notebook probably infected ?

Discussion in 'PC' started by poka chip, Jun 18, 2022.

  1. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    lenovo was spitting messages every now and then to update my bios or hotkeys or drivers. didn`t done it.
    will update the driver. but i don`t believe that a bios update is responsible for my machines behaviour.
    and buying a new win 10 is actually not an option for me. so i stick with the oem preinstall of the notebook.
    btw: pressing shift and restart doesn`t work to get to recovery mode.
  2. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    thanks for the info. didn`t know that.

    AKAIBOY Member

    Jun 7, 2022
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    i use hirens & Malwarebytes for quick scan or full! G Data takes too long! & it detects Keygens as Trojans
  4. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    my win 10 built is 19044.1766.
    will download crystaldisk asap. thanks for the reminder.
  5. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    can you share some light, why overwriting a drive once or low level formating isn`t doing it`s job 100 percent correctly. i heard that many times over the last decades, but never was explained logically/techcnically to me.

    this machine is only used for internet.

    regarding the usb hdd: its slow down behaviour appeared since a few days. looking at wins transfer graph it like a sine wave. about 30 secs full speed (80 mb) then drop down to low (3 mb) for 30 secs. will check the drive with crystal disk.
  6. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    is running Kaspersky recovery disc in safe mode boot an option ?
    because this machine has no cd drive and making an usb stick could problably contain the malware if made with this machine. or am i wrong about this ?
  7. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    thanks for the offer i will gladly take. :wink:
  8. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    ahh, there it is. will there be a problem when creating a usb stick with this machine or is it a clean stick then ?
  9. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    thanks for another option. will keep that in mind.
  10. poka chip

    poka chip Ultrasonic

    Jun 6, 2022
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    another option to my list. :wink:
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    How to properly erase a hard drive (13.10.2021) byLisa Pinggera

    Deleting data completely from the hard drive - easier said than done. Why you shouldn't rely on wiping software.

    A quick click on the [Del] key and the file is gone. one would think so. Because when you move pictures, documents, etc. to the recycle bin, the files are not permanently deleted. Even after the trash can has been emptied, the data persists on the hard drive. But how do I properly erase my hard drive ? We have summarized the most important information for you.

    Why isn't my data completely erased?
    The fact that data persists on the hard drive even after you empty the recycle bin is due to the way a computer stores data. A file is not found in one place, but distributed in different places on the hard disk. How does the PC find the scattered elements of the file? To do this, he looks for the corresponding reference in the TOC , the "table of contents" of a computer. This then indicates where the file is located exactly.

    If users now delete a file, they only remove the reference in the table of contents, but not the data itself. The operating system marks the storage space as "free" and only gradually overwrites the files with new information. Even a freshly deleted file can remain on the hard drive for some time and can be restored with recovery tools such as Recuva or Photorec .

    How do I securely delete my data?
    If recycle bin and emptying doesn't help, then what? There are several options here. But beware: not all guarantee 100 percent success. Once important files have been backed up, the second step is for users to determine which hard drive is installed in their computer. Depending on whether you are dealing with a classic magnetic hard drive (HDD) or a solid state disk (SSD) , data is stored differently.

    How can you find out your hard drive type? For Windows PCs , you can find the description in Control Panel > Device Manager > Disk Drives. Somewhat modern Apple MacBooks usually only have SSD hard drives.

    Erase HDD
    A magnetic hard drive makes erasing easier for users. Because the entire storage space can simply be overwritten - such a process is also called "wiping" . Tools such as Eraser (freeware) take over the deletion process for users and overwrite the hard drive several times. This makes it difficult for unauthorized persons to recover the files.

    If you want to be on the safe side, you can also erase your HDD with a program called DBAN . This software is already in action before the operating system of your own PC becomes active and can therefore access the hard drive directly. To do this, users use the DBAN instructions to create a USB stick with which they can start the computer and begin the deletion process.

    Delete SSD
    SDDs cannot be completely erased. This rumor persists, but it is not entirely true. However, wiping an SSD is more difficult than deleting it with classic magnetic hard drives. The reason: SSDs use so-called flash memory , which wears out quickly. Controller chips are therefore installed in SSDs, which minimize write and read cycles in order to keep wear and tear to a minimum. This minimization ensures that the operating system cannot decide for itself which part of the memory is accessed during a deletion process. Therefore, conventional wipe tools such as CCleaner, Eraser and Co. are not reliable deletion options.

    How can users still delete data on SSDs? Most management programs for SSDs contain so-called “ secure erase options ” that can be used to erase information from your own hard drive. Only the message "Disk Frozen" can throw a spanner in the works here. The "Frozen status" means that the hard disk is protected from being erased. It is designed to protect the hard drive from malware. The way out: A manufacturer-independent alternative such as the Parted Magic software . This wipe program works similar to DBAN, but is tailored for SSDs.

    Cleaning software and formatting - is that enough?
    The disappointing answer: no. Even if PC owners use cleaning software to erase their data from the hard drive, information can remain. "Both hard drive types have reserve areas where data can hide," explains Markus Häfele from the data recovery company Attingo .

    Even formatting hard drives, which is particularly popular with users, does not offer a 100 percent guarantee of erasure. Because here only the file system is rewritten and almost all data is left behind as long as it has not been overwritten. The expert advises: "Anyone who uses cleaning software or formats their hard drive should also make sure that all data has been completely deleted." A data recovery program such as Recuva can be used to easily check whether the hard drive has been properly cleaned.

    The Shredder as “Last Resort”
    Complete erasure is only guaranteed by physical destruction. "If you really want to be on the safe side, only shredding helps," Häfele states. But there is another option: those who think ahead can encrypt their hard drive before using their PC for the first time. With a so-called "Full Disk Encryption" it is not possible to access data in the reserve area even after an incomplete deletion with recovery programs.

    • If you want to completely erase your hard drive, you should definitely not rely on your operating system . It is not enough to move files to the recycle bin, nor to empty it.
    • Before deleting, find out whether a classic magnetic hard drive (HDD) or a solid state disk is installed in your PC. The deletion options differ from each other.
    • There is cleaning software for both hard drive types . When wiping HDDs, you can rely more on the programs than wiping SSDs. In any case, use data recovery software such as Recuva to check whether there is still data hidden in the reserve area after the process.
    • Hard drives are only 100% erased after their physical destruction . But if you think ahead, you can encrypt your data before using your PC for the first time . That way you are on the safe side.
    It looks like something is running in the background.
    If you use the free tool CCleaner,, you can look there under Tools --> Autostart to see if there are things that don't belong there. In Autostart should be only the most important things like antivirus software, audio interfaces software but nothing more.

    Also download the tool ADWcleaner it is free, , it has the advantage that if he finds something before loading the operating system deletes the malware. Especially bootviruses after delete yes again and again at each boot process new that are deleted.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I have noticed that this happens when you install and uninstall many programs. Often the installation/uninstallation routines are not cleanly programmed and there are leftovers e.g. DLL (shared program librarries) in the system. Or - what is even worse - DLLs are deleted which are still used by other programs.
    Actually, shared DLLs are noted with a counter in the registry and are only deleted when the last program using them is uninstalled. However, if a program has failed to set the counter high, this will cause problems. This is a very common error.

    To reduce the problem, I now make a backup before installing a large program package.
    If I do not use it then, I do not uninstall, but make a restore. This is better than any deinsatllation, because the whole system is reset to the time before the installation.

    Its got better with Win 8+ but nevertheless, at some point even Windows 10 starts to disintegrate and then only the reinstallation or a backup of a really stable system helps.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
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  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    When is the last time you actually saw a boot sector virus? That's like trying to locate your duplicate songs and finding records.
  14. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I've seen this behavior before mostly on compact flash drives because they are slow. After thr buffer has flushed to disk it is quicker and when the buffer is full, it takes time to flush it to disk again. Like you said as a sine wave.
    When your HDD is almost full its more likely that write operations will take longer because the controller needs time to find free space and has to write smaller chunks of data.

    What helps is defragmentation of the disk. It moves free clusters to be consecutive combines big files in consecutive clusters. Makes r/w processes faster.
    Did you do it lately? If not search for defrag in search box. For bigger disk it will tak a while.

    For SSDs the Win 10 defrag utility will not do a defragmentation but initiates a TRIM command on the controller.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2022
  15. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Kaspersky is running from its own Linux core, not involving Windows at all (as it should be), but right, you better create USB key with Rufus on another (clean) machine, you never know when boot procedures are playing.
    However if you don't have this option, try safe mode (I fear it won't save you from viruses) and launch Rufus to create boot USB key, it could work (or maybe not, I don't know).
  16. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    I'll have a try, if it's smart it should download latest definitions, like Kaspersky rescue disc does.
  17. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    What you can also try is to pass the antivirus in "Safe mode"
  18. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    GData isn't free so you only get the most recent definitions by applying a license.
    Therefore I updated everything and then created the image. That way you can run it without license
    but with the definitions of today.

    If you create a boot stick, the stick will be formated/erased to be able to add a boot sector.
    By using Ventoy, you can create a bootable stick where you just copy over the images you
    want to boot from - means you just have to format in once and then you can use it as your
    daily usb drive and as a boot stick at the same time.

    GData scans everything, also archives, executables that contain other binaries (installers, keygens,
    trojans & ransomware), etc.. Yes, that takes a while on some machines but it'll detect absolutely
    everything possible that way and you still can deselect/uncheck keygens and others from the list after the scan.
    Fast solutions detect much less so you can decide:
    Do you want to make sure your system is free from any virus or do you want to save you some time
    while still risking your sensitive data?

    Small example:
    A friend had an infection and he scanned everything with Malwarebytes & Avira but the virus still came back.
    I took his boot drive, put it into a external case, plugged it in, did a full scan with GData and it found 103
    additional infected files including the virus itself. After that, his machine was running again perfectly.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2022
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  19. PsychaYogi

    PsychaYogi Member

    Apr 12, 2022
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    Malware is a generic term, and a Virus is a kind of Malware.
    Also, If you know what you are doing, you don't even need a Firewall or any anti-malware software.
  20. WHMedia

    WHMedia Guest

    Here's what I ran daily when I worked in computer repair and clean up.
    Run ADW ad ware cleaner
    run and restart.

    Run CCleaner
    clean, but also clean the registry, and keep running cleans until the list of finds gets smaller.

    Run Malwarebytes
    Run then uninstall, cause holy shit does this program have nag screens and pop ups to "upgrade to premium", which is not worth it.

    If still having issues.

    Run Tweaking
    Has an option to reboot into safe mode. Definitely better to run this program in safe mode, can be done in normal mode, but might not get everything. This app essential defaults windows back to it's initial install, without reformatting and losing all your data. It's great.

    Usually, Tweaking will take care of most everything, but if still having issues run Tron. Tron and Tweaking are very similar in what they do, but I have found that if one doesn't work, the other will, and visa versa. I've run Tron and still had problems, then ran Tweaking and problem fixed, so....who knows?

    Run Tron
    Takes a long time and basically atom bombs any shit on your computer that is infection.

    If your computer is still having issues, then it's either hardware based issues, or it's a wipe and reload.

    Good luck.
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