Novation Launchkey MINI and 61 key clean up (question)

Discussion in 'Synthesizers' started by MokuseiFolf13, Mar 11, 2023.

  1. MokuseiFolf13

    MokuseiFolf13 Ultrasonic

    Dec 25, 2021
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    While I'm yet to be irresponsible enough to get any food, drink, or whatever hideous amalgamation of filth and grime gummed up in two of my most prized musical tools-- I had a question for avid users of Novation's wonderful Launchkey devices on how to thoroughly clean out as much dust as I can without needing to perform an open heart in order to ensure longevity (lol). I have read that using pressurized air sprays is an absolutely dangerous no no when it comes to this (if anyone would like to say otherwise, feel free too), and is very much recommended a vacuum is used instead, preferably handheld for better precision. I may've answered my question in the sentence prior to this one, but I was wondering if there are more optimal and easier ways to dust both the surface as well as in-between the keys without it dislodging any parts. Any and all help is greatly appreciated~! <3

    TL;DR - I basically wanna know from the pros what's the best way to dust these things without taking them apart X3
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