
Discussion in 'PC' started by Zenarcist, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    When I overwrite the Instrument Library with the K5 Update, I get 'cathedral.wav' & 'SC-Novachord-Resources.nkr' not found, which results in no background image being rendered for the instrument.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks :wink:
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Zenarcist,

    I suppose that the 'K5 UPDATE 1' which you're talking is this done by Team DYNAMiCS (at my knowledge, no other Team has released this update) ?

    If yes, I think that your trouble isn't directly related to this update itself... because as you can see in the following snapshot, this 'Soniccouture Novachord K5 UPDATE 1 (Team DYNAMiCS)' doesn't contain any '.nkr', 'IRs', or other Kontakt 'Proprietary Format' file, EXCEPT updated '.nki' (Instruments - Presets).

    As you can see, only .nki (Instruments) are included within this 'K5 UPDATE 1', and I left it untouched since I got it...

    This snapshot can help you to compare with yours. On the right side, you have the size of this Full 'K5 UPDATE 1 (Team DYNAMiCS)' Folder and exactly the number of Files and Folders.

    So, in my own opinion (but maybe I'm wrong !), I think that the trouble was already here before to applying this 'K5 UPDATE 1'... but as you don't stipulate if you already got this trouble earlier, I can only give you my first conclusion at this moment... *yes*

    Hope it help in some way ! :wink:
  4. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Yes it is the Dynamics update. The size and file info tallies with yours.

    Everything works fine with the old version until I replace the Instrument directory with the updated one.

    The file SC-Novachord-Resource.nkr seems to be causing the problem. Kontakt finds cathedral.wav after a manual search.

    I'm using Kontakt 5.02
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Zenarcist,

    Well, at least a 'good new' ! :wink:

    Now, I can only suppose that this 'SC-Novachord-Resource.nkr' was done for the previous version... and that, of course, it doesn't incorporate the settings included in all these new .nki (Instruments) provided within the 'K5 UPDATE 1' !
    This could leads to the fact that when you load one of these 'new' .nki Presets (K5 Version), as it can't to refer to a valid .nkr (Resources) file, it miss to load the eventual Wallpaper and others specific Knobs, Buttons, Scripts,... created by Soniccouture's Team.

    I took a look at the 'Soniccouture' Official Website earlier, but unfortunately I don't have found any update ! :sad:

    Another thing comes to my mind right now. The 'Pictures' folder that you should find within this 'Novachord' Library Folder is it empty or full ? I mean, if it's full of .png and .txt files (among others), there's not a problem of 'missing images', that in some sense, it's already a 'good new' by itself. *yes*
    In case it's empty, here's the main trouble why you can't get 'Background Images' rendered... and unfortunately, this happens sometimes !

    If you can check this last fact, it's a great step forward to try to solve your problem. *yes*
  6. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Planet Earth
    There are no image folders.

    The only text file is Novachord_refmap.txt in the Samples directory.
  7. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Planet Earth
    In a weird experiment, I've loaded the instrument twice, once from the old directory and once from update directory (by renaming the directory folders half way through.)

  8. lampwiikk

    lampwiikk Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    The best way to resolve problems like this, where you know the file exists, but for whatever reason the patch is not looking for it in the right place, is just to do a "batch re-save", and when in that process it can't find a file point to it manually and then from then on out it will know where to look. Just go up to "files" on the tabs at the top of the interface, on the main side not the browser side, then hit "batch resave" and point it to the main Novachord folder
  9. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Zenarcist,

    According to the provided snapshot included in your last comment, I can notice that both loaded Instruments have their respective special Knobs done by Soniccouture's Team, that's a 'good new' because it indicates that despite the fact that the second .nki (K5 UPDATE 1) doesn't show the corresponding 'Background Wallpaper', at least it loads the correct Script with its Knobs,...

    According to your comment :

    In fact, this 'Instruments' folder (containing solely the .nki Instruments) included in the 'K5 UPDATE 1' by Team DYNAMiCS should normally replace your previous one... and this is certainly the main reason why you can't get these 'new' .nki (Kontakt 5) loaded properly with all their options (Wallpaper,... ).
    Normally, you should to have only one 'directory' in place of two. So, my suggestion would be to replace your old 'Instruments' folder, and only this, with the new one (K5 UPDATE 1) within your 'Novachord Library'.
    My last advice is to make a backup (copy) of your previous 'Instruments' folder before replacing it by the new one, just in case something wrong happens... this way, you may be able to easily 'recover' your old setup without having to reinstall it. *yes*
  10. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Since this thread was never totally and clearly resolved, I thought I'd add that the problem is that there are two updates for Novachord. One is the K5 UPDATE 1 and the other is the Ondes UPDATE 1.

    K5 UPDATE 1 is referencing a file that is present in the Ondes update. So the easy and proper solution is to install the Ondes update then the K5 update.
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