OSX Audiofile ... Loop Editor?

Discussion in 'Software' started by HPF, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. HPF

    HPF Kapellmeister

    Jun 23, 2012
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    Tried to batch "acidize" few loops on mac and its getting on my nerves. First it takes like two seconds to load a single wave, and exporting the batch is slow as hell too, sometimes even the export button disappears ... is the software just poop? :wtf:

    btw, konzole gives following line: (me on 10.9.4)
    view service marshal for <NSRemoteView: 0x7fadaa754af0> failed to forget accessibility connection due to Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." (The connection was invalidated from this process.) UserInfo=0x608000470840 {NSDebugDescription=The connection was invalidated from this process.}
    timestamp: 21:06:41.316 Tuesday 10 November 2015
    process/thread/queue: Loop Editor (35465) / 0x1015c9000 / com.apple.NSXPCConnection.user.endpoint
    code: line 2972 of /SourceCache/ViewBridge/ViewBridge-46.2/NSRemoteView.m in __57-[NSRemoteView viewServiceMarshalProxy:withErrorHandler:]_block_invoke
    domain: communications-failure

    fixed: had ro remove ~/Library/Containers/com.audiofile-engineering.loopeditor

    that is the first thing to consider when this crap makes any trouble, or even wont launch at all
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
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