New Version of Kontakt Drumkit plus a Bass Guitar.

Discussion in 'Software News' started by bigcat1969, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. bigcat1969

    bigcat1969 Producer

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Check out the reupped Kontakt version of these drum samples that was created on a big thread on Cockos. It uses Kontakt 4 as some of you might be happy to hear. The creator is not me but someone skilled! Beat your brains out for free! Also tossed in a Bass guitar for folks who like that sort of thing.
  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Hi BC

    Thats the most crazy drummer Ive tested since a very long time ....!

    I dont know what your intentions are with this library but it´s tough and pretty direct! The samples are good and the script interesting ..... the build-in rythms are pretty rough too and hard to find a job for ..... but on the other hand: You can make your very own or import a midi (wich I havent had the time for yet!

    Thanks for the test - I´ll look a little more into this later!

    Keep up the good work :wink:

  4. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Dope work bro
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Hey bigcat. Good to see you again. Hope all is well. :mates:
  6. bigcat1969

    bigcat1969 Producer

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Thanks for trying it Phloopy! My only real intention is to try to figure out how drums work. I don't understand them in the analogue world or here in digital land, so its an interesting experience. The scripts are ones that came in the factory library so i just tossed them in.

    Thanks Remix.

    Hey Catalyst. A bit weird right now as my parents got burned out of their house (they are fine). Trying to get people who need assisted living but don't really want to go... lol you get the idea. Hope you are doing well.
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    That's crazy, I'm really sorry to hear that. What a wonderful world we live in. :wow:
  8. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I could envision how these samples would fit right in with some pop/rock songs - they already have compression on them, so with some EQ, they'd be good-to-go, really punchy. Some of the loops included are kinda funky, though others (with the claps) might be hard to find places for. It's nice to have an expedient library of drums which gets right to the point, at least as a placeholder if not an ultimate option. Thanks - this is really cool.
  9. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Nice one.

    The articulation script is a nice touch. :wink:

    The velocity curve, decay and sustain controls seem to not do anything.
  10. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    The reason for that is in the modulation script "you" have written the envelope has been Renamed to "ENV_AHDSR" whereas the envelope in your instrument has the default name setting "ENV_AHDSR_VOLUME"

    That's why as soon as you change a modulation setting, i.e Release you get a script warning i.e SCRIPT WARNING: Object "ENV_AHDSR" not found - index will be invalid!

    Remember you have 188 groups or whatever & you not declared your group index i.e use the command declare $grp_idx

    Therefore your group modulation script non functional in this particular instance.

    My advice would be forget about modulating 188 groups unless you really need it & get the basics correct & all in place.

    Maybe consider improving your EQ control/Reverb control etc.

    Also Drum computer script cool & that but not much use if u can't get the information you need in & out of Kontakt & into your DAW.

    Therfore learn how to write preset arrays & load/save them or use your own midi files & create a drag & drop area so you can browse them and drop them into your DAW. Just an idea :wink:

    Much better than the last one tho & good to see you back *yes*
  11. bigcat1969

    bigcat1969 Producer

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Thanks for the feedback. And yes let it be noted, I simply grabbed a couple factory scripts that said Drum and dropped them in to see what would happen. Of course if anyone who knows all about scripting wants to improve things they would be welcome too... just saying.
  12. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    No critiques at all Bigcat is a great effort is just u doing the basic things wrong i.e in your EQ your Bass Range is set from (-18,18,1)

    Thats why it displays the wrong values in the performance view.

    Instead set the range (0,1000000,1). Know what the 1 means & the 1000000 & also the 1!

    This will cover the full range of the knob.

    You are trying to limit the range but it's wrong to do it that way ie set the range (0,1000000,1)

    Then in the next script slot use the following command

    on init
    end on

    Obviously don't use $ENGINE_PAR_SEND_EFFECT_OUTPUT_GAIN & set the slot numbers accordingly.

    In your case you EQ an insert Effect so set it like this $ENGINE_PAR_GAIN1 with the correct value, learn the slot numbers also of by heart

    Set the knob to the value u desire & hit apply.

    The bottom of Kontakt on the left will display a value that you must use say as a default. Set the knob default to whatever value u want.

    This way u get it done right.

    Remember if using custom graphics u need to use sliders which have a range of 0-1000000 & you need to make a label to display the value for your selected knob but I wouldn't worry about that for now

    There loads of other stuff wrong but nothing that can't be fixed & is a really good effort.

    As for the keyswitch script I would bin it personally as it of little or no use at all.

    Concentrate firstly on setting your ranges correctly & maybe using a different EQ script that functions correctly & Also consider variation i.e you Reverb control gives you control over wet & dry (that display wrong values) & that's it.

    Try scripting in some different controls to make it a little more functional.

    No point thinking about importing midi files etc, etc if you can't set the correct range for a knob.

    Please understand am not meaning to be nasty but just help.

    Best advice Bin ther whole lot apart from the samples & write a completely new script that is simple & functional but works correctly.

    Then u can concentrate on the more difficult stuff.

    If u need a hand PM me :wink:
  13. bigcat1969

    bigcat1969 Producer

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Bump for new and improved.... old and much improved version!
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