Online detection system extremism maximus

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nana Banana, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    I was wandering around Sonuscores website earlier, and saw this under the EULA:


    This product uses two forms of non-destructive copy protection: user specific water marking combined with an online detection system, monitoring over 400 TV channels and 75 million website worldwide.

    Users who try to get past the copy protection or otherwise violate the terms of this licensing agreement are subject to criminal and civil penalties and liable for monetary damages. Please respect our work and do not copy it. The more support we get from you, the more and the better products we will be able to release in the future."

    Is this for real? Does anyone know of any online detection system that can monitor 400 TV channels and 75 million websites, and actually pick up something they've created through a washed up mix? It sounds a bit extreme to say the least. I mean can you figure just how much this would cost them to do? This sounds as bad as the NSA monitoring the worlds cell phone conversations with super computers. Thats some hard core Ridiculous extremism... Glad I don't use their stuff, and after reading that, not inspired to buy any of it either.

    :woot: :hahaha:
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