New Track! Been awhile since I posted so I figured I could use some abuse to take me down a peg

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by tylerv, Sep 1, 2022.

  1. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    Thanks for the feedback. I think I know specifically where you’re referring. The first 2-3 lines that are sang a bit deeper in my register and slightly monotone were notably kind of difficult to get to come forward in the mix and be clear and audible. After that first few lines when I go higher in my register I had thought that they became more clear for the rest of the song but it’s possible that’s just because I was the one singing them and already knew what I was saying obviously, that I didn’t realize to others it they weren’t clear? Am I right in assuming that it was those first few lines of the song or did you have trouble hearing/understanding the entire way through? Just so I know what I need to work on bringing out more.

    I tried several “mixing” adjustments to make that first vocal section come out more but was having very little luck doing that with a mix approach so that’s why I actually dead the background vocals in that first three lines in a higher register hoping that it would bring them out more. Originally I hadn’t intended on doing any backgrounds in that section. I was going to introduce the background vocals a few measures in to attribute a little more dynamic “drama” but doing those backgrounds was the only answer I could find to help bring that section of vocals out.

    Any suggestions on things I may do to get them more audible from a mix standpoint? I will literally started doing this on my own alittle under four years ago with out any one teaching me anything aside from watching some mix tutorials early on on YT (which frankly were not very helpful except at the absolute beginner phase when you’re still learning just the bare basics of mixing like what does a compressor do etc.) . It’s all just been sheer trial and error sitting in front of my monitors so there may be something quite easy that could be done there that I just don’t know because maybe I never came across that bit of info up to this point in all of my cursing and banging my head against the wall haha
  2. Molly_Lee

    Molly_Lee Producer

    Jun 10, 2021
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    "I figured I could use some abuse to take me down a peg" -------->

    You bastard, who do you think you are. Go to hell and stay there. You are nothing! :bash:

    I hope you are satisfied and down enough pegs. If not let me know and I can send some more you way.:hahaha:

    Nice song by the way, I really liked the part towards the end.:grooves:
  3. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    LOL very well delivered. Consider me at least several pegs lower now :rofl:

    Glad you liked the song though. The end part happens to be my favorite part too lol
  4. stoiximan

    stoiximan Platinum Record

    Dec 8, 2013
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    I am not a mixing expert but i think you have problems in the low end frequencies.Lower the bass volume a bit and try to balance it with the kick.I am pretty sure its the bass but busy tracks like this are difficult to mix, but you are not very far from perfection,a slight volume change or a bit eq could make the difference
  5. flush with your foot

    flush with your foot Platinum Record

    Apr 12, 2017
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    nice compo! to my ear I would like it to be more "readable" to the ear, a more defined sound from each instrument, and the voice more in front, maybe too much general reverb....
    I keep in mind of course......
  6. petrrr

    petrrr Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2022
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    what instruments you play? all? u recorded the drums at home sounds good
  7. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thanks man. it will be figured out this weekend haha

    very much appreciate the guidance.
  8. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thanks for listening and offering feedback. I'm definitely going to be addressing the verb overall as a few others have suggested the same and then i'll repost.
  9. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thanks! i very much appreciate you taking time to listen.. seriously. and everyone else as well.

    yessir! its a one guy show over here haha. i'm a guitarist/ singer first but since i've been writing and recording my own music i've learned (at least to the point of proficiency) to play bass and drums as well. i wouldn't consider myself a bassist or drummer by any means but i've gotten passable enough at both out of necessity. made me a better musician and songwriter overall though in my opinion bc i'm having to think "big picture" always when approaching writing instead just trying to shoehorn in a guitar solo everywhere lol.

    as for the drums on this track, i did play them but i use an e-drum kit routed into my daw and then i usually use getgood drums to track. this specific track was actually a blend of ggd one kit wonder "architects" and "circles drums 1987". together they sound huge.
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    someone in an earlier post used the term "overwhelming" about the reverb, and if you are changing it there is not much point to comment on it. But the "overwhelming" feeling; I think is a good descriptor for more the overall feeling of the mix, too.

    Maybe you will get better results from another alternate mix. But I would just suggest giving some thought to having someone else mix it.

    I make tons and tons of layers when I make tracks, and sometimes I find myself with a mix going that is too big, too complicated, etc for me. What I usually end up doing is deleting my way out of it, by removing anything I do not think is important. I give each channel the "mute test" and if it's not doing anything significant for me; usually it's getting banished. It's easy to delete/mute synth layers because you aren't really attached to them. That is probably a lot harder to do in your situation, because you have more invested in each take you do. An "outsider's ear" won't have that problem.
  11. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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  12. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thank you. yea i have to say you hit it pretty square on the head with the attachment to tracks. it's hard to "kill your darlings" when you know that little gtr lead line took an hour to write and then another half hour to get that perfect take (many times much more haha).

    if i was doing this for anything more than just my own creative outlet and place to put my creative energy now that im a 30 something with a real job and responsibilities (rather than a early 20 something touring musician in a small band) i would definitely send it off to be mixed and mastered by a pro. at this point though this stuff is really just for me (and my mental health) so i'm just going to have to stay obsessed, post them here for critique from pros, and get better at mixing lol.
  13. reticular

    reticular Producer

    Apr 14, 2022
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    Bro, it is a big chunk as you do all by yourself, so kudos for delivering such a nice song.

    I looped it like 5-6 times and i feel that in some parts(in the rythm beat parts) that clap/snare has too much harshnes around it in the wrong frequency, almost if it should be more white noise on it to blend it better.

    Vocal is great if i may say, alongside guitar + verb it makes a vibe, but that 1:09 guitar/verb tails are fighting your vocal - check out Rvox maybe. I would also lower the top end of the kick and let guitar there a bit.

    If i may suggest, get a Tascam 414/424 and some Type I or Metal type cassettes of high tier as it would help your vocal stand out, it would be easier to do mastering balance, you would probably recognize the waypoints much easier. (id say ASAP, as a vocalist, you would be happier even with the first step of tape such as cassettes, that Tascam has like 75-85db dynamicrange and can take a punch in the red)

    Dont know if there´s better service to send audio files, if you dont mind i uploaded my vision of the track balance on the sc for you to check it out. Enjoyed listening, you have a talent that´s for sure.

    Last edited: Sep 13, 2022
  14. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    A gem. :bow:
  15. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    let me just first say i'm so sorry i hadn't replied sooner. i dropped this in and had just pretty much thought everyone that was going to listen to it , had already. and i've been trying to jump right into my daw when i come out to my studio instead checking the forums first and getting stuck for hours lol (maybe you can relate??:cool:)

    Man... thank you so much for the attention you gave to listening and breaking down your critique. can't say enough how much it's appreciated. your re-balance sounds incredible. i don't have any clue how you did it with the full track and not individual stems but holy sh**! somehow sounds like you widened the stereo field and everything now has it's own space and aren't competing with eachother so much.. truly jealous of your ear. i get frustrated bc i'm primarily a songwriter/musician and recording/mixing has just been a side effect of that so that i could record my own music. mastering is by far my weakest point and i honestly end up usually using mastering plugins like the ik multimedia lurssen emulation and then tweak what i can to taste but i know that my masters are always very lacking and doing my tracks a disservice.. (i'd be very interested in that service if it's something you provide.. pls message me if it is)

    i'm intrigued by the tascam recommendation. i looked at them and they can be had fairly inexpensively. i plan to pick one up on reverb.

    also, i do hear what you mean in the snare/clap. i can jump into the session and make those cuts pretty easily and definitely will. same with your suggestions at 1:09.

    i'll message you my email address as well if you want to send your version that way. if you don't mind me using it that is. even if it's just to use it as a reference that i can try to replicate on my own.

    again, thanks a ton for your time and effort spent on my track. this is why this community is so fu**in' awesome!
  16. reticular

    reticular Producer

    Apr 14, 2022
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    Yo, no problem man, it is NOT hard to spend a little more time tweaking if you like the song, so you go an extra mile and not get ear fatigue.. which is a problem with dealing with the digital stuff.

    I believe you recorded the vocal in pretty decent quality, guitar was good, background had some character so i went for those things and worked them up because i wanted to hear more of the vibe.
    Those harsh freqs are tough thoug, every mixer is fighting them so kinda forces you to chose the right sounds from the start, or resample them thru some gear to "soft" them up a bit.

    I´ll shoot you an e-mail!
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