Old Arturia Plug-Ins

Discussion in 'Software' started by __omotesando__, Dec 18, 2023.

  1. __omotesando__

    __omotesando__ Newbie

    Sep 12, 2023
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    No need! V Collection 4 working like a charm. Just need to find more presets maybe...:rofl:
  2. __omotesando__

    __omotesando__ Newbie

    Sep 12, 2023
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    Yes, this is most likely the version. I can't even really think of a way to compare them, since the presets from V4 arent in V8. I could try to recreate some sounds.
  3. Nawhak

    Nawhak Ultrasonic

    Oct 26, 2011
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    Agreed. This one is awesome, I even purchased it. Every preset and setting has something strong and very inspiring
  4. ziked

    ziked Producer

    Nov 30, 2019
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    I just finished testing these OG ones a few weeks ago. Unfortunately couldn't find the original Prophet V :sad:

    Honestly it left a bad taste in my mouth. It was snake oil from the start, this whole True Analog Emulation BS... if you had some amazing tech from the start, why did you constantly change the sound? It was all a marketing ploy.


    Old CS80V in particular sucked, yeesh.
    Jupiter-8V2 and V1 had terrible clicky envelopes which annoyed me to death.
    All these plugins just remind me of the low standards of the time for analog emulations. I would easily choose TAL NoiseMaker over these.

    I remember V3 is when the plugins started taking forever to load and being a RAM hog, so I didn't bother.

    IMO I don't believe people when they say "old Arturia sounded better", it's just nostalgia and perhaps they like the sound of vintage plugins like Pro-5 and the Korg Legacy Collection that sound nothing like the real thing (I like them too, but I know its not accurate and see it as its own thing). Newer Arturia stuff has to be at least marginally better, if it at least has ZDF filters. But the massive file size and loading times makes me not care that much. I liked their Piano V3 though more than PIanoteq for some reason.

    Well yeah, if you don't take it seriously, any version will work. I just am biased against Arturia as a company and their high claims etc. I actually had a lot of fun messing with the Modular V 1.0, it's cool how it has so much polyphony - its ridiculous, and you can make some surprisingly usable 90s house/dnb synth sounds.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023