Out of Meds, Wish me luck!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stryves, Mar 25, 2020.

  1. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Day something...

    Meds coming on Wednesday maybe.

    Had to hide my 61 key midi keyboard. Can't handle more than 2 octaves. My Novation pads on my 25 MK3 are blinding and trying to cause a seizure. I really like this thing just wish it came with a dimmer switch. Feels like UFO's are invading, studio all green when daylight is gone.
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  2. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    but the LEDs make the studio stand out from the crowd! havent you seen peoples studio pictures?
  3. I don't want to make this about me. I came here to support Stryves but maybe he'll agree with my answer. My Doctor was always pushing me to take less and less meds. I'd read about people who say you get your life back and everywhere you look is Rainbows and unicorns. I tried it and after a few months my girlfriend told me to get back on my pills. I was impossible to live with. For the past four years my psychiatrist is happy with keeping me stable and productive, so he writes my scripts, no questions. I've told my doctor I'm off them and he thinks he's performed a miracle. (He's a Mormon if that explains anything) So, the point is, sure it would be great if I felt good off meds, but I don't. I've had three nervous breakdowns, a head on car crash that damaged my frontal lobe and other stuff I've gone through that will never be erased from my mind. So cutting back isn't one of my life goals unlike owning a vintage Neve Console. Gotta get my priorities right.
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  4. SonicBoomer

    SonicBoomer Producer

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Good luck to you and your son.
    Hope your re-supply comes soon.
    Keep your all-time favorite tunes at the ready.
    Nothing like a timeless favorite to keep ya' grounded
    when the waves get a little choppy.
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  5. spyfx▲

    spyfx▲ Guest

    Hello my friend @Stryves :bow:
    Friendly greetings to You,Your Family & the beautiful Canada :bow:
    I hope you get the meds soon :) :wink:
    Good luck & take good care of yourself! :bow:
    Sending You lots of positive vibes & best wishes to everything you do :yes:
    Last but not least i don't know what kind of music you listen to ( so please forgive me if you don't like these),but this is for You man :

    With lots of respect to You & Your Family,have a very Beautiful Day my friend :bow:
    spyfx !
  6. OraMorph

    OraMorph Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2020
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    each to his own, if you have tried a good few kinds and none fit for you, thats jus the way it is
    (just because there is such a wide palette of cannabinoids varying in diffrent strains you might have not found the right "flavor" yet, i dno buddy)
  7. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Hey ive similar problems..

    I got g.a.d generalised anxiety disorde/social phobia, Ive been medicated for 20 years with diazepam/clonazepam and more recently xanex..

    But when i moved areas a few years ago, my meds got stopped, i went into full onn benzo withdrawl, and coz i was still an alcoholic at the time , but couldnt actually drink alcohol without vomiting, i went into alcohol withdrawl too

    i nearly died, it took 6 months until i could walk on my own without bein propped up by my missus..
    And now, i cant get my fukn meds back either and am drinking again to cope with the anxiety and get my foot out the door...

    Believe me, i know exactly how your feeling

    Btw , "do not go down the spice reute"

    im a full on smoker of the strongest skunk i can find, i probably go thru an eigth per 2-3 dayz maxx..

    I tried spice, this fukn pure stuff i got thats not been sprayed on plant materiel yet, Its fukin evil, so strong you would not believe ....

    heh, anybody want 10gramms o pure raw spice 99.999% , nahhhh im kiddin im kiddin!
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  8. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Yo, "Old friend, how are you, i hope i apologized for my drugged up drunken paranoid behaviour too, coz i forget"

    How the hell are you bro...

    Its been way way too long..

    hit me up!!
  9. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Your very very very wrong

    I shant go into just how wrong you are, but trust me, valerian aint gonna do a damn thing, perhaps to the T total individual it does...

    Ive swallowed 2 whole small jarz with over 1000 tabz of valerian when i was in prison , hoping it would have some calming effect..

    Was it calming, "not in the least"

    Did i feel anything, "Naaaaaah course not dont be silly"

    whats a cup of camimille tea gonna do for him, XX Wrong answer , its not gonna do anything to help either myself with my issues, or sryves problems...

    If youve pchycosis problems, do you really think a cup of herbal tea will help coz i assure you it wont

    Just for a laugh im gona say that to some mates o mine to gauge thyre reactions, they wont believe im serious, even if they do think im serious i gaurantee thell laugh at me hard

    The medical condition you have creates the need for meds, without meds itd be dangerous, the meds themselves are the answer to stabilize whatever illness, not the root cause
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
  10. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Agreed completely.
  11. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Sorry, thats just so wrong on every level, i had to say it again
  12. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    After reading some of the issues you have, Im Truly Dumbfounded at the level of Blind, uneducated fukn ignorance these hippy dippy,drink some tea,take some ginger root extract, Types of people seem to have.

    I mean, Its wrong to suggest a skateboard is in fact a 12ml spanner.
    But its very wrong to suggest serious meds for serious reasons can be traded for some damn valerian, or a freeekn cup o bloody Tea!!!

    Bloody valerian!, next were gona get told to eat fukn dandylions or chew on daffodils to get better...
    Ive some problems not that far off from you, although very different, still serious ..
    Il maybe go into more detail another time..
    Il flip out Hard if i tell you here n get a suggestion to shove a sunflower up my arse instead of takin fukn benzoz n Mood stabilizers
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2020
  13. Stryves

    Stryves Platinum Record

    Feb 22, 2020
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    Honestly, it's best to let it blow by. I get so many comments like it that I can't go into detail every time someone decides that they know more than the people who do it for a living.

    Not to say they can't be wrong either, but I've found my happy medium among professionals where I have a trust of those that say that you can use such and such as a booster, but ... even they don't know for sure what meds work and don't per individual, but they do know me. They have on paper what I've tried, what has failed. There are honest people out there and I've learnt that when the walls are caving in, don't listen to the voices.

    Sometimes they're voices of strangers in the wind. Sure they are real, but they're not dealing with what someone else is.

    1 more day. Just got to hold things together.
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  14. OraMorph

    OraMorph Ultrasonic

    Mar 15, 2020
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    yea a sunflower will do nowt, but the benzos up the arse will still work :like:
  15. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    its never over. even if you get completely off the meds you will never be the same again. it is about learning to live without them, because they only make the situation worse over the years. i know its MUCH easier said than done though, and for some people unfortunately it might as well be impossible.
    its definitely wrong what people are saying about getting off the meds and everything is great. i think maybe those people probably didnt need the meds to start with.
    my wife has had to accept that voices are going to talk to her all day every day. she lives with it every day and will do for the rest of her life. some days are easier than others, but she definitely has more energy now and is able to live life much better. its a weigh up really, and every persons case is unique, and only they can do whats right for them.
  16. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    best advice ever
  17. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    its great to have good doctors you can work with who know you well. (sorry american brothers and sisters whos doctors are 99.9% corrupt :suicide: )
    its important to know all the information/stories/etc yourself too though. its always worth doing extensive research into anything you are using and anything you are experiencing. nobody can help you as well as yourself.
  18. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Hah, Childrens diazepam, 2mls, Yup, Theyd fukn doo the trick too tbh, I aint jokin either!
  19. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    i didnt even know they made childrens diazepam :suicide:
  20. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Yeah Yeah , they do..
    Only in 2mg rectal capsules mind you.
    I know this, coz i once stole some from hospital, Dont worry i didnt leave kids without any coz there was about 100 boxes, i just halfinched 10.
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