New Song using Acusticas Gain Staging

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Lenny Belardo II, Jul 30, 2021.

  1. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    Simply love it! :wink:Though I'd wish the drums was not so... "loudnessy"! (= they have extreme highs, extreme lows, and nothing in between)

    These drums IMHAO deserves more work in the mediums, if of course you wanna be more realistic and preserve the attacks. I'm aware that this is not "real" drums here, but even with samples you can - if you want, this is not an obligation - make the drums more "alive".

    Overall the mix in itself is near-perfect IMAHO, I love how you managed the guitars, they are simply perfect, love the pan and space work.
    Note: The remark earlier about the bass being... hem... "too mono" :deep_facepalm: is simply stupid, you and I (and other fine members here) knows very well that the bass frequencies are not directional, so in the real world you can say that they are always, naturally, in mono!

    I remember very well when one of my "mixes" (LOL) was refused by a radios' "platform" (can't find the good word), saying that the bass frequencies were "a catastrophe" (it was their actual word, I kept the mail for my own education) because (I try to sum up) basses had the tendency to go sometimes on a side, then on another, in fact there was a strange... "stereo bleeding" I was not really aware of.
    I was ashamed, but I learned the lesson! :facepalm:

    Bass frequencies (below 200 hz) have to be in mono. What you hear, when you think there's a stereo effect on the bass, is a perfect illusion: it is in fact the harmonics of the bass sound(s) that are... "stereoized" by an effect, a pan trick, or a chain of effects.

    It's why, personally, I always use DDMF's "StereoeretS" plugin on my master track, just to be sure there's no more "stereo bleeding" on the basses.

    Thank you @Lenny Belardo II for the nice share!
  2. It's odd what people hear when they listen to a song. Especially producers and engineers. I agree that I should create an auxiliary for the drums and slightly squash them. I'd probably use an LA-2A then run them onto UAD Ampex tape. But I'm happy to say I'm done with the song. Thanks for mentioning the guitars. Like I just said, odd how some people don't seem to hear things. Nobody even noticed the Mellotron. Everyone wants to point out specific frequencies without just listening to the song. Thank you and @Lois Lane for being one of those who enjoyed the song.