Plugin Alliance 100% AAX DSP Bundle V1.0

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Ash, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Ash

    Ash Rock Star

    Oct 27, 2015
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    The 100% AAX DSP Bundle V1.0 features 41 world-class plugins from premier companies like Brainworx, elysia, Mäag Audio, SPL, Millennia, and Vertigo. In addition to supporting AAX DSP, this bundle also supports all other formats offered by each included plugin at no additional charge. There has never been a more comprehensive and completely awesome collection of AAX DSP plugins for your Pro Tools HDX rig. Download the demo today to hear for yourself! All 41 plugins are included in a single installer and will run as 14-day full function demos — no dongle required — so you can get all these great plugins running on your system with just a few mouse clicks.

    Included in the 100% AAX DSP Bundle V1.0 is the revolutionary new bx_console channel strip from Brainworx, which features Tolerance Modeling Technology ™ (TMT). The bx_console not only faithfully emulates the circuit of Brainwox founder Dirk Ulrich’s personal Neve VXS mixing console, but also captures the natural unit-to-unit variations found in the individual channel strips. These variations are based on the stated tolerance specs of the console designer and component manufacture. The result sets a new standard for analog realism inside the box.

    This bundle can be paid off in 12 easy payments with no interest charged! Just select the financing option in the installment page during the checkout process.

    If you already own some of the plugins in this bundle your personal price will be discounted to reflect the plugins you’ve already paid for! If you’re logged into your Plugin Alliance account the price displayed for this bundle will automatically be discounted. The discount is calculated by adding up the MSRPs of each plugin you already own and then applying the discount percentage for the entire bundle and crediting it against the full retail price for the bundle. Easy and fair! Please see our financing FAQ for additional details on how personal pricing and financing work together.

    Bundle Products
    • Brainworx : bx_bassdude, bx_bluechorus2, bx_console, bx_distorange, bx_greenscreamer, bx_hybrid V2, bx_limiter, bx_megadual, bx_megasingle, bx_opto, bx_opto Pedal, bx_refinement, bx_saturator V2, bx_shredspread, bx_stereomaker, bx_tuner, bx_XL V2 and bx_yellowdrive
    • elysia : alpha compressor, mpressor, museq, niveau filter and nvelope
    • Mäag Audio EQ2 and EQ4
    • Millennia TCL-2
    • Noveltech Character and Vocal Enhancer
    • ProAudioDSP DSM v2
    • SPL Transient Designer, De-Essers, De-Verb, EQ Rangers Vol. 1, Free Ranger, Mo-Verb, Passeq, TwinTube and Vitalizer MK2-T
    • Vertigo VSC-2 and VSM-3

    Price: $2,895
    List price of the included plugins: $6,327 so you save over 55%!

    More infos: Plugin Alliance