Perfect Folder Structure for organizing Sounds

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by paulsen, May 19, 2022.

  1. paulsen

    paulsen Newbie

    Apr 21, 2021
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    Hey y'all, I'm looking for the perfect folder structure to organize all the sounds I create/record.

    Do you use more specific or broad categories (e.g. "bright snares" or simply "snares")?
    Do you maybe additionally use genre tags or other descriptive categories?
    Do you use an organizing tool?
    How do you name your sounds?

    Thx in advance!
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hi @paulsen, I always create a folder first, then a subfolder and sometimes another subfolder. I mark WAV files as WAV and the size of the folder. with MB or GB. Then I name them so that they are clearly recognizable as my created Wav data, usually I make a name abbreviation of 2 letters behind it. I also have fantasy names like Blue 1; Blue 2 and so on.

    F:\ My Samples - 70 GB - WAV

    - Alesis - Drum - SR-16 - WAV - 20 MB
    - Samples - Vocals & Voices - WAV - 1,2 GB

    Kick Drum

    001 Dark Kick
    002 My Kick 1
    003 My Kick 2

    Snare Drum

    001 Brush Hit
    002 My Snare 1
    003 My Snare 2

  4. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    For instruments, I try to stick to folders named "family - type - product name - company - license", the last three only where applicable/needed.

    For example:

    Perc - Xylophone - Splash Sound
    Brass - Trumpet - Solo - Norrland
    Brass - Trombone - Carpenter
    Drum - Ethnic - Djemko - War Ensemble
    Keys - Hammersmith - Soniccouture
    Keys - Rhodes - EMP - Sonokinetic
    Keys - Toy Piano - The Janstorp - lofiaudio
    Misc - Shaker - Rain Stick
    Organ - Eiersheimer
    String - Bass - H#fner
    String - Cello - Legato Solo Pacific
    Vocal - Choir - Extended Classical
    Vocal - Choir - SSO
    Vocal - Solo - Clara
    Wind - Ethnic - Xiao
    Wind - Flute - Grbavac - CC


    For one-shots I have a bunch of folders to broadly categorize things.

    # others
    alarm, signal, siren, alien, laser, bleep, blop
    ambience, environmental, foley, drone
    tom, bongo, conga
    click, clap, snap, stomp, clave, wood, stick
    cowbell, cymbal, crash
    hit, impact, boom
    metal, engine, industrial, mechanic
    riser, sweep, whoosh, downer, braam
    tambourine, shaker, snare tail

    I keep a separate folder for samples with round-robins / velocity layers and one for loops.

    When I get a new sample pack (which is rare), I listen to all the sounds and keep only the samples I want.


    E: For one shots, I remove "silence" at the beginning and end of files using Signet. -80dB is the threshold for "silence" in this example.

    signet *.wav remove-silence --threshold -80

    I convert all samples to FLAC using fd and ffmpeg

    fd -eaif -ewav -j6 -x ffmpeg -y -loglevel quiet -i "{}" -map 0:a:0 -bitexact -c:a flac -compression_level 12 "{.}".flac

    Note: this will also convert 32bit float WAVs to 24bit(?) fixed FLAC, so the process might be lossy some of the time for these files.
    Last edited: May 19, 2022
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