Peavey Revalver 4 Released

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Guitarmaniac64, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Peavey ReValver 4 is released


    For 99:99$ called Producer Pack you get everything that was in last version they also have copy Amplitube and have some kind of Amp shop where you can buy new modules

    I read on that they have improved the sound on every module i havent tested it yet just open the damn thing and looked how it differ from last version.
    There i also read that if you buy everything now it will cost 125$ not 99:99$ it is very strange info on Peaveys site i simply dont understand what you get for those 99:99 and what you miss out..

    So whats new?
    Well imroved sound quality in existing modules (cant confirm that yet)
    Of course a new looking GUI but it is very similar to last version (well you could skin MKV maybe you can do the same in this version)

    +New RIR2 feature takes cabinet modeling to a whole new level of accuracy and realism by giving the user independent control of speaker configuration, microphone, and mic placement, allowing for almost endless tone shaping options. Also, the electrical features or the cabinet that alter the response of the amp have been captured, allowing for even greater realism and dynamics.

    +New World Wide Verb, "Again" Delay, Käften Noise Gate, Square Phase, Digital/Analog Flanger Modules.

    +New Input Output modules including Act (audio cloning technology) modules that allow the user to mold and shape the guitar sound at both the input (before amp modeling) and output (after modeling). At the input, ACT turns ReValver into an instrument modeler by altering the incoming guitar signal to mimic the sound and characteristics of other instruments, such as acoustics, folk instruments, and even other electric guitar and pickup combinations. At the output, ACT allows the user to load presets that sculpt the signal to fit in a recording mix or mimic the sonic characteristics of famous guitar rigs.

    +Noise gate,Tuner,Compressor,Parametric EQ,Multiple Chains Blending,Panning,VU Meter with Input Normalisation

    Demo can be dl from developer site it has a bip that make you crazy after 10 min using..

    You also reg the damn thing with a USB stick it can be ANY usb stick you have at home so you can move the license to the computer you use at that moment.
    I read this also on GuitarAmpModelling "you can register it with any usb device, a mouse even, ive got mines register to usb fast track pro, wont be loosing that in in a hurry because i plug my guitar into that to play :D"
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Sweet! Last version was a great amp sim and this one looks even better. Wait you actually have to reg this with a USB stick? That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I agree and it also have to be in the machine all the time when you use it
    So it is very iLok dongle like
    And if you have a laptop you kind of screwed as it doesnt have many USB ports the positive thing is you only have to carry the USB stick with you as you can install Revalver and use it on ANY computer if i got it right?So no number of machines you can reg it on like many other plugins.
    If you LOOSE your USB stick and have to finish your project soon because you have a deadline or something similar then you have to contact Peavey and that can take days before the problem is solved and you most likely choose to use another Ampsim..
  5. transporter1333

    transporter1333 Member

    Oct 27, 2013
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    I was waiting for this release since the announcement at NAMM 2014.
    Its a good news to the competition with Guitar Rig and AmpliTube.
    But this USB crap realy sucks...
  6. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Even more, cause the actual license is on the HDD, the usb is only checked for UIDD as an additional check. *no*
    Can't get the point of this protection. :dunno:
    If someone want some tech info on its CP, it looks doable, hard anyway.
    Managed to make it show the modules as licensed and strip demo beep on Mac version. The big deal here is the preset save/load/recall.
    Preset are crypted on save with a customer's unique key that is then used to decrypt on load.
    I managed to enable saving, but the saved presets are just empty files. Let's see if and how R2R will get around this. :wink:
  7. DjTorke

    DjTorke Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    kind of crazy that shit of have tu register in ANY USB device :/ but, for what i hear in the video it looks like this will be "the real deal" in amp sims, just hearing that RIR2, and that ACT technology :wow: :wow: :headbang: , make Ik multimedia amplitube and NI Guitar rig a, even little than they are, toy box to fool around for a few minutes :rofl: ... but like always, the amplitube shit and guitar rig shit will be more downloaded and used because they have so many lovers, so people get used to it :dunno: ... but in my personal opion, IFUCKINGNEEDTHISFUCKINGSHIT! xD cannot wait to use it :guitarhero: ... this one its an "u should buy it", because it worth it....
  8. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    compared to iLok and such this is sweet (any usb device you want), but yeah: on a deadline and technical-disaster strikes it's nasty, and (as with me) limited USB ports on a laptop isn't that great.

    RIR2 is quite nice _with the Revalver4 amps_. Revalver with custom impulses doesn't sound that much improved over the previous version to be honest.

    ACT (both input and output) is nothing besides EQ matching. Which is nice to have, don't get me wrong, but it's nothing groundbreaking or special.
    Rv4 amps + RIR2 sound / feel really nice though. But if you're preferred mic-position + cab isn't in it (and you go back to custom impulses) it's just another (very good) amp sim.

    the whole idea to start free and buy what you really want still appears to me. A lot of high gain users only go for the 6505(+) and the flathill + ts808 pedal, add the cab you want and you're done, for like.. $30 or less.
    It even competes with X50v2 for the price at that point (808 + one good amp + some good cabs).

    Revalver 3.5 was like, $250 or something when it was launched (let's ignore shop-deals and stuff). This is $99 and it gets you the same + new Revalver 4 features and shit. Good deal.
    And it's just high-profile enough that we might see a R2r release or something of it :P.
  9. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Yes the demo is amazing but I think that Guitar Rig, Amplitube, TH2 etc. are quite usable too! :bleh:
  10. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Played around with the demo for awhile and in my opinion it did sound much better than v3.5 and much better than Amplitube & Guitar Rig well better than all other Ampsim i have tried so far (which is almost everyone)
  11. CoffinSupply

    CoffinSupply Newbie

    Nov 14, 2013
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    me want this.. old version was bad UI
  12. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    I've owned a couple of high gain peavey tube amps and I will say that revalver has the best 5150 tone. Any news on whether this has the Rock master included? It wasn't in v3.5.....
  13. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Very good dynamic, but kind of over-compressed high mids on any amp. This is the only point i never liked...and made me switch to TSE X50 V1 (freeware).

    Once upon a time, i tested ALL commercial and freeware amp sims (even obscure ones) on the same DI tracks, in the mix. Took me two days.
    And i made my choice, deleted all the rest.

    Until you need bells and whistles, freeware and cheap solutions are enough.

    My choice :
    Ryan impulse catharsis-awesometime-fredman 1on-preshigh (you don't really need any other IR + EQ)
    TSE X50 (V1, for now)
    LePou LE456, Legion, Lecto
    TSE 808
    TSE R47
    Ignite Amps Emissary (killer amp !!!)
    Ignite Amps NadIR,TSB-1,TPA-1,
    Nebula Ownhammer cabs (cheap and amazing, you feel the real thing :wow: )

    To name a few :wink:

    Peavey use a twisted protection on Revalver, that's why previous version was not working for a long time. Don't expect it soon :wink:
    Same applies to POD Farm : never done right.
  14. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    i Like the Clone feature in this
  15. dipje

    dipje Ultrasonic

    Jan 15, 2014
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    @Pipotron: Did you right click on an amp and check out the different 'speaker impedance reaction' or whatever it is called. Default it is set to the 'mathematically correct' way, but others may sound more alive or mix better.
  16. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    I'm no guitarist nor bassist as I'm mostly in electronic, but this thing sounds pretty damn good to me for an ampsim :wow:
    I fear the damn preset encryption will make even R2R trouble a lot. I gave up on that for now.
    Every other limit can be stripped without too much efforts anyway.
    IMHO it's really worth the 99$ if you're into ampsims. :wink:
  17. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Yes you don't have to be a Guitarist to use this you can though this on a Sampled Guitar or Bass Nice
  18. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Looks great. I moved away from them to TH1/2 when I had issues with popping in Logic and there was no fix.
    Hopefully it's a thing of the past but I'm too used to TH2 now.

    Biggest mistake I made was selling my Kemper... loved that thing!
  19. cs2014

    cs2014 Noisemaker

    Jun 22, 2014
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    Actually no need to buy Amplitube 4 (for the future :D) or Revalver 4, free ones are as good as paid ones :)) I wonder Revalver 4 all the same :))
  20. cs2014

    cs2014 Noisemaker

    Jun 22, 2014
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    Yeah and all sampled or modelled guitars should be recorded as dry. Because there are also many free(nice and as good as paid ones) plug-ins amps.
  21. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I think that the main limitation of an amp sim is that it can't capture the interaction between the pickup - strings and the cone, unless you pump up the volume of the monitor waiting for an angry visit of your neighbor! That is the reason for using an amp sim :snuffy:
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