Ok so i made this Beatles cover....

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by rBennich, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Not bad, not bad at all...

    As someone mentioned, there's no guitar part in this track but I don't think it's a bad thing: You took your inspiration from the song and didn't try to stick to it.

    To sum it up, a very creative and personal take on the Beatles, well done my friend.
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  2. rBennich

    rBennich Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Thank you!
    Exactly! Nothing is holy... Just mash up all the influences and see what happens. Sometimes it turns out good. Sometime it turns out crap. Trying and going with your instinct is the point. I actually heard this version in my head when i was high out of my mind, and just felt really compelled to do it. If you don't like it, blame Mary Jane... hahaha.
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  3. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    COOL, DUDE!! FATTTTT Filter workkk, cool work with the background and atmoss!!! Nice synths waaaayy back.
    Like the voice! Cool approach!

    Bet you like Justin Biebers new CD.
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  4. Voo

    Voo Platinum Record

    Oct 30, 2011
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    Guitar is weeping because it's not in the song.
    Should have done a different tune.

    no respect given to the original.
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  5. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    I really like it...Except for that auto-tune effect; I just hate the effect itself and I think your voice would definitively sound better without it. It's your call, though.

    Anyway, in the original, the energy kind of builds up and erupts at the guitar solo, where the song reaches its climax.

    In my opinion, your version could really benefit of some sort of energy build up, you know, some tension/release thing, independently if you're going to introduce some sort of solo or not.

    Don't listen to the nostalgic purists around here, by the way. If people had listened to them in the past, rock'n'roll wouldn't even exist in the first place.

    Art is about freedom, not about "OMG! A Beatles cover? How dare you!". That's kind of silly.

    Just my two cents.

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  6. TranceDarker

    TranceDarker Member

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Somewhere I belong
    i like the way of drum kits with vocals and back ground pads , it sounds a little like triphop . Freedom style deserves respect .. you can dry auto tune effect a little at least %15-10
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  7. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    The Idea and performance is very good, i kinda like it, still the mixing is very bad sorry, i can give it a try mp me if you're interested.
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  8. rBennich

    rBennich Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Thanks! I actually like the mix as it is very much. I like to fuck with expectations on a mix level. Someone mentioned that the kick is soft and too klicky. Well, i enjoy the unexpected, even if it means anticlimax for others... :)
  9. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Two things to take away from the comments, repeated several times: 1. You have to have the sound of a guitar in it, the title demands it, even if it's just one obvious twang, and 2. The compression is all wrong. But you gotta admire your guts to dare to almost trash a Beatles classic and do it in an original way that works actually.
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  10. rBennich

    rBennich Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2012
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    I think if this was the original, it would demand it. It being a cover, i disagree.
    Define "wrong".
  11. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Just a lil advice.. when your asking what people think or for their opinons.. its probably not a good thing to be defensive and argue back to them their own opinions..after they have taken the time to do for you what you have asked.

    take the comments, the opinions and use them to better yourself.

    don't reply that you disagree with them and start in with the reasoning why you think they're wrong.

    it just defeats asking in the first place.
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  12. rBennich

    rBennich Kapellmeister

    Nov 5, 2012
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    Shure, i agree with you. Not trying to be defensive, really. Although, I can see how I would come off that way in my last message... But i think it's interesting to discuss origins of opinions, like why i asked about the compression. Just "wrong" is not that much information to go on. I actually find differences in opinions very fascinating, because they can be so extreme, and noone is actually "right", and therefore it makes up an interesting subject for further discussion. Trying to understand why people react the way they do to the music is more interesting than just receiving opinions and just moving on, if you ask me, especially if the critique is negative. But the downside is that one could come off as provocative, off course. Sorry about that.

    Edit: With this said, I'll take your advice to avoid any further risks of beeing perceived as a douche. haha
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
  13. It's perfect.
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  14. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    I like it. great job. I do agree there's a liiiittle bit too much autotune though. Other than that, it's an interesting concept for sure.
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  15. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    I usually don't like to answer these because it's so subjective and the OP ends up getting butt-hurt when they are criticized, but as someone who literally grew up with the Beatles I got to say this point: The song is "While my Guitar Gently Weeps", without any guitar, it seems to me you just missed the whole point of the song IMO! Might be a nice try for those who are DAW heads only, but try some real instruments next time with a little less of whatever was squeezing the vocals like a strangled fart! I guess a good effort by some accounts, just don't quit your day job over this one!
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
  16. Rummy

    Rummy Newbie

    Sep 5, 2012
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    A studio somewhere
    Hey just like to say good job on the song it's your personal take on a classic song :wink::wink::wink:.
    It also reminds me of a comment Paul McCartney once made where he was talking a bout his voice where people were saying "It's Paul McCartney you can't touch his voice by adding effects and all that jazz it has to sound like Paul McCartney" but Paul replied saying "It's just a voice do what you want to it mix it up add effects i don't care" and that my friend is what you did with this song you took it and completely disassembled it then rearranged it and put it back the way you were hearing it in your head you took the song and you made it your own version, not having a guitar solo isn't a bad thing either i actually didn't think it needed one to be honest, maybe a bit of a keys solo to sub-statue for a guitar solo? i know some people may not get the song at first but as soon as you hear "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" you know straight away, good job
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  17. Here is another classic (now that the post has cooled a bit and not to hijack the tread, I hope) that people either love or people downright despise. Talk amongst yourselves. rBENNIK, I think the guitar players were sticking up for a long lost comrade. I jammed with George once on a beach in Hawaii, and I can guarantee you, he would not have said an unkind word to you about your take on his iconic song:wink:.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2016
  18. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    forget about the "you destroyed a classic"... it is pretty well done and I really like how it sounds... as someone above said, a little bit too hard in the sc compression, but aside that it is really nice... keep it up
  19. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    It's both clever, and painful to listen to at the same time. I cant say I hate it because I love the inventiveness that has gone in to it.
  20. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    WOW....this blew me away! It's a great tune to begin with, S & G's version more mournful for the era. But this....such a powerful vocal range, the raw and dynamic build up of tension both vocally and musically really raised a guttural emotion in me. Thanks for sharing that! :wink:
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
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