Please, Listen for Odd Frequencies and Stuff - New Setup in my Room

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by mercurysoto, Oct 3, 2018.

  1. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Hello Audiosexually-oriented people, Please, make a time to listen to a mix I'm working on. I've been using Samson Resolv 8 monitors for a little while, and now that I'm getting used to them, I've decided to finally play around with the room calibration settings in the back, and I'm not sure I'm hearing right or my ears are being fooled, or that I finally have to dig in that I suck at this. Please, listen for frequencies that could be masked or are poking annoyingly that I'm missing on.

    Don't hold back. I can take it, but please, understand the band is not in my control. If it's not your taste or the singer sucks for you, fine, but be critical on things I can control, or learn to control.

    I appreciate your feedback.

  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Firstly, SC reduces the quality to 128kbps which isn't that good to judge a mix (means there's an audible difference between 320 and 128kbps).

    Mixwise I'd roll off freqs above 6kHz in the snare to desharpen this range. I'd also reduce the ~500Hz range a bit.

    I'd also favour a more modern sound, but that's for sure a matter of taste.

    Nice stand tom.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2018
  4. Bill Vkerchi?

    Bill Vkerchi? Kapellmeister

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Cymbals suck big time. Some of the guitars could use a bit of top end, more low end on bass, stuff like that. I'm sure there's more that could be done from there. I guess if you're "new school" and think that you should only cut with EQ, that's about the best that it's gonna get for you EQ-wise.
  5. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Thank you for your time. I'll make a 24/48 wave file available on Google Drive if you are interested in more clinical listening. I appreciate your help.

    Can you please elaborate on the more modern sound concept? This is a friends' project (the reason why I'm free to post it.), and I've learned not to get in the way of the guitar players when it comes to sound design, but I'd love to inject that modern sound you are referring to. Where does it fail to sound modern in your view? Of course, this is a matter of taste and I know your answer will be your own view. Thanks.

    I'll look into it. That's the reason why I'm asking. I need to learn to react to the sound in my room. I suspect the balance is whacked because of my listening environment (if it's not my uncalibrated brain :)).

    Nope. I'm not EQ shy. I'm just flying blind until I get to grips with my new speaker configuration.

    Please, fellas, listen to it and help a guy decide that he needs to fix his room even more.:wink:
  6. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    More frequency separation (more emphasis on more important freqs and more attentuation on less) and more compression (soundwise) mainly, but not only on the drums.

    You could upload a standard wav (16/44,1) if you tried this.

    Golden mixing rule #3: never asked a guitarist when it comes to sound, really, never. Wait until he leaves the room. [​IMG]
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  7. There seems to me quite a thump from the kick, overly so and that jumps out at me. I am surprised nobody else mentioned it. Could you have enhanced the wide guitars a little with some more of their lower mid frequencies. The sound a bit anemic. My perception of the guitars might change if the kick was drawn down. Trust more in No Averger's tiger ears probably, I believe my best hearing days are behind me to make any serious judgements anymore. Too much turning up the amps at band rehearsal in smallish spaces must have done me in, that and hundreds of concerts plus a thousand live shows...come again, I don't think I heard you!:dunno:
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  8. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    ***more more more***

    let the animals out of the cages, slash their leashes with a broad sword. they will roam once again in the wild.

    let the guitars be a pride of lions fiercely killing their pray and eating it alive; the bass, a pack of ravenous hyenas stealing the kill.

    the drums are a rampaging heard of wildebeest and the kick drum an elephant stomping an antelope who dared to get too close.

    while a crazy effects disorient you, a thunderous reverb distorts your sence of time, the vocals leap from the dark void and claw at your neck.

    eq will set this music free and compression will keep it from ripping your throat out.
    i want this song to try and kill me. the only thing i want to be thinking is should i stay and play dead or run for my life.

    be dangerous. there is no 'frequencies' and 'levels', only sharp objects flying at great speeds towards your head. i want your new speakers to melt into an acidic liquid and short out your console.

    let it breath and let it bleed.

    ***life life life***

    ...but seriously. i agree with most of the technical points other members have stated here. it sounds like a 'live' type mix in a small room, a bit tame, timid.

    this is rock and roll. the technicalities will get you so far but you must have a clear vision of what you want. make your vision huge (reality will eventually limit it), you have nothing to lose. when it comes time to communicate the vision -- be bold, make people listen, speak loud and clear to your intended audience, force them to love or hate you (at least they will feel something). if you fail, fail spectacularly.

    each song is something unique and special, hopefully made for a specific purpose, find the raison d'etre. it makes things much harder and i guess that is why many do not even try. do you want a resounding piece of art that speaks through the ages or small piece of wallpaper to cover a crack in the wall of someones prison cell ?

    please do not take this as criticism, we all suck at this. i constantly have to say the same things to myself, we all sometimes gravitate to safety, but we are artists, not doctors, lawyers or bankers. i like the mix, it is perfectly fine but with the elements you have been given, i see more, i hope you see more too.
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  9. Art, this...good.
  10. wamto

    wamto Member

    Apr 21, 2017
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    the kick are sitting in low and sub low comfortable while the bass struggle to peak round 80 to 100hz , reverse that , let the kick energy be at the 100hz ,standard way, overheads need some control over the top end, the vocals need to be bigger for sure, the rest is fine tuning...
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