NI's Service Center & Warez

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by LuckySevens, May 28, 2014.

  1. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    *(If this is an inappropriate question for AudioSex, please remove it quickly)

    I've seen it written before... that the libraries that aren't authorized but appear on NI's Service Center do not pose a problem, but I remain skeptical.
    Can someone convince me :( that they will not result in the arrest of hundreds (if not) thousands of us!!!???? :wow:

    (Trust me... I will remain skeptical)
  3. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I think you should be arrested for being so paranoid lol

    Your in the wrong field if your worried, N.I has resources but not to take down thousands of users if anything they would offer an incentive to make warez users legit
  4. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Native Instruments wont go after consumers. Period. They wouldnt even sue. Why? Because thats alot of money on legal stuff. And they honestly dont care THAT much to be like that. If they truly didnt want you taking it they would put ilok2 or much stricter securities/registration.

    I own almost every NI product and i have even legit products CRACKED so i can use even more of the software (libraries and such).

    You have two of the top NI people on the case (being Kontakt Guru and myself). I have an acquaintance in the Native Instruments Artist Relations department. And trust me, they arent worried about consumers using cracked products. Almost every producer/studio/musician uses at minimum one N.I. product, and to them thats good money. Plus advertising and artist promotions/support. Their stuff sells itself.

    If your that paranoid, dont use cracked products. But im serious, in the NI case, its not worth the anxiety.

    The libraries only appear in service center because of how they install and how kontakt (for example) reads them. Using nicnt and xml and plist files.
  5. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    If it was their purpose, they would already have switched to iLok2 or WIBU.
    They are more clever than that.
  6. PouyaDH

    PouyaDH Noisemaker

    Apr 14, 2014
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    City of Angels. nobody's an angel here, tho ;)
    nothing's gonna happen
    recently their MOLEKULAR came out. the exact day they put it up on their web, It was also available in websites with Warez softies

    I believe they wouldn't even mind somehow promoting the cracked world of N.I themselves.
    word of a mouth. u get a cracked software, love it,and cant stop talking about it to your friends. (AUTO' MARKETING, RIGHT THERE)

    N.I is like RayBan, everyone has one ;) it sells itself.
  7. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Ok... so you guys are saying that NI doesn't care? "trust me, they arent worried about consumers using cracked products."

    With an average product price of $169 (147 products currently listed at the NI website), multiply that by (let's just throw out an arbitrary number) like 10,000 people "sharing"... that equals $1,690,000. That's assuming the 10,000 people have only one "unpurchased" NI product. We probably average 10 each (or more!) so, multiply $1,690,000 times 10 = $16 million, 900 thousand dollars ($16,900,000).

    Yeah... they don't care!!!!! :rofl:
  8. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    They make bank. Out of any company out there for audio software of any sort, i think NI makes the most. If they cared THAT much why wouldnt they increase their protection? they obviously have the funds to do so.

    And to some the big picture is money, to others its their name. NI can get both. Please the purchasers and the leeches of cracked products. NI products are staple products to the digital audio field. And they made that by pleasing all.

    The artist relations guy didnt care about my owning the products legit and cracked. He said he has Kontakt the same way because of 'library versatility'. He promotes some 'clients' to use kontakt legit and 'open' as well to say 'HEY, Deadmau5 uses Kontakt 5 and he uses Spitfire Audio BML stuff' (fake example, but to similar caliber).

    It effects us all, but they have come to the conclusion that it is going to happen and some people would never buy NI products, but they will use cracked/free ones. That doesnt help them promote their name.

    As was said, they could use Ilok2, but they dont. So it says something.

    In the end, the answer to the OPs question is NO. They still arent coming after anyone. They wouldnt. Legal fees, dirtying their public name, etc.
  9. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    You are making the same fallacious assumption that the various software associations and the RIAA make: that a shared file = a lost sale. The fact is that most people could never afford to buy everything they share, and in many cases they would never be a potential customer. But they do spread the word when they dig warez, and that is qualified advocacy from impartial users in the field, much more effective than conventional advertizing. And there are plenty of people that DO buy s/w after checking out a shared version, to support the dev, get tech support, updates, etc. And many d/l what they already own so they have a flexible backup and avoid dongle issues, etc. I own Komplete, but I've installed the wares version of it so I'm free to install shared libs. There are countless examples of downloads that don't subtract from dev sales, a fact conveniently overlooked when they lobby for increasingly draconian means to police our hard drives.

    I'm sure NI is not indifferent to wares, but they are probably wise enough to see the big picture, and recognize that it would hurt them more than help them to get heavy with those who share. There's a sizeable libertarian streak in the EDM community, a constituency that would likely not react well to any big brother moves.
  10. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    I would love nothing more for your opinions to be correct! :wink: As I am a violator too.

    But then again... that's all they are... opinions. Actually... it sounds more like wishful thinking... you guys love to convince one another that nothing's going to happen because the industry doesn't care... "it's good for business"!!! :dunno:

    Like I said, I'm as big a criminal as all of you (I'm not implying ANYTHING! :rofl:) ... it's just that I have my ear to the ground too.

    But I hear ya!! :mates:
  11. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I don't even know how to respond to that comment? are you with us or not??
    Okay let's make it plain & simple, with your username you got nothing to worry about :wink:

    Nothing to see here folks, please head back to regular programming :bow:
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