Now Uploaded Forces Me to Use Google Wallet!!??

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dim_triad, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    @dalmation: yeah, no doubt... iz-a-to-the-iz-z is the best... hands down. *yes*

    @ everybody else: hmm... I have not heard of this Real-Debrid, sounds like a great site.
  2. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    once, ONLY once,
    i have bought a pdf reader app, like 2euros, on an android tablet. of course, i had to go through all the google wallet shit, and still ended up buying it.
    but it's just crazy, why can't we send, say, 30 euros , to the google wallet, and have that cash available to buy things, like a paypal account?

    if i've understood well, each time we buy, even a 20cts app, there is 1 FUCKING visa transaction, with all the taxes, + bank tax + eventual deep-in-the-ass currency. does google wallet work like that ? or like paypal ?

    regarding uploaded,
    have you tried logging in from a different device, like a smartphone browser.. maybe without cookies and a fresh session, uploaded will offer you all the other buy options. good luck :)
  3. macart

    macart Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2014
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    Ive used Rapid Premium for ages now.... uploaded nitro... + loads of others + fast VPN
  4. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    i was going to reply, and thought i could add this.
    people will nuke me, shotgun, grenade, and will finally shit on my corpse, because i will say this, but, well, when we talk about r2r(nooo, not them again), people mention all reasons why r2r might have stopped releasing stuff.. all reasons, but one.

    we all remember 1990-2010 warez: irc, napster, emule, torrents, ftps, etc. everybody was cool, everybody shared, huge apps, like archicad, etc, were shared, among millions other apps. crackers had fun cracking stuff, releasing stuff, people were downloading their favorite apps from wherever they could gain access to (irc channels, tagged ftps, etc), it was all fun. plenty of groups, lots of competition, but tons of motivated and talented guys-teams.

    then, suddenly, there were all these fileshare things. suddenly, people could get paid, some money, some big money, some HUGE money, by sharing links, and making-having people use those links to download stuff, by first, buying premiums.

    and suddenly, there were a lot of people making lots of cash, by simply using the "work", the dozens-hundreds hours of work, some guys had spent, to crack an app. and these last years, it became worse and worse. those guys, forums, etc, were almost "counting" on all the cracking teams work, to make tons of cash, and make a living out of that. and there were those teams, cracking their apps, and releasing them to the "public", or fans, or motherfucker-begging-neverhappy-leechers.
    it was so easy, to just buy a premium, go to his favorite board, grab some links, and start downloading all those cool apps(in our case, audio soft). we downloaded, some guys were making money, and the others, the cracking teams, were working hard, to release many new cool apps, to please the fans-public.

    and i guess this is ONE OF the reasons, or maybe, the MAIN reason why r2r stopped releasing stuff: not only the public was more demanding than ever, but also, those who were making huge piles of cash, weren't spending 1ct, to buy new retail apps, and give them to r2r, so they crack them. yes, the public was happy with those new free apps, other guys were making tons of cash, NOBODY was buying 1 single 1$ retail app, and at the end, R2R HAD to find ways to have new retail-demo apps to crack, and HAD to crack them. basically, they were working hard, for just some pride-fame-whatever, while all of us, we were downloading and spending cash on uploaded premiums, and others, making tons of cash with those premiums. SO, why CONTINUING cracking and releasing apps ? what for ? why all that work, if they didn't make any money, or probably, just 0.1% of what other guys were making with premiums ? why cracking all those apps ? why fucking why ?

    because of these file hosts, the scene became a money thing. no more fun, no more pleasure, no. just cash. quickly posting mirrors, 4 seconds after the main post. it's all that mattered. and still matters today.

    we can go to audiooz, it's hard to find a single thread, WITH UNLOCKED MIRRORS, where some guys aren't fighting, because of some mirrors.
    those mirrors became a cancer. really. since the beginning, when i first started seeing the first mirror poster(you know who he is, won't mention any names), i knew this would end up like it ended up(was it and end, a pause..?).
    my humble opinion ? (another grenade, shotgun) why mirrors were allowed, at the beginning ? why, Saint, didn't say "hey, calm down with mirrors, please" ? why not ? like most audioooz users must think, the first guy who started posting mirrors, for sure, he must be part of /friend/etc from audiooz/Saint (not accusing anyone, just an opinion), and those mirrors were helping raising funds to pay the different projects (hey, an ipboard forum costs alot of cash, and with thousands users, the bill can easily explode). if that mirror guy was "working" for Saint, i wish he had told us. people would of course understand, and agree. But no, nothing was said.
    and then, another mirror guy. and another one. and another one.

    and i guess, Saint couldn't just tell those new guys "hey, guys, stop posting mirrors, only m..20 is allowed", as it would not be "fair"... and so, more and more people were posting mirrors. what if suddenly, 30 members started posting mirrors ?

    those mirror guys often fight each other, and that makes audioooz look really bad, from outside. Developers, companies... we guys are giving them plenty of reasons to laugh. instead of being a happy family, with our little goodies, on a friendly mood, people post comments just to say fuck you, etc etc. this is what those devs wanted, to see the audio warez divided.

    and of course, because Cat was too cool, on audiooz, people were allowed to say almost everything, from insulting, begging, complaining about apps, etc fuck you, fuck you, etc. i wish the ban hammer had destroyed some hundreds of shitty beggars, insulting guys, and other crap, by direct- ban them. it all became like a riot: mirror guys, insulting guys, guys with 3 posts on counter that would give lessons to other members, people begging, complaining, etc. all fucked up.

    but among all that, the mirror guys were still there, posting their links as fast as their shadows. and they fight for a simple link like it was air, food, water.
    how many times i've seen a guy, posting a new app, library, etc, and 3 minutes later, sunny, would comment "hey, man, delete your post, it was already posted last april 20, at 22h33m 335mseconds, " : wow, it's almost a matter of death or life, those links.

    is that SOOO BAD, if a guy, by error, re-posts a fucking 12months old sylenth soundbank ? is that SOOO important, that it's almost a tragedy for the original poster (often, it was sunny who did that) ? do his life depend on a fucking 12months old sylenth or cheap 4mb samples library, for living ? this is WHAT the audio scene has become: all about cash, for some guys. and of course, where there is cash, it spoils everything.

    i could go on an on, and say that , for example, there were 500K visitors from america, and almost 500k visitors from france, 5 times smaller, which means, there are 5 times more french leechers than americans... and french leachers certainly represent 20% of the WORLD visits, on audioz. and i could go on and extrapolate, and say that among those negative comments, guys asking for free stuff( in france, the mentality is always FREE, MORE, FREE, MORE, FREE, because i know how it is, there... sorry french guys, you know that this is true.... most guys want everything free, ex, the government wants to take 1euro each time someone goes to the doctor.. there were riots, strikes... because people didn't want to spend 1 fucking euro on that, when the health system already covers almost everything)... so i know what i0m saying, when i talk about france.. so yeah, i'm sure 30% of the comments, with people saying this or that app is shit, they don't need this or that, or people asking for free links... i'm sure they come from france. of course, when you buy a 400euros graphic card to play pirated games, you don't want to spend 9euros on a premium... we all understand that..
    ok, won't talk about france anymore, by posting this, there will be 100 french guys that will never talk to me again.. no problem :)... other countries are like france.. but france is really special..

    but back to the money: of course, with all these guys posting mirrors, and making tons of cash: yeah, tons. when we have 10 different hosts, on 300 threads, with hundreds thousands of people downloading it, that makes a lot of links, downloads... and cash. we can safely talk about thousands euros-month, or much more. muuuuch more.

    of course, r2r, which money are they making with the apps they crack and release ? even if some of their apps get posted by some of their carriers, it's nothing, compared to all the hundreds other links... on hundreds forums... that makes hundreds thousands downloads, thanks to r2r work, and thanks to some guys who gave them the retails.

    now, imagine we are R2R. we see how people are fighting for all those mirrors, to make more and more cash. we see all the people complaining because their daw crashes, or the app crashes, they say people asking for this or that new pluging...
    what do we think they feel like doing ? saying a big FUCK YOU ALL ?

    yes. of course. they got tired of seeing fights, complaints, dumbasses, ungrateful beggars. and above all, they are tired of seeing some guys making some bigggg money, thanks to their EXCLUSIVE hard work.

    sorry for the rant, sorry for the french who feel offended, sorry for Cat and Saint, sorry for talking about the mirror guys.
    but i think THIS is one of the reasons why R2R stopped releasing.

    i just wonder why, nobody EVER, EVER, talks about MONEY, when talking about the reasons that might have forced r2r to leave. leechers, beggars, etc... but nobody ever talks about MONEY. i could bet one testicle , that this is the main reason. and if this comment gets approved, i wish a guy from R2R could say a word about it.

    anyway, we are the losers. big ones. right now, devs and some companies must be drinking some champagne, because they read that r2r isn't posting anymore. power to them, if they can make 1% more sales during this time.

    i still believe the audio scene can become what it was before: fun, above all.

    i wish the guys who post mirrors could say "hey, audioooz, hey, Cat, with the cash i did, i could buy this, this and this, send it to R2r or other team, as a way to say thanks to the community, and to all the guys who clicked on their links and brought them money.
    but when i see how greedy people have become, how they are ready to start a 3rd world war, just because of a stupid link to a stupid library or soundbank... well, i almost lose all my hope. it's that disgusting, really...

    and i hope mods become much more "tough", with people, and don't let audiosex become what audioooz is. start banning people, don't feel bad about that.

    today, i've posted a comment, because a guy gave a tough answer to another. do people have anything to prove, here ? why acting like dicks, specially with new members, who are already afraid of posting, and when they comment, many people will just comment to bash, criticize, give lessons, as whatever they could say, were TRUE FACTS, and because they know everything about everything, they can think all the others are stupid. NO.
    and it's not because people have 1000 comments, that they must feel important. i see guys posting most comments like "yes", "no", "i don't like it", "i don't mind"... they bring nothing to the community, yet, they feel like queens... pffff

    i still believe R2R will come back, by the end of the year. or not.

    Cat and Saint : if i'm not right, about the first guy that posts mirrors... mo,.20, and it's not true that he "works" for audioooz, i'd be happy if you could confirm that to me.
  5. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Not trying to flame you or anything but...

    How are you helping this situation?

    Do you send money, apps to R2R?

    Do you post up items and allow mirrors?

    Have you volunteered to Mod and spend ALL day fighting the idiots and checking posts?

    Just saying...
  6. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    No problem man.
    My apologies for the big comment.took me 90m to type.
    I wish I could have used that time having a good chat with some of you, instead. But this r2r thing , while expectable, makes me sad. Not because I want new apps, because I'm a peace and love guy, who loves helping and sharing.i can give my clothes to a 'poor' guy in the street, or can give him my food I just bought. I hate greed and greedy people, and that makes me sad about r2r, because it was all about greed, from the community, and from me as well, as I consider myself a member of the community.

    I don't send apps or money to r2r because I don't know a way to do it. (Money).
    Other guys, and I, have made some big posts at ausioz, telling my ideas on how we could find a way to send money to r2r.
    There could be several options. Everybody can have access to paysafecards. If anonymity is a problem. We could send codes/cash to Cat, then he could find a way to convert that to cash, etc.
    We could create a special serious group of donors, with some nice privileges , status, etc. We could, for example, be able to follow which apps are being cracked, and see the evolution, through an online time line. It would be cool to know that xx app will come out next month or two.

    With the dozens thousands we are, if we managed to make something cool, that would incentive people to give even 2 or 3 euros only, X dozens thousands, that could be great. I already posted big comments on audioz, always asking directly 'hey Cat, do you think we could..', but I never get an answer, I guess I'm not a big forum vip member, that would deserve being at least heard. If nobody give an opinion, at least, I try to give my ideas. Good or bad, at least, it proves I do care about the site and community.
    If tomorrow Cat tells me' hey, you can send your pay safe card code to this address, xx team will get the money and will buy this or that app', I would do my best to send at least 50 euros.
    I think some members do it ,on audioz, but I wish we could join a group buy group, after being accepted under some strict conditions, and where we could buy some small and cool stuff, and share among us: A nice sound bank can be as cool and useful as a big kontakt library or a 400 euros app.
    but nothing is done, I think. I think the flame, the love, that 'boner', and passion, to create a wonderful audioz website, and integrate plenty of cool features, they're gone. It looks like audioz is a boat without commander, where people go, do all they want and then try to destroy and sink a bit more. Soo fuking sad, really.

    With all the guys there, we could make wonders, and we could buy dozens of apps, each month. I wish I could tell Saint and Cat what ideas I would like to have, if I could have an opinion.
    anyway, audioz needs some hard work. Bans, restrictions, people behaviour, quality of comments, conditions to adhere, etc etc, a huge work has already been done, it just needs some fine tuning.
    Example, why let a fresh new member see the links, if he is never going to comment, participate, have ideas, help others, etc?
    why allow everybody to create an account, when the guy could be a developer? Why not creating a serious complete ips/hostnames of most companies, and be able to match them with the fresh created account? Your is a subnet of xx company? Let him login, but let other guys know he his a Dev, by adding a tag on his profile, that he won't be able to see. This, because many trolls there are developers, who just want to initiate chaos.

    I don't post mirrors or posts, I don't have anything to share. But I give my uploaded coupons to Cat, even 2months coupons. Ask me other things, for the forum, trust me, and I will help the best I can. Ask me to make charts, statistics, IP addresses lists of devs -companies, reviews, sorting data, translating things, or any other jobs, I will do them, with pleasure.

    about volunteering, I am at home right now, and have all the free time. If Cat didn't think I'm an idiot, with stubborn ideas, with thirst for making all kind of things to try to improve things, also because I like to say the kind of things that must be said, even if that hurts some people ego and feelings, and can create enemies, then, only then,

    I could do some cool things.
    But moderator is a tough work. Wanting to ban a stupid idiot, but having to be 'tolerent ' towards him, to not scare people and look too naziish , with the consequence that the dumbass will go on acting the same way... I tend not to have lots of patience with assholes who think they are a man, because of those 5 pubic hairs on the left testicle,, or a guy that keeps trying to push the limits of a moderator, to see how far he can go with the insults... The world is plenty of shit, and I hate that useless stinking shit, so, I guess I would ban quite often. Specially a forum like audiosex, that thousands of people go search for some cool threads, and soon, they could be dozens thousand, hundreds thousands...
    A place like this, there is no place for insults, trash, low level trolling, harsh comments, insinuations, etc, because there surely are very serious mature and adult people reading the forum, and it would be ugly, to see fights and other crap, in every single thread. It would look 'ugly', and from the outside, the professional audio lovers would rather be seen as virgin amateurish lowfi uneducated audio crashers.

  7. eskimoz

    eskimoz Member

    Nov 21, 2012
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    audioz, proaudiotorrents there is another that i forgot the name....
  8. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    for those sites you need an invite to join (maybe somebody will invite me someday!!)...and maybe for big files torrents is good but for info+community and reviews and most importantly for presentation i think audioz is the best...i never go to any other site...but i sometimes miss torrents for big files like 25 gb...
  9. onecentpictures

    onecentpictures Newbie

    Jan 13, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I Had this Situation about 1 Year Ago- Posted Here On AudioZ-Really Pissed Me Off-Dropped Offence to any one-Rapdigator Is doing the job for me-30 cents a day- 3 month Shot-I Do not Agree with their Politics-But for now Rapidgator works for me-Will see what the Future Holds-Peace-To-All-Dizzyfingers
  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    does still accept paysafe card?

    it no longer works for rg , so real-debrid was the next choice

    real-debrid works well with both rg and confirmed and very reasonable price.. never bother with zevera they are a JOKE
    they list hosts such as nitroflare which are NEVER up, among many other common hosts

    both of these debrid seem to have problems with tho., no worry since the free links usually work at reasonable speed

    wow look where this thread went... :facepalm:
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2015
  11. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    To reiterate this advice, when I had trouble out of the blue using same credit card to extend account on UL (after years of no issues), I simply logged in from my laptop instead of desktop & CC went right through, problem solved!! Problem I found is the "UL Support" won't tell you that...maybe they didn't even know.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  12. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Now its working like before, you can pay with credit card.
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