Output arcade flare cracked version

Discussion in 'Software' started by Thomba, Oct 15, 2023.

  1. Thomba

    Thomba Newbie

    Dec 24, 2022
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    Is anybody using the flare cracked version?

    I have two questions:
    The implementation with the utility tool seems to be working alright. It creates a folder in the bespoke content library area. What I am wondering - am I now supposed to copy, paste this content into the appropriate content library folders like Kits, Samples etc.?

    And - how do you go about using the software itself in terms of finding the actual libraries and searching within? I.e. within the sample kits tab the presets seam to appear, but I have to scroll almost without no end to moving from one library to another. There is no way, I will ever reach for example presets belonging to a lbrary that is being listed on the buttom of the list?

    thanks for your help
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