Omnisphere 2 Release A.K.A. Circus Sideshow

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Another scene expert. Just love those kinds of guys. They never do much of anything but talk but boy do they have a lot of boring misinformed opinions about things they know nothing about. Tell me that you're at least in the scene if you're making a comment like that and not just some wannabe fanboy know-it-all that's watching on the sidelines. Now let's get into why your comment doesn't make sense. There would be no difference financially if someone were to make one thread or many. Also most of the people that posted Omnisphere weren't doing it for the money so your comment bores me. It was simply an anticipated release and people were trying to help out. Apparently that's beyond the capacity of your imagination. You're right though, I really hope the teams will really start respecting scene ethics by stopping to put out releases for morons like you. That would solve all of our problems now wouldn't it. :wink:
  2. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    To let you know Jack, financially there is no difference in profit from uploading all 8 separate or all 8 together in one post. It will get the same amount of attention, and probably the same amount of downloads and with that, the same profit. So there is no financial motive to separate it. Once the first disc went up, people wanted to post it. Then everyone jumped on board. Not for the money, but to get it released.

    Not everyone is so driven by the money. Cause there is relatively no money to be made! Unless your the top poster/uploader, you make nothing. So its obviously not a primary focus on many poster/uploaders minds. And say you buy a product, post it, i will 100% assure you you will not make a return or profit or break even. But for those of us selfless enough, the money doesnt matter.

    But more over on the topic it seems like there needs to be more scene coordination. I wonder if they even do collaborate or communicate between each other. OR just release to each other. No idea. :dunno:
  3. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    If it is such a problem just buy the damn thing!!
    I had a problem with Omnisphere 1 install and especially the updates through the scene.
    I finally just bought it. I was lucky enough to be withing the free upgrade window so I got 2 for free.
    No more frustration with it. It is one synth worth laying out the money for. :wink:
  4. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    can you not just IP ban people ?

    Rubbish releases = ban.

    Really un-impressed with broken sounds, when I seen his posts "oh im just helping getting the discs up quicker" with possibly the worst packaging & naming schemes ive ever seen, I just thought to myself what a noob.
  5. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Brave New World
    As if you have ever been impressed about packaging & naming schemes before ... IP ban, how`s that supposed to work?
    Try the bigger picture m8.
  6. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    well, bans might discourage people from thinking about releasing such things & getting their hands dirty on things where they don't belong etc ? on audioz inparticular, just a little bit more stringent quality control ?

    interpret it how you want, but you don't have to be n asshole. was just a loose suggestion M8.
  7. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    And what have you uploaded with its perfect packing and named so exquisitely? like you were the Walt Whitman of release naming and Santa Claus of packing. :rofl:
  8. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    well you guys are taking things out of context as usual.

    uploading is a privilege, it needs to be a little more moderated to prevent such incidents. There are those who know what they are doing & those who do not. A possible counter measure is to change uploading to a moderated service that needs permission on the first several posts ? A type of method to help filtering & build up more trustworthy uploaders.

    Another way of saying "ban" would be to "take away upload permissions".

    Why can't the whole release just be taken down & wait for some group to release a proper package ?

    I do have some stuff I could share with the community but I don't like most of you lol.

    I do buy all of my stuff anyway, so I don't care much, funny seeing how people react in this scene.

    All i can say is respect to catalyst & the crew ;)

    P.S. as mentioned previously, some of broken sounds uploaded links went dead before 48hours was up & had a new naming scheme, hence had to re-download all the parts again. the whole thing was pretty lolz
  9. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Man, I could agree with something you said, honestly I don't even know myself lol, I'm too tired and it's too late at night so I didn't read the whole thing...

    But just the fact that you're saying that, likely means that you never ever posted anything yourself,
    because what you're talking about exist already since day one of current audioz version.

    All posts at audioz (except from Releasers and Contributors) must be approved after being reviewed by a moderator (Valter76) whose only job is to do that.
    (another story is what the fuck is the method, looking at how any kind of shit is published, even if it's from a just registered member that should need to be checked deeply).

    I don't think is fair to say what people who work for the site should do, when you never contributed a MB to it. No offence uh, just saying :thumbsup:
  10. mag666

    mag666 Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2013
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    This is a general vent and not directed at any one person or group in particular!

    The real problem is that the Scene just doesn't function the way it used to years ago and so you get these kinds of issues.

    For those that don't know, how things use to work is basically like this (Simplified version to save lots of space!)

    Suppliers would provide applications etc to the Groups

    Groups would work to crack them.

    Once cracked the groups would usually give them to Couriers who's job was to upload them to the various "Top Sites" to which other Groups had access

    The other groups would then download the releases and test them looking for issues etc.

    If a group found an issue then they would either report the problem back to the original group or they would try and fix it themselves (Proper the release)

    Which ever Group provided a fully functioning version first "won the race" and got credit for it.

    After all that then and only then was the release slowly leaked out to the general masses. This is really what provided for the time lapses between a company releasing a product and it getting cracked and shared around publicly. For the most part it wasn't any deliberate delaying by the groups.. It just worked out that way because of the time it took to properly crack, test and submit stuff to the Top Sites.

    Very little of the above seems to happen these days.. It;'s just one big rush to get it out there first tested or untested and is often pre supplied to people who then try to monetize the work of the groups... or just want to be the first to put it out there for the general masses. Maybe for Fame or Ego Boosting?

    Add to that the arrival of P2P groups who aren't part of the Scene but whom some are actually better 'crackers' than those in the Scene's Groups.. and with certain Groups in the Scene stealing P2P cracks, re-packaging them and releasing them as their own work... and chaos ensues

    Like Cat said.. It's looking more and more likely that releases will be kept private to prevent these kinds of problems and frankly it will eventually stop all the stupid bitching and complaining to people, who, for the most part, are trying the hardest to provide others with useful apps.

    What it seems most people are complaining about, that really irks me, is really this 'entitlement' crap that seems to infect society more and more with each passing year. "I want this", "Post it up now!", "Hold my hand and do all the work for me, while i attempt to install this app even though I have no basic knowledge of how my Computer's OS actually works" "I don't want to learn, you do it all for me" "I cant afford this app even though I have a $2K computer so don't ask me to help give back" and so on..

    So few even attempt to help out in whatever way they can... They offer their thanks but then just carry on as if this stuff happens all by magic.

    It doesn't. It takes a lot of skill, time and effort by the SysOps / Moderators here, the 'Genuine I'm doing it to help out' up-loaders, and last but not least, the hackers and crackers who are doing all the hard donkey work with little if anything in return other than a bunch of morons complaining about what is often in reality their own ineptitude and lack of basic knowledge about the computer they own!

    Ok, enough.. Just wanted to vent.

  11. The Iceman

    The Iceman Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2013
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    Wow so spot on!! Should be made into a sticky or something as it really says it all.
  12. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    @ mark@WFstudios
    It`s not helping calling out names (what`s bad about being a noob?) ... and you feel offend about my reply? Seriously?
    At least it made you take a stand, clearly showing your position.
    Same for me, I´m not uploading or contributing so I rather save my spit on it. What`s proposed by the OP sounds reasonable/necessary, that`s as far as I go.

    However, Mag666 put together what I think should be common sense. Even for an "outsider" like me this info is accessible and in combination with reading nfo`s ...
    I find it strange, almost irritating that the majority of AZ users are not spending a few minutes on understanding how all of this comes into action.
    Call it 'entitlement' crap or whatever you want, I`ve the impression people are using the thanks button/statement as justification.
    Too much ego-trippin on both ends: If the users would live up to more self responsibility and respect ... would make a difference for uploaders, too? To know that what gets you the clicks is not just a bunch of jerks. And appreciation for the "one of a kind" Audioz SysOps / Moderators would be certainly given ...
    Thank you Mag666 for "venting" once more.

    I had fancier words in mind, just to tired, atm. Bringing head, heart and belly in balance is considered as art ... may (inner)peace be with us.
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