Oxe Music Software has updated Oxe FM Synth to v1.2.0

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Oxe FM Synth is a freeware VST instrument plugin for Windows.

    After 11 years, a new version is out...


    - Multitimbral (16 MIDI channels)
    - 8 operators (6 oscillators, 1 noise generator/limiter, 1 filter), all with envelope
    - 1 LFO per channel
    - Frequency modulation half-matrix with self-modulation
    - Global reverb and delay
    - Great general performance in low resources systems
    - A lot of good quality patches included (thanks to Annabelle, Summa and Teksonic)

    New in v1.2.0:

    – Fixed aleatory pops on envelop decay
    – Fixed sustain pedal not working
    – Fixed synth stuck after some time
    – Fixed out of tune problem when sample rate other than 44100Hz
    – Fixed incorrect save state
    – fixed program name editing
    – fixed vst host integration bugs
    – Better knobs behaviour
    – MIDI bank select using LSB as index
    – Embedded soundbanks
    – No registry use
    – No installer

    OXE now features external skin support:


    OXE is available for FREE


    More INFO: Oxe Music Software
  3. This was one of the 1st synths I used when I first began playing with sound on my computer three or four years ago. It seemed a little buggy but I thought that it sounded nice. This newest incarnation should address those issue. Thanks dingus for bringing it to my attention.
  4. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    wow, I completely forgot about it ...Thanks!