.
  5. Alino2

    Alino2 Newbie

    Feb 10, 2023
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    What I mean is that you need to use both activation methods on the same machine: Computer AND USB Drive.

    After activating the computer, choose a USB port (rather USB3 but USB2 isn't so bad I think...) and connect a USB Key which will always be connected to this same port.

    Then repeat the activation process, this time on this USB key.

    In the end, you'll still have two licenses on your machine: the computer and the dongle. However, when you're working on a song, never plug or unplug a USB device, otherwise the activation may be cancelled. However, if this happens, there's no need to reactivate: just close everything and restart, and it should work!

    Let me know if it works for you!
  6. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    activate your plugins as Administrator
  7. Rock2112

    Rock2112 Member

    May 25, 2019
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    Done that. Doesn't fix this problem.
  8. Shaw

    Shaw Newbie

    Dec 23, 2021
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    It is on Studio One for me... sorry, hope you will find a solution !
  9. Rock2112

    Rock2112 Member

    May 25, 2019
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    I use Studio One (latest) on Win 10. I install as admin, authorize as admin, and run Studio One as admin. But the problem persists.
  10. pejatibia

    pejatibia Newbie

    Nov 20, 2023
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    I've encountered the same issue with Plugin Alliance. Regardless of the version, they tend to deactivate randomly. This has been a consistent problem for me across different versions and even after numerous changes to my PC setup. It's likely an issue due to a faulty crack, rather than deliberate measures implemented by the developers. Still looking for any kind of a workaround.
  11. good!

    good! Guest

    Just did the 'Everything search and deletions. Thats one great program BTW!)) There were multiple wrapper cores, old and new. I deleted all of them. Uninstalled all PA plugins (I really only use 4 or 5 anyway) and all PAlicense files found. but damnit I also deleted the wrapper core v3 I had on my storage drive for safe keeping.. downloading that now and back to the offline PC to go through the R2R installation process as instructed.

    RE: USB3 install a license twice.. I will try to understand your instructions and give that a try if this current reinstall/reactivation doesnt work ;)
  12. good!

    good! Guest

    It didnt work. Tried the total process 3 times. A couple of things I noticed during this. It creates a folder with license file in app data after first activation, so then there are 2 licenses, one on the desktop and another in that folder. On the last go round I tried deleting the license on the desktop, same deal.. reactivate using the license in app data works, then doesnt upon reloading. Also, weirdly sometimes when reactivating the device ID changes between 2 different ID's. I remembered the first one used, so if the 2nd one shows up it wont activate and says 14 day trial yada yada.. But if I quit activation, then click activate again, sometimes it gives the 1st ID, which works temporarily. It also freezes a popup window "OK" error, which if I close that, it then actually opens the plugin activated. Weird shit. If I delete the plugin from the track and reload it, go to reactivate, its a crap shoot between the 2 ID's.. close, open, close etc.. until the 1st ID shows and then reactivate and works for the session.

    TCD working perfectly fine. All but a couple of plugins (vertigo and another I forget) from the old VST2 PA bundle from R2R 2015 work without installing anything or mucking around with licenses, says prepatched and keygen, so maybe thats it.

    So in conclusion, deleteing everything PA off the PC, full cleanup, restart, V3 wrapper ... following the instructions exactly, the latest 2022/23 PA VST3 plugins from R2R do not activate properly. UGH!!!!!!! :trolls:
  13. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    It sounds also like there can be some leftovers in your registry you have a good "cleaner" app? Try hibit or some good uninstaller, that cleans your registry...

    do you have access to another PC? Check if stuff works on another pc? Or maybe you can try on a virtual maschine...
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
  14. good!

    good! Guest

    Deleting everything I found along the way, I used "everything" as per your suggestion, then manual search, then ccleaner both custom cleanup and registry. restarted, searched again and found nothing - before attempting to reinstall. Did all of the above 3 times to no success. Very frustrating. I do have another laptop but its older and to be honest im tired of wasting so much time on this. Only the TCD PA releases are rock solid stable.
  15. Jayster

    Jayster Producer

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Plugin Alliance uses *different* protection methods. TCD only releases the weakly protected PA stuff!! The hard protected PA stuff (like AMEK, etc.) uses an additionalARXAN/DIGITAL.AI protection layer and has only been released by R2R so far. Unfortunately R2R crack of ARXAN/DIGITAL.AI PA stuff is NOT 100%, as licence gets dropped after few days/weeks
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  16. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    I can confirm similar problem even with legit PA plugins, and regardless of online or offline file activation,
    seems like there's a permission problem or device ID (network interface Mac address?) problem,
    maybe try activation in different DAW or create a fresh new local user admin profile (in Windows/Mac) and try activating there
  17. good!

    good! Guest

    I get it, but still, all of the TCD I tried work without any issue whatsoever whereas the same plugs via R2R do not.

    I really onlly use a few of the plugs, shmc, tomo, maag4, noveltech.. im trying to find as good as or better NON-PA alternatives to these so I can be done with the constant reactivating daily headache loop :suicide:
  18. good!

    good! Guest

    I only use Ableton 11 DAW and im on Windows 10 PC.

    Thanks for the suggestions, but I suspect that would only - or could create more potential issues on an otherwise great running machine and DAW. PA is not worth the risks. Ive wasted so many hours on this, days really, I am ready to give up.
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  19. good!

    good! Guest

    in other news... who likes my avatar.. bonus points if you can guess where I got it? :mad:
  20. Sapriisty

    Sapriisty Producer

    Jul 12, 2022
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    Hello good!, I hope everything is going well for you, except your license problem which is jumping. I think know that your avatar comes from an old R2R bundle if I'm not mistaken, the one that contained all the Bx & Spl together.

    I have never had a problem with a license that skips since I switched to all r2red, I had this kind of problem when I used both legit and released with a usb key where my legit was and it m It happens that when opening certain sessions, the patched licenses jump randomly...It's one of the reasons why I crossed over to the other side

    Personally at the moment with the PA plugin I don't have any problem with the license jumping, but rather intense CPU peaks when the plugin window is open,
    yet I think I'm on the latest wrappercore 09-11-23?

    And it's quite disturbing that it didn't do it before I installed the latest patched BX clipper...

    Usually even with a large PA plug chain placed on several tracks see instrument group

    (example: amek 200, bettermaker eq232d, sa2rate, amek 250 or Knif soma, lisa, shadow hills class A)
    My CPU never exceeds the 30%
    i7, i7-4700MQ,2,40ghz, 16goram I know that my processor is quite light and that optimizing to 32GB RAM would be ideal, or simply change machines...
    And now a single channel even on a track causes me to have jumps between 60 and 80% when one or more windows of these plugins is open, this strangely makes it less the gui close. If anyone has had the same problem recently or has a solution that would be very appreciated, I am therefore hesitant to continue installing PAs with this kind of problem, The amek channel strip and the bettermaker bus compressor are sleeping in my hard drive until I solved this problem
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