Odd mail from Denis at 2CAudio - CO-founder

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by phloopy, May 24, 2022.

  1. dia manu

    dia manu Producer

    Dec 6, 2021
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    its a marketing move because 2c is dead for ages
  2. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    What's happening here also regularly happens with bands when they don't take control of the business side at the beginning by creating contractual agreements, especially as to who owns what and how money is divided. The best bands split it equally.

    This situation with 2CAudio is a wonderful situation for their lawyers, they'll spread this out over years and may eventually bankrupt each party.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023
  3. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Capitalists don't have friends.
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  4. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Don't take it personally, it's just business said one 2CAudio partner to the other.
  5. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Funny that :winker:
    Friends don't have capital lists either :winker:

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2022
  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    People simply got greedy with the Internet and saw that the record labels could not own it and they could get their 15 minutes of fame all over the world potentially. almost by themselves.
    In their ignorance with stars in their eyes blinded by the potential for fame, businessmen capitalized on their naivety and screwed them out of 90% or more of receipts.

    To be considered 'famous', you do not even have to be a good musician or even a good songwriter. If 10 million people like it and stream it, they will be famous.
    On TikTok - all you need to be good at is choreography and miming and use someone else's tune you did not even own.
    It kind of says people have dumbed down. As John Cleese said, "People who are stupid probably do not know they are stupid because in order to not be stupid, they'd have to be moderately intelligent."

    The sad part these days is too many people no longer know the difference between great music and canned computer-generated crap.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2022
  7. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    I like Milli Vanilli, they were great live.
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  8. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Hey..... I think I missed that one. :yawn:
    Oh, well. I have better things to do.

    :unsure: Hey ... do you have a link to that one? :shalom:
  9. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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    Last edited: Aug 12, 2022
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  10. 2cd

    2cd Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2022
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    Hello guys,

    I came across this forum thread just today so I appologize for not being able to post here at the time of active discussion in May.

    I'm open and ready to answer any questions concerning 2CAudio.

    Before 2CAudio I had been running SpinAudio. It went havoc due to serious health issues that my former partner at SpinAudio experienced in 2005 due to terminal disfunction of one of his kidneys that required him to take ihibitors of adrenalin, abnormal levels of which caused insane and criminal behavour in him. I tried to do my best to save the company but it was not possible to have any meanigful discussion with him as he's been constantly threatening me. Later on he got his kidney removed by a surgery and sanity partially returned to him. He appologized for his behaviour and expressed a willingness to assign all SpinAudio IP back to me. but it was already too late. I present my appologies to all SpinAudio users. I will try to re-make SpinAudio products under my own brand.

    I have a suspicion that my former partner in 2CAudio, Mr. Andrew Souter developed something similar as his behavour is really weird.
    He too has some problems with his health that might be the cause of his behaviour I guess.

    In May 2005 it become obvious to me that I cannot release anything under SpinAudio without serious concerns so I started to work on a new reverb engine which I called SpaceVerb. I was emailing SpinAudio betatesters. it turned out that one of betatesters was Andrew. I demoed the prototype to him and asked if he could like to make a joint business around that. He was making sample libs and had an online shop so I thought we would use it and sell through him. I came up with the brandname 2CAudio. I have the corresponding emails and can prove that to anyone. I had an outstanding (by that time) plug-in gui sdk left from SpinAudio but I was afraid my partner would go mad if I use it so I had to do it all again from scratch and develop a new sdk. also the reverb code was not optimzied. the alg was complex and cpu heavy so the only way to make it commercial was to re-code it all in vectorized form in manual assembler. It took me another 3 years until 2008 to make new plug-in sdk and vectorize the code which was super hard task to do. over these 3 years Mr. Souter made a few minor tweaks/suggestions to the alg, and that's it. So when 2CAudio started selling Aether in late 2008 Mr. Souter having 50% of the profit split contributed virtually nothing to the company (he made presets, ugly looking initial gui, manual (later) web site text and provided a web shop). Aether became a hit and won prestigious awards (the only 2C product that could do that) and provided a good kick start and a revenue stream to develop other products. Later we released Breeze which was nothing but a scaled down version of Aether. Again close to zero contribution from Mr. Souter. Then I had to do RTAS support and re-code again the whole sdk because Apple decided to ditch carbon api for cocoa. Later came out B2 which was again based on Aether's engine but this time Andrew did a good amount of contribution to the alg, not to the code but to the alg features, signal routing, design etc.

    If there is any interest here to know more about later events I can present more information. Just one note: by the time of Breeze 2 release Andrew became extremely good at reverb alg design by himself and he indeed researched and developed most of Breeze2 reverb alg. This does not imply that he made a significant contribution to the whole code base of Breeze2 but the depth, clarity and envelopment that Breeze 2 can deliver is due to his extensive research, I agree with that and I do not dispute that. He also made a good contribution to the new gui engine as well. I mean to say that by 2022 his total contribution to 2CAudio balanced out and matched my initial's one so I do not want my text above sound like I've done everything - that's far from the truth.

    Regarding my (and user's posts) being removed on some forums. Unfortunately that it's true. my posts on gearsluts (now gearspace) were removed right away and my user account was banned forever. I tried to contact the owner via LinkenIn but he ignored me. My posts at vi-control were mostly removed too. So the admins of these forums took Mr. Souter's side without even a slightest investigation. Maybe it's because they think I'm an *untermensch* as I'm russian and thus have no right to raise a voice? I dont know.

    Im working now on my own plug-ins and GPU based open programmable synth.
    Anyone interested in being a betatester please email me at: [email protected]

    and one legal note:
    on May 9th 2022 my attorney sent a Cease&Desist letter to Mr. Souter in which we demanded to stop infringing my copyrights by distributing and comercialization of software products that are based on my intellectual property. Anyone who is going to purchase anything from him must be aware of that. Sooner or later I would be able to sue Mr. Souter for that.

    Denis, 2CAudio Initiator, Co-Founder and the Lead Developer
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
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  11. 2cd

    2cd Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2022
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    I should also add here that I have most of purchase records (without emails though) since 2013 (and some before) which by US law is considered as a joint business (because parties shared profits and losses)
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  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    Yes, the average person is indeed getting dumber. I read about it a few weks ago in a scientific paper*
    But isn't that exactly what the Internet giants want to achieve. 'Why learn something when you can google it?!' or 'why write something with you own words, if you can also steal it faster and effortless with cut & paste?!' ...

    I personally have the impression that people who consume a lot of TikTok become gallopingly stupid. That's why I prefer to save conversations with such contemporaries. It is not worth the effort. Arguments and logic just don't get through. And that these kind of people, who are about to become the majority, prefer to listen to simplyfied - even AI generated 'music', doesn't really surprise you, does it?

    *) https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/13/health/falling-iq-scores-study-intl/index.html

    p.s.: I don't think that the IQ of educated people is really declining. But so few people try to get educated today. What is en vogue today are beautiful beards, great haircuts and a shapely body. What does it matter what is in the head, if the hair on the head grows beautifully. :rofl:
    It is understandable to me that the IQ of the total population decreases when a good education is no longer guaranteed. In my country, for example, the requirements for the general university entrance qualification have been reduced for years in order to increase the number of students. The fact that these are people who 20 years ago would not even have managed a middle school diploma is disregarded. The whole thing is called education policy. The result can be seen in the performance of our universities. And in the long run, certainly on the IQ of the population as a whole.
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  13. 2cd

    2cd Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2022
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    >What I find super weird in this story (if it is true), it's all those moderators from different audio forums DELETING the posts made by 'Denis'.

    and the irony with these forums is that I have paid with my money (via 2CAudio) for the advertising at these forums for that past 15 years!
    I can proove that with corresponding emails.

    This is the way they thanked me for supporting them for years! Do I deserve such an attitude? What is the real reason they removed all my informational posts (along with user replies). I suspect there must be some explanation/reason. I'm not a stranger acousing other man out of nowhere. The information that I'm the major contributor is publicly available even on official web site!

    I suspect that these were removed either for political reasons (seems very likely for gearspace the owner of which refused to talk to me) or they have been compensated by Mr. Souter because it is in his interest to make this info unavailable to people so he could continue with his dirty business of collecting money for the software he has no ownership rights of.
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  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    What you have said is happening in every country, in mine too and from people I know, in surrounding countries. They want "bums on seats".
    I put this video here because while it is brash, it is accurate sadly.

    As for a good education, I believe that is still available. I also am confident that that good education is only accessible for people who actually want to better themselves and trust that the person teaching them might know more about their field than the student does. When you see how many Internet warriors pretend they know more than a PhD on a subject the PhD devoted forty years of their life to, I think that many people do not wish to do the hard yards anymore. They want to be handed a degree on a sliver platter without doing the work. I am gobsmacked how many people see something online and take it as gospel. Even people I thought were intelligent.
    The Internet is both a boon and a bane.
    It's sad. :(
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2022
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  15. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Interesting explanation. But there're two cards you played with I don't find necessary at all:
    1. too many details about major health issues that you extrapolate from one person to another different one
    2. the war and that word. Really?
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  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I agree with this. Having a high IQ is not enough with a minimum of good work attending in a minimum of a good education system.
    It's not that the IQ decreases, you just can't exploit it.

    And in my country I can also relate, at least partially, to that video harsh opinion. In order to hide a fail of the education system they almost give away passing grades until high school or even there. The gap between high school and college has increased a lot because of this.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2022
  17. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    @2cd As you've been mentionned in this thread, I think it's logical to let you answer. But I have to ask you one thing: Respect the rules, and dont bring this on the "Russian / War / Insults " field ... That's all, and I'm sure that you can perfectly answer and / or explain your situation without that.
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  18. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    someone else said, forget this stuff and just get back to work. learn from it as a costly lesson, but why spend any more energy on it? the problem will be there later if you have nothing to do later. look at it this way, if the guy is no good, then its probably worth any price to make sure he never bothers you anymore. it seems to me that any hope of fixing this between you two is now down the tubes since you went public with it. even if he wanted to make good and pay you before, why would he now that you badmouthed him? only choice i can see is to hire a lawyer or just move on. life is too short. are you hoping that people just don't buy the software anymore? just seems a little awkward, like what do you want us random people on the internet to do about it?
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  19. 2cd

    2cd Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2022
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    >just seems a little awkward, like what do you want us random people on the internet to do about it?

    I just want to inform people about the situation with the company so that they could take informed purchase desicions.
    I do not enjoy this dirty laundry. This is actually emotionally exausting. But since Mr. Souter does not want to inform customers
    I have to do this.
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  20. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Ok, now we are informed. So what's next? Do you have any project in mind?

    Guys, please, keep this thread in topic. The title is about 2caudio.
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