Not enough USB ports!?

Discussion in 'PC' started by lordradish, Feb 1, 2024.

  1. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    Thanks for all of the advice, everyone. I ended up getting one of these:

    It's a 10gps, USB 3.2 with two USB-C's and two USB-A's. I will hook the SSD directly to the computer, as well as the focusrite. I'll put the Keystep in the other port on the computer, and put the Tascam Daw controller and the trackball on the hub for now and see how that all goes.
  2. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    does your computer have USB-C 3.2 gen2 port, to match that hub spec?
  3. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    Yes it does.
  4. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    Okay, i read just enough to understand what's this is about, to get to the point, use docks, and there's a big difference between hubs and docks, and docks are basically a mini extention to your computer they include ethernet, USB 3s USB As and even jack output, which can make it a pretty smart choice if you have multiple workstations, as you can just plug one USB that can do everything from charging your laptop, to charging your phones to connecting to ethernet you know the rest, and they are usually powered, even they don't come with a power brick, they can either have it as an addon or do without if your devices aren't power hungry, and they can be pretty bad ass stable...

    The most popular ones are from Lenovo and HP, the cool part is that they don't require Thunderbolt like in the past, any USB C port will probably do.

    Lenovo Dock

    HP Dock

    i am currently waiting on the HP dock to get to me, once they arrive i can give you a pretty good conclusion how are they...
  5. lordradish

    lordradish Kapellmeister

    Apr 20, 2018
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    I did look into docks, but they're more than I need... I only use one computer, and don't need a card reader, HDMI or ethernet, as I already have those. I just need a few more fast USB ports.
  6. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    i've been using usb hubs ever since i started to run out of on board usb ports, with up to 10 devices attached to it (mininova, microkorgxl, circuit, system-1, tb-3, tr-8, 2 boutiques, external soundcard, mixers) always used powered ones and no off brand. the only problems i've ever had with them was when they broke down. brands i used are tp-link, sitecom. still have one from sitecom that's pretty old and still working, have had it for, like, over 5 years by now.

    connected as follows:
    audio interface -> usb1
    synths with psu -> usb-hub1 ->usb2
    synths with usb-pow -> powered usb-hub2 ->usb3
    other shit -> powered usb hub3 -> usb4
  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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  8. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    About power : hubs don't really need power from wall plug anymore.
    Because modern USB norms provide more power than early USB 1/2 (500 mA 5V max).

    Even more with USB C :
    • USB Type-C : 7,5 ou 15 W (5 V à 1,5 A ou 5 V à 3 A).
    • USB Power Delivery : jusqu’à 100 W (20 V à 5 A).
  9. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    it's not about the card reader or hdmi port, it's about the fact that they are powered and will be super stable and that should be your first priority, plus the other ports are a plus in case you actually come into a situation where you do require them.
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i had flickering of my midi controller using a D-Link hub, also MIDI signal was not transported all the time, dead-time somehow.
    I am avoiding now hubs, simply dont use the mouse, but the trackpad, saving one usb slot for something else.

    how about this: leave the mouse out and the SSD unconnected (you could try to copy always used stuff on internal SSD), then you can connect more of the audio stuff.

    I connect: Audio interface (USB-C), midi controller (USB-B), power (yeah it wastes one USB-C - thank you Lenovo - assholes), leaves me with one USB-B left, which i usually connect a USB HDD to it, to watch movies/series at the same time i want to make music ...
  11. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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  12. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    On the subject of HUBS briefly...

    Just a note whether MAC / Windows or Linux... If you notice some weird shit happening on startup /reboot..
    While you probably have done this, just in case - Go into your BIOS and disable boot from USB - I imagine you have already set an "Only boot from..." equivalent. Stopping any BIOS from searching through every listed bootable device is ALWAYS faster. nearly every BIOS has a selectable boot key you can press on bootup if you do wish to boot from something else.
    Some BIOSes facilitate power etcetera which can be configured. ALSO - Windows has a nasty habit default of setting to power off USB's when not in use as does MAC in battery-saving. If you only turn your laptop on to do music, then disable anything that requires a HDD to spin-up or a USB to turn on. That also means making music is just that, not wondering why some things are not responding immediately.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2024
  13. 0on3

    0on3 Guest

  14. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    yea docks are hubs on steroids,
    depends on price as well (good quality docks tend to be much more expensive than usb hubs),

    ethernet implementation in docks also vary - some (like Caldigit, Belkin etc...) use dedicated NIC, while some others (like HP, DELL..) are often designed to extend capabilities of their own laptops - so for ex. physical Mac address of a laptop "without" built-in network port is then projected into a dock, so in case of DHCP reservations and hostnames, laptop retains its Mac address (and IP address) even when moving between office desks (because dock itself does not provide fixed Mac address on its own)
  15. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Long time laptop user here and since I changed to a PC for my audio workstation I have zero headaches :)
  16. Ryan

    Ryan Ultrasonic

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Hubs with their own power supply can have other benefits too. I used to have the issue that if my Cubase was stresssed enough with enough vst effects, vsti's and such, then it would sometimes loose connected to the MIDI keyboard, which for the rest of it's session would not work anymore. However, connecting it to a hub with it's own power cable has solved this, as apparently this issue happens to more people and apparently somehow the the computer will for a very brief moments not give enough electricity to the USB midi keyboards, which makes it loosse connection (was their explanationon some forum about this). I had to reboot to get it working again. Verry annoying. However, this solved it.

    I tend to agree with the concensus here though. You can connect most stuff to some random usb hub like typing your keyboard, mouse, other non important connections. If you have an external hdd for backup purposes that automatically makes updates, you could use it too for that as speeds do not matter that much for them. (unless you make tb's of backups a day of course)

    Also, I find these on and on buttons on USB hubs usefull too if you do not want to needlessly plug in and plug out some devices if you do not need to have them running all the time (like backup drive). Just have it turned on, unless you need it and then you press the bottom. Much more convenient too than connecting usb A cables in computers.

    Few usb hubs have this, but usb 3 can be devided into gen1 and gen2. The whole naming process of usb and their speeds has become a bit of a mess ever since it got to 3.0. They should just have continued with 4.0 and such to make it less messy.

    However, I gott say that USB hubs tend to die easily. I've had a fair bunch from cheap to less cheap. Sometimes it's just some ports that stop working and sometimes it's the whole thing.
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  17. twathead

    twathead Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Unless you are going to check every file you backup for any problems, you should never do this. You will not find out about any corrupted files until you need them, and using any hub increases the chances of corruption by a big percentage.
  19. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Not necessary here (and probably with no other MB aswell), I can choose an order and if it's booting properly from internal HD, all USB drives are ignored for booting.

    How's that? I'm using my hub solely for external drives and am using these files on a daily basis. So far I never had a problem.
  20. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    In that situation, perhaps yes, but you do know that it will still scan the others? a decent BIOS you can disable/remove everything else and have only one. It will scan regardless of your order. It has to, it's listed on the boot order bus and directly connected. That disables all scanning. Try it. It will boot 2-3 seconds faster. Why? Because your BIOS will still check what you have 2nd,3rd,4th, 5th...exists. Removed, it checks only one, relegating everything else to pure peripheral.. My Gigabyte B560 Aorus Pro AX can remove everything so no, not every other MB as well. Win 11 X-Lite 23H2 boots in under 10 seconds from cold boot.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2024
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