NICNT library "drop down" menus

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by CrimsonGuard, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. CrimsonGuard

    CrimsonGuard Newbie

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Hi everyone,

    I have a question about NICNT libs I've created myself (thanks to all the great tips I've picked up here in these forums). I own Kontakt but prefer to use a cracked Kontakt as it allows me more flexibility with libraries, such as being able to mix and match things and create my own libs.

    Something I've noticed is that when I get a library that already has an NICNT file from the developer, if the library contains Multis, the library will generally display TWO drop down menus - one for Instruments, and one for Multis. Furthermore, they can point those drop down menus to specific folders, which makes navigating to a specific instrument or multi faster (requires fewer clicks!). However, when I create my own NICNT files the only drop down menu I get is "Browse" and it points to the root folder of the library. This is not the ideal way to do this as it means that I have to navigate several folders deep in order to find an instrument I want, and if I decide I want a multi instead, I have to navigate backwards to the root and then deep into the multis. It's not the end of the world or anything, just very time consuming and requires a lot of unnecessary clicking.

    Here's an example picture of what I'm talking about:

    Does anyone know if it's possible to create an NICNT file that allows having an Instruments and a Multis drop down menu?

    Thanks everyone, keep up the great work!
  3. villini

    villini Noisemaker

    Sep 18, 2012
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    In the folder where you put the nicnt you need to create folders 2 1 as "Instruments" and one as "Multis".
    Move .NKI files in the folder (Instruments) and the .NKM files in the folder (Multis). It recognizes them automatically.
    Sometimes moving the NKI file can happen that no longer recognizes the path to the folder with samples, in that case, from the File menu using the Batch re-save option (answer yes to the warning window) select the folder where you put the nicnt and when asks you directions to the samples still put the same folder.
    At the end of the operation the .NKI files will be saved and re connected perfectly to the samples (that reverberates even automatically for files, NKM.
    I hope to be liked
  4. dorian

    dorian Ultrasonic

    Apr 23, 2012
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    You can also create a folder named Documentation to put your user manuals and text files in there and this would be visible as an "i" icon next to Multis tab.
  5. CrimsonGuard

    CrimsonGuard Newbie

    Sep 7, 2015
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    D'oh. I didn't realize it detects and does the Instruments|Multis dropdowns automatically. I never noticed it because I tend to group my libraries together by developer, which means the folder structure never places the instruments folder and the multis folder in the root folder. A long time ago I used to have a library for every single thing in kontakt, but I ended up having so many that it was cumbersome to navigate the library tabs, and decided to start grouping them together for sanity's sake.

    Thanks for the help. I just reorganized one to test it and it worked. This means I need to figure out how to organize them better moving forward if I want the dropdown menus available. Some libraries this will be easy to change, others not so much.