Paying for w4r3z is wrong and stupid

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by The Pirate, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. indianwebking

    indianwebking Platinum Record

    Jun 3, 2018
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    i am not laughing at you bro. I'm laughing at waves. :(
  2. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    We are gonna have to have internet protocol courses in high school for these Moe-Moe's lmao lmao
    It was a GOOD couple years before i even trusted sister..

    Man im in the wrong hustle... Need to get on that net game.
  3. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    Im DEFINITELY laughing at you..
  4. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    Dial up download speeds???

    lol take that Monthly membership for the gank site, apply it to RapidGator..A-B-C its easy as 1-3-5-
  5. tapekiller

    tapekiller Kapellmeister

    Oct 5, 2015
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    If you stop using something after buying it for whatever reason, then you've made a mistake buying the product in the first place, and that's on you. You can't blame others for your own faults, and you definitely shouldn't make up excuses for reckless purchases.
    Are you trying to justify piracy just because someone can regret a purchase? Wow, next time I'll just break in a shop and steal something just because I'm afraid of not liking it anymore in the future. Lmao.
    Products often offer demos, but maybe it's hard to notice if your head is so much in warez websites that you don't even visit devs' homepages.
    The stated "allegations" are just direct implications of your statements, and quite obvious ones. I don't think I'm the one having a hard time with reading comprehension. And if you're naive enough to fall for fake reviews that's on you. And I rest my case, it's more likely to find proper feedback on dedicated forums about software someone paid for and committed with, rather than some rando warez collector that tried few presets and couldn't find what he was looking for.
    If not the dev, who would even care, beside few members that try to fix the issue by themselves for the relatively small community? Beside not doing any good in the long run, it's still not a good argument. And again, you're excluding from the equation places where discussions about a topic is encouraged, and actually asked for. Is it more likely to see something here in this forum or on a warez site comment section? There are plenty of informations on KVR, hell, the Avenger thread has more than 650 pages where Manuel keeps responding to his company's customers (which, of course, have the latest version of the program, and don't report bugs that have already been fixed). How many devs are reading threads here, compared to kvr? Probably they don't even bother, knowing how open this forum is to warez and the likeliness of dealing with people who haven't even purchased their product.

    NONE of the professionals I have met along the way and confronted myself on the subject with have ever mentioned a contract restriction about pirated copies... simply because warez are unauthorized use of someone else's product of intellectual property, and contracts don't need to tell you to not infringe the law because that's implicit. But what you don't seem to understand is that people can (and DO) buy softwares because they like the product and they enjoy using it and, most of all, they want to make sure these devs can afford to keep working on them because if everyone pirated it there would be no support and eventually there would be layoffs and bankruptcy of the company. Thankfully there are people who understand this.
    Just because you have access to something it doesn't mean it's morally acceptable to just take it, the rest is just a bunch of bullshit made up to justify using cracked software and feel better about not buying something, as if the only reason professionals buy software is law restrictions. That's borderline pathetic.

    What's even more sad is that there is a constant effort to try and justify using cracked software, hiding behind allegedly "unfair" devs and bad business practices, so it makes you feel in the right when you download something illegally.
    You really "need" a small fraction of what you actually download, and drowning in folders of stuff you don't need doesn't make you a better musician. All the effort put in the mental gymnastics done to justify using cracked software should be put into getting better at making music, and create opportunities to work and gain money to invest in equipment (be if hardware, or software).

    There is a lot to be said about piracy, there are few pros of making a software accessible to someone temporarily until they can afford a proper version, and I've been there myself. But at least I had the intellectual honesty of admitting that what I was doing was not right, and luckily the companies are still alive and I could eventally become their legit customer to help the company sustain their activity. If anything, pirates should thank whoever buys the software, because without them there wouldn't be anything to pirate in the first place, so don't even try to legitimize piracy because it's fundamentally impossible and incredibly hilarious to witness.
  6. Gwydion

    Gwydion Kapellmeister

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Threadstarter: What t*f* did drive you to start this thread ? Do you think we`re all bozos ?
  7. littlewierdo

    littlewierdo Kapellmeister

    Jan 7, 2019
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    I think the confusion here lies in that people dont understand what AudioZ does. AudioZ is a hub, an aggregator of sorts. It allows users to socially interact and post links in a central location so that others can easily find those links. Think of it like an airport. You go to the airport, it is a hub, a central location where all sorts of businesses gather to allow the consumer to go elsewhere. All the businesses that operate inside the airport terminal, all the different airlines that fly in and out of the airport, they are not affiliated with the airport itself, other than paying some sort of rental fee for the space. Just as I pay Southwest to take a flight, so too must one pay the external services that are used on AudioZ.

    AudioZ is a hub, its an aggregator, its a social network. It should be a place where musicians can collaborate and get honest feedback on their work, from another musicians point of view. When I post my work on Facebook, the usual feedback I get is not usually all that helpful because most of the commentary is coming from people who do not understand music or sound engineering.

    Lets make one thing clear, AudioZ is not just about checking out audio related stuff for free. I have used it to connect and collaborate with intelligent people who know their craft better than even I do, and I will be completely honest here, the most intelligent ones usually rarely ever post publicly on the forums here. The collaboration happens behind the scenes.

    My interest is and always has been improving myself, and helping others to improve. Music is a universal language, it has the power to change the world, and no one needs to learn a second language to feel what the musician is trying to portray. Sometimes, music is misinterpreted. In most cases, that is fine by me. I love hearing how a piece I wrote affected them personally. I love hearing how people take something I created and make it personal to them. However, I dont ever write music for the purpose of being divisive, I write music to bring unity, to bring us together.

    The world is a cold, unfeeling place. Many of us dont even know who our neighbors are, let alone the people we are chatting with online. This is a community, or at least, it should be, of like-minds.

    I am not speaking to the merits of warez, because, in my view, that aspect should be ancillary to what this community really should be, and I feel like too much focus is put on that aspect of this community, and not enough focus on positive and constructive criticism with the goal of making people better musicians.

    When you post, "that sounds like shit", and "you call this music?", as happened recently with me here with another piece I posted just a three days ago, that is both not constructive, it does nothing to help me improve, and worst of all, it shows intolerance, and it should be called out for the bull shit that it is. This community is not and should not be about intolerance. DJs, electronic music producers, and yes, even the dudes who take samples and splice them up into a collage, that is all fine in my book. It isnt my taste in music, but I certainly would not shit all over their work just because I do not care for their genres of music.

    Anyone who is willing to create something and risk putting it out for others to judge it, gets mad props from me.

    The thing I have learned about musicians in the short time Ive been putting myself out there is, for some reason, they are the most jaded fucks on the planet. They also tend to be arrogant, rude, and lack any tact whatsoever, despite the fact that they should be all too aware that music contains a piece of the person who created it. It is an expression of that person. When we attack someone's work, we are attacking that persons character. It is a direct, one to one. This is why, critiquing requires tact. Positive re-enforcement, negative critique, end with positive re-enforcement. That is the pattern that should be followed.

    It also never ceases to amaze me how musicians seem not to know how to critique. Be specific. That sounds cool is not really helpful. I like how you wrote the trumpet melody and how it goes back and forth between the trumpet and the horns, that is specific. It sounds like there is a wrong note at x. The dynamics are all off, at point x, it should be getting louder, not softer. It needs some equing in the 7k-10k hertz range. These are good critiques.

    Too many people here are trolls, simply put. Too many here sit idly by and watch someone be an asshole without speaking up. As a red-blooded American, yep, Im going to make this political for a moment, I believe in free speech. You are free to say what you want, however, as with every Right, free speech comes with inherent responsibilities.

    Whil Wheaton, while he is mostly a nutjob, coined the phrase, "don't be a dick." In 5 words, he coined how to behave online. It would behoove some of us to follow this advice. We are all human beings, we are all God's creatures, remember that person you are speaking to on the other end has feelings too, and the work you are critiquing, they are going to be doubly-sensitive to those critiques because, as most art is, its an expression of the artist who created the art you are consuming.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
  8. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Im pretty sure the idea of 'dont be a dick' was around before Wil was even auditioning for Stand By Me heh.
  9. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    you questions implys you an bozo it then you kno why he started the thread :deep_facepalm:

    like you:hillbilly:

    first of all az is not asex...
    second youre homework...dont be naive
    and yes we can pm and connect with other ppl there yes...but bla3000
    ---------thread is bout not better knowing dudes paying for warez...which is a no go ... bla3000

    i would love to get attacked bout my stuff much pusteblume here often..
    :deep_facepalm:boy get a skin ...well maybe them was all assholes , that doesnt mean that you have to prejudice all in the the world and you are so offtopic btw...
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
  10. littlewierdo

    littlewierdo Kapellmeister

    Jan 7, 2019
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    Perhaps I went off topic, but the way I read this was, this is not a place to look for technical support for the random shit you download off the web. For me, it also isnt the primary place I go for testing products, if you know what I mean. Sure, on occasion I find something here that is nowhere else to be found, but not often. I come here to talk all things music, try to get honest feedback on my work, try to help others who are just starting.
  11. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    A question such as yours deserves a reply like this: Don't you know how to read? I already explained that on my opening post. But assuming that I had not explained it, who the F are you to be asking me for explanations as to my thought process? After 4 pages of posts including several by you, your question is absurd. You must love this thread because you keep on coming back here.
  12. DrumHead

    DrumHead Producer

    Dec 2, 2018
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  13. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @Gyro Gearloose I wished I had read your reply before I answered his dumb question.:like:
  15. DrumHead

    DrumHead Producer

    Dec 2, 2018
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    Thankx for the links., That's a pretty narsty course of action on behalf of Waves.
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  16. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    it seems it belongs to the z...... club
    no wonder
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2019
  17. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    i think it wasnt difficult..just checking legit names and such...other case and situation but i saw 2 devs determine a pirate on az heh heh...hydro and another one..or it was both times eh..
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  18. littlewierdo

    littlewierdo Kapellmeister

    Jan 7, 2019
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    Not a fan of the banpiracy movement, however, this happened exactly how it was supposed to happen. If you are running a studio or making money off the products you are using, you should purchase said products, or be sued. If you are running the software on your local machine and never using it to make money, and you are not distributing it, Im not sure I would have a problem with that as the creator of a software based product. Having said that, I also would provide a feature complete version available for private use that could be purchased for a fraction of the cost, provided the user does not distribute it or use it to make money. I dont know how that policy could be enforced, but Cuckoos seems to be doing fine and they charge 10% the price of Cubase Pro with the same or more functionality, and a much friendlier upgrade policy, and they have no major copy protections that I am aware of. Hell, I dont think they even require a serial number.
  19. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Very true. I have been frequenting AZ for years and have always used the free links. It's slower, and you're limited to a few downloads a day, per host site, but I'm not trying to steal the entire content of the interwebs, I just grab what I think I may be able to use and and can't afford...which is a lot of stuff.
    Basically, you can truly get stuff for free (with a little patience.) :)
    As per the topic in general (long overdue; nice post, The Pirate,) I don't understand how some of the other sites (who I will not mention the names of, though there are many,) still sucker people in with the Monthly-Download-Membership crap. Hell, AudioZ pops up in a search half the time when I am searching where to legitimately purchase packs/plugins/etc.; it's not like it's a secreted site. :rofl:

    Not necessarily. I have had such rotten service with certain companies, giving me piles of garbage about how the problem lies with me for using Win7, or that I need to buy more/newer stuff for product x to work correctly, and other, blatant falsehoods, that they can take a long walk off a short cliff. I have to wonder how many people have bought more of their crap due to those lies. Likewise, some companies that produce packs have treated my questions and comments, all politely phrased, with such rude and dismissive responses that I happily pyrate their shit with no qualms in doing so. :bleh:
    I support people who seem to legitimately give a shit about their customer base whenever I can afford to, but only companies that seem to put music first. Some of the stuff that I pyrate from AZ (if it can be called that,) that I have bought 1) because it is often times easier, or in the case of R2R's releases, works smoother, or 2) because I try and support people who make a few cents off of each download their post receives.
    I throw the small amount of money I have at people who I feel deserve it, simple as that. :cool:
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  20. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I think this thread is not for you know-it-alls, but for those who know very little.
    So, leave me alone!