New Nebula Libraries

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by TruBlood, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    I'm finding myself stuck in the panoramic dimensions offered by this reverb. There is always a touch of it in my mixes. I wonder if an emulation is this par, what would be the real thing! In my personal view, I have not heard anything better whether algo or convo. Has anyone sampled Lexicon or M7 for Nebula? Not Liquidsonic or Samplicity ones.
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  2. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I would love to see AA do this one in Acqua Form \m/
    i know Alex B did his version but its not on par with the real deal ive used one befor>>> it was a rental>>> but one of my favorite compressor on a vocal.... Acustica Coral is one of the best IMO on tracks or busses for clean reduction but man it would be sweet to have this CL1b Acqua and even the whole channel strip in Acqua like Softube did in Algo >>> yes sir! \m/
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  3. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Their is no Algo can beat the reverb of Nebula \m/ not for me anyway... i use 90% of the time nebula for reverbs its a must lol >>> im not sure ive not purchases any reverb for nebula in a long time cause im pretty coverd but im sure many more great verbs will come in the future ... i have a few nebula verbs that can set things back in the mix and you cant even hear the verb but its amazing on things like guitars that get honky with alot of verb on em ;)
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2017
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  4. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @Jaymz, I've been waiting for the dust to clear after the N4 introduction.
    Have you heard any new compressor libraries through N4?
    I'd love to find some compressor libraries that actually worked like the real thing. I know that's something that never got quite right with N3.
    If that's been fixed, then I could see a reason to upgrade.
    Unless I'm missing something, the old N3 libraries would sound the same in N4. No change.
  5. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Violet is the bomb. It's a great compressor that works perfectly like you would expect a compressor to, I really dig this one and use it as much as my other acquas.
    The thing is with Core9 I think, I'm not an expert I'm sure Giancarlo will shime in and explain, the latest evolution both in sampling and how the plugins has evolved drasticely and what it can now accomplished and now allow for excellent dynamic processing.
    TBH I don't really know technically what made the difference since I'm new to AA world, but coming from the algo world where compressors work like they should I can tell you that violet in N4 can do that and more !:yes:
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
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  6. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Yeah have to agree with everything people written TBH
    Reverb a tricky one as depends on your specific requirements I guess.
    For me personally a rack based unit is the best solution but that's just as it's easiest for my specific needs and for some setups your talking mega bucks indeed.
    In this price bracket and well above nothing really comes close really :no: Add to that compressors, EQ's and some of the other cool stuff. Is awesome indeed.
    Thing is even if it were just for reverbs alone it would still be worth the money. However when combined with all the other wild stuff it can do then in and around this sort of price mark nothing comes close to what you are offered.
    Essential bit of kit I reckon and one of those must purchases just for the sheer flexibility\quality alone.
    You can tell they are putting awesome effort in all the correct areas also which real cool 2 see :) :yes: :bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2017
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  7. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Great to see so much Nebula love in here guys!

    For Nebula reverbs, I suggest starting with:

    Cupwise POL I & II - EMT 140's with some control
    VNXT -EMT 140 & EMT 240e
    Gene Lennon's TC 6000 custom pack
    STN - From Lexicon 480 to Space Station
    AITB - EAR Verbs - Huge collection of real spaces

    Make sure to use the Nebula Reverb over just Nebula and use them on a send..... and freeze. I have a i7 5820K based computer and Nebula verbs will still force me to freeze, lol.

    FWIW, Acustica Audio are working on an EMT 140 plate Acqua, rumored to be released this summer.
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  8. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I agree with you @Talmi >>>an disagree with everyone else saying Nebula compressors are not any good????? O.K. lol >>> Not all of them are spot on the box they where captured from but even Algo comps are not clones of their so called counters @ REAL TALK>>> just like 2 of the same guitars or mic's do not sound the same 10 ssl hardware comps one will outshine the rest \m/ but that doesnt mean its useless it just means it has its own character and will fit the right source material ;) Yano i said Alex B CL1 B is not on par with the Hardware ive used>>>well its not!>>> but its still useful and sound quit good on the right material... the thing bout his version to me that stands out is the hardware keeps more of the High end and can give a signal even more but in a pleasing way @ 10db gain reduction >>>Alex B version smooths out the top and give the signal a fuller bottom>>>so its Very useful for harsh content needing to be tamed \m/ if you want a snappy quick comp try the Slick 9 comps from Cupwise \m/ and they retain the high end very well and even give a lil sizzle to it kinda Airy goodness>>> its an older Lib but for a long time was my favorite on drums it can smack as good as any Algo Comp and not dull out the High end \m/ right now MY 3 go too Comps ITB is Acqua>>> Coral,Sand,and Pink... an even the FREE Tan comp is killer>>> Still gota do my testing with Gold but just a quick demo of the comp i could hear instantly its a good comp ;) best part of Gold for me is the pre's and Q's oh yeah lol ! I love me some Neve Pre's ! \m/
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  9. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    hey brother try the old Slick 9 compressors from Cupwise >>>their is Hard and Soft Knee comp programs>>> give them an Honest Run ok >>> then leme know what you think ;) try the hard Knee on some drums use the soft knee on the Buss play around with them from top to Bottom all programs \m/ i wana add these are old 2013 comps from Cupwise but they have variable Ratio from 1:1 to 10:1 attack and release sc and all \m/ was the first comps for nebula i thought was like hardware action \m/ thirs a few programs in this bundle that have just a pass thru aswell>>> with no processing just the character \m/ Edit >>> i purchased these back in the day but i believe they are floating around if yano what i mean ;)
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2017
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  10. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    @digitaldragon I opened an old project with nebula pro 3.9 and took a snapshot of what one of the soft knee Slick 9 comps can offer you >>> attack and release is super fast >>>plenty of threshold Ratio 1.1 to 10.1 >>> lookahead times 0 to 5sec>>>HP filter>>> makeup gain and a Dry blend to tatse \m/ Soft and Hard knee programs here with 1kernel and up to 10 full kernels >>> this is a badass set of Comps here from Cupwise no joke! ive mixed full songs with this set of comps>>> Vocals,Acoustic guitars,Heavy Guitars, Synths,Piano, Drums and anything else you can throw at it it will blow your mind for a 2013 Nebula comps lol Please Feel the need and try this beast out for youself>>> i Love Acqua comps of today! they are top Notch but this Dude at Cupwise nailed this shit back in 2013 \m/ Trust a brotha!
    lol Slick 9 comp.png
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  11. Mystic Studios

    Mystic Studios Noisemaker

    Apr 25, 2017
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    Anybody interested in trading some Nebula Libraries that aren't on any file sharing site or going in on a group buy? I'm still surprised so many people have never heard of Nebula before. It's nice to see it getting some love on here. I saw the title link on audioz and it made me sign up to the forum. :)
  12. returnal

    returnal Rock Star

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Everyone's info about, and enthusiasm for Nebula on this thread has convince me to sell some hardware to buy some software for the first time in my life ... That's saying a lot!
  13. Mystic Studios

    Mystic Studios Noisemaker

    Apr 25, 2017
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    It's certainly worth it. I have the real hardware of the API 512 Preamp. I use to do A LOT of reamping through it....Since nebula came out, I just put an API 512 emulation in the chain and it's magic!
  14. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @Jaymz , that's an SSL 9K compressor. I'll test and give some feedback. Should be remotely similar to my MPC (same type of VCA's).
    You've heard a few of the mixes I've put up. Which Acustica Aqua comp/strip/eq package do you think would suit my material best? I've been toying with the idea of treating myself to one of the newer Core9 releases.
  15. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    yes its the 9k i still love the slick 9k comps too even compared to the new Acqua \m/ for your style witch is mostly what i record and mix i would have to give the vote to Sand >>> cause its SSL Rock solid all the way from its Killer Pre's>>> killer Eq's>>>Killer Comp's and HP/LP filters its hard to beat has everything you need in one box \m/
  16. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    if i could use only one of the current Acqua plugins to mix a record i would choose sand it is the most complete box in the line up for what i like in tone shaping ability ;) but still yet i like every one i own ! Or you can go Gold cause im really digging the Eq's and pre's on this baby man i still gota do more comp testing with this one \m/ So Sand or Gold \m/
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2017
  17. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I'll have to check the Demo and rework one of my mixes from the ground up primarily using it. I'm currently using a lot of the Waves algo stuff, but kind of moving away from it to other vendors offerings of the same modeled equipment. I found the Waves stuff to be "muddier". I don't know if that's the correct explanation of the difference I hear.
    Wish I could get you to mix up one of mine from the completely unprocessed stems to see where I stood in comparison. The stems are arguably not the best in terms of recording technique as I was just starting into this wonderful world of production. But I've done what I can with them. I think it'd be interesting because it sounds like we work with very similar material.
  18. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    +1 on the slick comp from cupwise,the best nebula comp yet had not bothered with neb 3 comps til someone on the AA forum suggested it.It was so good that i went and bought it even though it was available.:wink:
  19. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Welcom to the Forum brother @ :wink:
  20. Jaymz

    Jaymz Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2016
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    Good point you make on the mudd ... alot of the Algo stuff has the right action but it just smothers the Life/sound quality right out of the material... wen i first come over to ITB mixing from straight hardware i got sick lol >>> im serious i could get a descent mix but it sounded so Dead to me i went back to the hardware \m/ if you have great recorded material and i mean PRO QUALITY recorded material mixing with Algo stuff is not so destructive to the sound and anyone with the knowledge can get a great mix with just Algo Plugins... but even then most times its sent off to a mastering house that pumps it back up with gear an breaths the lost life back into it @ real talk >>> For us mix engineers who freelance for a living just doing independent artist who are on a tight budget its a whole other ballgame. cause they most times either record it their selves and send to me to mix and final master or they come have me record it plus mix and master for the best deal i can cut them yano >>> so i need the best sounding most cost cutting tools i can use to get the job done as quick as possible and give them an Album they can be proud of with out breaking the bank and put some cash in my own pocket haha.... Hardware isnt cheap to buy to use to maintain>>> so this is where the mixing in the box comes in and for me i can get it there better for cheaper using tools like Acustica Audio /Nebula tools \m/