Opinions on Live 12?

Discussion in 'Live' started by POOONANA, Mar 7, 2024.

  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    what really pisses me of in Live 12?

    there is no quick way to select another template without changing your default template.

    it would be so nice to be able to do that directly from the File menu? just list the Template folder there and then you could click on, Live asks you if you want to save the current project and it could open the other template you want.

    No need for a super duppa Template window like FL has, which is just super annoying ...

    thats all i want to christmas from you ABLETON :disco:
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  2. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    okay it seems you can click on the template icon and click there on a template and it will do exactly that. its okay for now i think.
  4. Sacculus

    Sacculus Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The thing for me is that for the kind of music I make I don't need a Meld or new limiter as we already have Pro L2, nor I don't need anything to generate unprobable chords stack by MIDI tools... Just if only they can make a good browser where I can search for a kick without having to browse through a list of folders just as any sample manager where the list is complete without having to enter and look on every folders on my drive...

    Easy organisation of VST like for exemple more collections would also be wonderfull as Symlinks don't work well espeacially for Waves plugins because the WaveShell is not a detail of the VST I need...

    That would be enough to make my day!

    AutoShift seems good because of the realtime options to monitor the voice during takes without too much latency.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
  5. Sacculus

    Sacculus Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2017
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  6. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    It is so buggy it can't even scan my plugins ... so i can't do anything.
    There is a NEW plugin scanner process every time i launch a "rescan".
    It doesn't even kill the previous process...

    This crap is so well programmed there is NO PLUGIN MANAGER for more than 20 years ! (2001)

    Tell me what serious DAW dont have a real plugin manager, indicating what is scanned, what crashed and so on ?
    With Ableton, you need work around like opening log files ... come on, we are in the 21st century, not in the 80's.

    Some ppl even reported on Reddit Ableton 11/12 crashing when there are non VST3 files into VST3 folder (like a PDF ...) :rofl:
    A12 is a just bigger pile of bugs.

    For now,i'm rendering my A11 projects ... and delete Ableton forever and never look back.
    Like i've done with FL studio years ago.

    Logic, S1, Cubase ... may be Bitwig for "live oriented" DAW.
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I'm not sure what you are talking about honestly.

    My plugs scan fine.. perhaps different os and different hygiene of what's installed...

    but it all works without problem.

    And I've used Ableton since v1, and no, I'd imagine they didn't have a plugin manager back in 2001, as they didn't have external plugins back then on it... hell didn't even have midi or vst etc until v3 iirc..

    v12 has been pretty solid for me.

    Is it perfect? hell no.

    Do I like it? yes.

    Does it cause me problems like you are talking about?


    not that I've encountered.

    And I use different daws, and have used most of them.
  8. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    There is no plugin manager.

    Here is how a real plugin manager looks like (with a real block list, status ...) :
    And i'm back to A11 ... until i render all my projects and leave this DAW forever.
  9. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    Theres one tool i do miss from my time with FL 12 years ago and thats maximus
    I did at one point have the maximus plugin installed and usable within live 11 then lost the install files ,built a new system and cannot find the original download link for the vst3 plugins link i used

    Thats one thing i think live would benefit from greatly to develop and include as its inhouse maximizer
    Ive not found one as capable as Fl,z offering,> and ive looked for years

    lvc are still epic mind you but still, the ableton boffins should include a fully fledged and fully tweakable maximizer with the same level of control as maximus , i think most would agree with me though i could be wrong

    Also i feel the limiters lacking in overall control other than the very basic parameters
    And yes the gui could do with a more asthetical and not quite as clinical an interface but i feel thats splitting hairs ..

    Truth for me personally is that if live 12 and bitwig were amalgamated so the bitwig side of things had live 12,z workflow id switch instantly as bitwigs just plain n simply put
    .. "OverPowered"..
    Briliantly so even,And in so many areas too, but for me its workflow that stops me using it for anything else other than sound design and resampling

    However ive used live now for quite some time, about 7 years i think, and theres some great additions within live 12, some great new midi functions, the changes to the drum rack where you can now have it cycle through samples youve got in your library whilst having your rack loaded and playing an existing pattern to create kit variations with a single button push is great!

    The only things i can bash it for are for what ive outlined
    I use live 12 every day
    The funny thing is, regarding what i said about maximus>> "Its almost a kinda cheat plugin that the most inexperienced programmer will think they have a great mix going on until they turn it off and then listen to their work without it running, but skillfully used its the best maximizer ive come across and if anyones a worthy alternatative i know nothing of please let me know

    And whilst i do like roar and use it often i dont understand why the Abl guys have missed such an obvious and missing fx plugin that live 12 so deserves!!!

    Also ive never had this issue some of you do with plugin scanning!
    The only time it ever scans is if ive installed new software or unless i manually tell it to rescan thats the only instance where it will do it , i dont have any issue and never have where it rescans every time i fire live up/or without me expressley telling live to do so
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2024
  10. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Yeah, I know what a plugin manager looks like, ... I just have never had a problem with Ableton in regards to it on osx or macOS I guess... Logic and NI and a bunch of other software will do that, ... but everything has just worked for me for the most part.. especially with my new system, actually everything easy peasy, as I can't recall a single problem tbh.

    perhaps I haven't gone over the top installing all sorts of crap like I may have in the past, and with the m series jump from intel, ... I've just been judicious about what I install and where I source it.
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