Noisy Neighbors

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ComputerBacteria, Jun 9, 2024.

  1. PantoCore

    PantoCore Platinum Record

    Dec 5, 2023
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  2. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I like noisy neighbors.
    They distract from me playing my Jackson guitar into a Kemper Profiler Pedal into a 15" 1500 watt EV powered PA speaker.
    I have to wear earplugs, but since my building is plus 40 and most are over 70 and deaf, they don't:winker:
  3. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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    People have the right not to be disturbed in their own property! And it is not like that you can listen to loud music from 8am to 10pm - that is considered excessive noise and you can sue people for that.

    I had a problem with my dog's neighbor barking all day - I tried to talk with them in a friendly way but it didn't work much - some people only care about themselves.

    Try to figure out what kind of people they are before talking to them. Sometimes is better to stay incognito - so they don't know who is complaining...

    My advice - if this continues - record the noise and time when it starts and ends (cellphone) - so you can have prove of it and then go to the police and make a complain. Then call the police next time!

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Put a sound meter app on your phone. Go and show them the readings, if you want to be a little confrontational. Have them put the same app on one of their phones and then figure out the difference in dB. They will actually know what is "too loud" that you will have a legit issue to complain about.
  5. Danie

    Danie Ultrasonic

    May 12, 2024
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    If all people are satisfied with their rights and don't ask for more than that, no problem will arise and everyone will live in peace. But when he doesn't follow these things, he causes trouble for others. Some people are so good and kind that even if their right is lost a thousand times, they don't protest because they believe that people around them will realize their mistake one day, but sometimes waiting for others to correct it is just a waste of time and nothing changes. Some people need a simple nudge to realize their mistake, but some people, no matter what they do, do not believe that it is wrong and will repeat it again and again.
    I hope that your neighbors will always be people with sympathy and understanding and kind so that you never get into trouble with them and enjoy life together with kindness and sincerity.
  6. boingy99

    boingy99 Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2021
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    Kill them. Kill them all. [​IMG]

    Or I suppose you could just have a friendly word with them. If nothing else it will save you some ammo and some explaining. :wink:
  7. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    We usually have a number to call, so that someone from the landlord comes out to check (so we don't have to do it personally). Don't you have something similar? We have laws on this sort of stuff (annoyance, etc).
  8. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    I remember when I was younger and living with my mom at the time, this doucher above us played Sisqo's The Thong Song on repeat at loud volume from like 1am until some ungodly hour. It was like they were pissed off at someone else around them (not us, we were quiet) and I got to suffer. I don't really know who would do that. lol Anyways, I never actually did anything back then because I was too unconfrontational back then, but I should have called the cops.. I lost a lot of sleep in a few week span while this idiot did that. I would call the cops on them now, if I still lived in an apartment and it happened today.

    Really, others had the answer.. but I'd say if it's in you to talk to them, I'd do that first and just let them know to keep the volume respectable up to a certain time, and then after that certain time, it shouldn't be happening. It's pretty much going to be the law anywhere that people can't blast music at 1am. If you don't have it in you to talk to the tenants above, or if they don't respect you and it continues to be a problem, then call the police and make a noise complaint.
  9. Danie

    Danie Ultrasonic

    May 12, 2024
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  10. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Where we live there are laws of noise, and in fact until relatively recently you couldn't even flush a toilet between the hours of 10 PM and 8 AM. Sundays are still quiet and one can't for example mow the lawn or work outside in the garden for fear of receiving the evil eye. It's changed a bit in the last 10 years or so and nobody is going to run to the Flush Police any more if you take a dump at 3 in the morning.

    In the apartment that we rented previously, we lived above a lovely older woman. I sometimes tend to walk loudly with my heels striking noisily, and if I would do that my wife would just look at me and invoke our neighbor's name to remind me to soften it up..."Heidi" she'd say and I'd be rendered a sheep and cower in the shadow of the God of Thump.
  11. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    There's a correlation between the volume they're playing the music at, how often, how long, their level of intelligence and how agreeable they will be to turning it down. If they're really blasting it they will probably be aggressive and you will become their number one enemy, your complaint swiftly followed by neighbourly shennanigans designed to annoy you even more. How dare you attack their freedom? These types can't be reasoned with. They're making a statement with their music, it isn't for their own listening pleasure, they're broadcasting to the neighbourhood, like those cretins who drive around blasting what sounds like a PA system in their car. Most people think they're prats.

    The council will offer mediation, which is unlikely to work, they probably wouldn't even respond to the idea. Your only option is to gather evidence, keep a diary of what exactly is happening. You can then build a case against them and hopefully get the local authorities to address the problem. If the authorities are interested in helping they will send somebody to monitor the sound levels coming through the walls and if it's above a certain level they will act.

    The first approach even to these cretins should be friendly, even if you expect them to tell you to go to hell because you never know, maybe they will reconsider what they're doing, or be fearful of their landlord. I think it's important not to react if they're aggressive, just say ok and walk away.
  12. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Of course, you could also be angry enough to write poetry.

  13. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Your Noisy Neighbors.... Good album title or band name
  14. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    If you get into a noise-off, I think this track would declare you the winner:
  15. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    Do not leave notes. Written text has no context and can be taken as much more hostile as intended and will deteriate any neighbourly relations.
    Go up when they are not making noise so you are not wound up and just ask them not to make noise after a time you deem reasonable.

    In the UK, noise complaints can be classified as a statutory nuisance. Noise level at any time has limits, but there is also a lower lexel between 7pm and 11am. During the day the limit is around 60db, the sound of a vacuum cleaner, or at night an increase of ambient noise by 10db. So something that would wake you from a sleep is easily out with acceptable levels. Even our bins have a dB level printed on them for legislation. :D

    So if you say I would like to have peace from 10pm you are allowing 3 hours more, if not the activity to happen at all, than if they refuse and it becomes a legal matter.
    Dont feel like you are the bad person here. You have every right to complain to the council, or non emergency police in some circumstances.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    If you really want to join, just bring a bottle of liquor and some spliffs, knock on the door. If you want them to stop drink a bottle of liquor and follow a methodology.

    The only thing you can do is to break up the band.

    This requires any combination or the totality of the methods listed bellow:
    • Impregnating the singer
    • If you are not into chicks or are a chick and into that maybe hook up with the lead singer and turn her into a junkie
    • If you are a chick but are not into chicks find a dude band person and hook up with them, turn them into a junkie
    • You can set fire to the building and blame it on them and let insurance (you have insurance right?) put you somewhere nice

    • Or you can just call the cops

    If you want to be a dick about it, when the cops come see above steps 1-4 then aim cops at the annoying people.

    There are also some dick moves, but I figure you should start out slow and easy, no reason to get into deep water right away.
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