New Parasite track - Twisted Beauty.

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Parasite-B, Apr 28, 2018.

  1. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Hey, all! Yeah, new track from my band Parasite. I know the mixing isn't up to scratch, purely because I don't have the energy to carry on working on this track. Been working on it on-and-off for years, and to be honest, I'm done. Band mate is happy with the mix, me, nope. But hey, if any would care to take a listen, drop some creative criticism, rather than the negative BS that seems to circle this forum right now, please have a listen, and let me know what you think, in a positive manner, if anyone can manage to do that. But yeah, here's the track...

    Enjoy, or don't. Just don't be an arse about it.
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  3. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    nice sound @Parasite-B :wink:,the intro reminds me of The Prodigy(in a very good way) :bow:
    I like the guitars & the drums, nice voice too :)
    Sonically the track & mix can be improved,especially when the guitar parts come in imho :bow:
    Take care
    spyfx :wink:
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    music is cool , the mix try to adjust at tiny level .(bring it back to plain sound)
    sounds like lot of crunchy compression, making your drums sound like like flicking piece of paper with middle finger. ( instead of BAM or CRACK or SSSSSS)
    try to mix it with references of your fav albums or songs alternating back and forth to your own mix. (where you can hear yours compared to your fav songs of big acts)
    like a 3 sec snippet of yours then 3 sec snippet of a big name act you love ( for each sound ex. the kick sound or the snare sound where you listen for the comparison.)

    just for fun!

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2018
  5. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Hey, man. Good track. :thumbsup:

    It's an unusual mix in the sense that when vocalists take charge of the mixing process the vocals are usually end up stronger than they necessarily need to be. However, in this particular mix the voice is occasionally drowned out.

    Bro, your voice has a signature sound to it. No need for you to be timid about it. If you could possibly thicken up the take of your performance that you have already laid doiwn, it would be mega. I am tempted to suggest double tracking (Ozzy style) for this one. Alternatively, deepen the reverb. Exploit what you have developed. Don't hold yourself back.

    I realise you don't want to piss off the band by pushing yourself forward in the mix. That's not going to happen if you think holistically. Give yourself an equal measure of sonic energy to match the overall drive of this track. Just go go for it. Humble is for offstage. Here, in performance mode, you're the poor unfortunate bugger that has to stand front and centre and "sell" the band's sound to the punters. Yep, it's a filthy job - but somebody has to do it. :yes:
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2018
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  6. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Not the kind of track i'm generally drawn to, but it's ok for sure!

    @DarthFader is right on the money - vox is the thing people are generally drawn to and right now they're coming across a tad underwhelming & brittle, ironic given the lyrical content... yup, those vocals shouldn't be meekly seeking my attention, they should be demanding it!

    Both @MMJ2017 & @Spyfxmk2 likewise make valid points - for me the BDs are a bit too bright/clicky, especially noticeable on the verses.

    Just for the record - some saucy string thing (inspired by elements of the vox melody) in the intro and dotted about elsewhere might add to the drama and finish it off just right. :)
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2018
  7. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    A great track! Congrats! :)

    As has been mentioned already, mix needs more work... The voice needs to be more upfront and clear... The words are very difficult to decipher...

    The drums also need more punch and clarity... Especially the BD and SD... right now they seem to be overwhelmed by the guitars and such...

    All in all a great song... All it needs is more separation and a far more powerful vocal treatment...

    Great job! :like:
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