New Macs shown, Apple Silicon is on the roll, thoughts?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by tzzsmk, Nov 11, 2020.

  1. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Mate, you're welcome to trust Apple 'til the sky falls, it's no skin off my nose. However, unless you're a senior exec at Apple HQ, all you know is what was reported a few days back - same as everyone else. At the very least why not just wait for a month or so for more conclusive verification from multiple researchers before explaining how misunderstood those kindly Apple folk are, huh?
  2. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    I bought an 8 core 2019 MBP last December and I'm not worried about it. I also have a top spec 2013 Mac Pro which is still going strong and for that I'll wait for the new ARM replacement whenever that happens.

    Until they stop selling Intel hardware in a couple of years you don't need to remotely worry about the clock ticking on Intel software support on OSX. I'd say minimum 5 years from now maybe more likely than the 2 you're suggesting (say 2 years until they remove Intel then 3 or so years for standard asset depreciation) and that's probably on the low side.
  3. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Paranoid much?
  4. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Certainly not until i strayed onto this fetishistic fanboy thread. That's learned me... :facepalm:
  5. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    another audio benchmarks :wink:

  6. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    First of all lemme say that although it is your right to dislike, i find it impolite, because i wasn't offensive in anyway, at least i think so.
    And you deny the CONFIRMED and REPORTED OUTGOING TRAFFIC DETAILS. Get it ? Spare us the "harmless certificate" quotes. Lastly, It will be a cold day in hell when Apple devotees like you sir, give us an internet lesson of which webpage collects our data or not or what hdd's SMART function actually does. You remind me of those Apple sellers in expos where i would go and brick their (advertised as) "ultra fast comps" in 30 secs just to have a laugh about it. But hey np, an apple a day etc etc...
    Be well.
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  8. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    First, let me tell you why I disliked your post and dislike this one again. Because it is simply wrong and you are misleading other people who may not know what is going on.

    I explained it in other posts, but let me state it again, all Apple is doing, is sending the software developer certificate of an application to their servers, check if the certificate is valid, and tell your Mac that it's safe to run it - or that it isn't in case the certificate is fake or was revoked. (That's by the way the reason why you often see comments that people should "self sign" the software or disable Gatekeeper, because this overrides the process)

    There is no personal data about you or your computer involved. Except for your IP and the time, which is the same for every single connection ever made over the internet. Like when your OS or software is checking if there are updates.

    THIS is what is indeed CONFIRMED. It's always bad to send traffic without encryption but in this case it made it very easy to actually look at the traffic and see what it REALLY contains. And this is it. No secret spying for world domination involved. No checking on you around the clock. Just a verification of a developer certificate once a week or whatever (I don't remember).

    Yes, it doesn't even do this every time you run the software. It does NOT ask Apple every time you start the software, because if did already, it knows the certificate is valid and won't check again (too soon).

    And you seriously complain about getting dislikes for this crap?

    Edit: just to extend a little about what is happening. Windows contacts Microsoft and updates their "Defender" with new data about the identification of malware (I don't know what information Windows transmits to Microsoft at this point, but it's at least your IP and a time again, probably a lot more as well). When you HAVE ALREADY malware, defender will eventually scan it and warn you. But this may well be too late and your whole system may be infected already.

    Apple goes the other way around, every time when you start something, it first checks if the software was signed with a valid developer certificate. A virus doesn't have one and won't start. This way it won't be able to do any harm at all, unlike on Windows, if Defender doesn't have the latest update or the update doesn't know about this malware so far.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2020
  9. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    sure mate everyone knows there is only one road to rome heh heh...NOT

    its really funny that someone really thinking , that they do not collecting as hard as ms does , wtf
  10. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    You completely missed the point.

    Of course they possibly can. I never said they aren't. In fact I know that Microsoft does a hell of a lot of this shit. There is a lot of evidence about this out there. Maybe just nobody watched Apple as closely so far, who knows? Every OS can spy on you, every mobile phone can, every app on your mobile phone can, every software on your computer can, every browser can and does, every website can, every social networking site does, every game you play, Google does... hell, not only the Chinese even put factory-made chips on boards and in phones to spy on you.

    I'm not saying Apple is holy and they wouldn't do it. In fact, I highly dislike that they did even this without any consent from the user, without an option to disable it, without even telling the user at all - which is clearly a breach of Privacy Protection Acts in most western countries and against the law. And I hate it, that they now even changed Big Sur to dig holes in firewalls. So don't get me wrong about this shit.

    However, jumping in an Apple thread just to bitch about a case of spying that clearly isn't one is still wrong and stupid. There may or may not be any amount of spying going on from Apple, I don't know, but THIS is NOT such a case. If you want to open a general paranoia thread about how 1984 the IT industry has become, you are welcome.
  11. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    It's the classic smoke and mirrors trick. They have literally nothing they can bitch about with the M1 chip performance on Apple silicon (the entire point of this thread) so instead come here trying to hijack the thread whining and moaning about any random anti-Apple info they can dig up from the internet, factually correct or otherwise.

    Haters gonna hate. Leave them to their offline Windows machines whilst we continue to use ours online as normal laughing as we go.
  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Sure, i hate Apple and it wasn't me who opened a whole thread/discussion 5 months ago about Apple going ARM. It was you, right ?
    By your comment you indirectly say i am bitching wrongly and stupidly. And this, in your (mac)book is a check for trojans ...
    apple ocsp.jpg
    Hey appleinsider says it's harmless, so sleep well... :rofl: Not that every app can have a unique certificate and the system receiving can log times and ips, thus data mining. Noooooo it's wild imagination.
    To me, this only raises one question. Do you actually know your rights ? Don't bother answering, it was rhetorical.
    And for the record i was first here to comment on Win10's malicious telemetry and you were...errr... not here? Right.
    Spilling the beans: There is no talk about comp hardware without commenting on the OS that it runs. They are inseparable and hardware will always rely on OS to do its job.
    So, lemme be blunt. Even if i am bitching i can pawn yo ass on my most stoned day brah. Meh. Go on then drink your milk and press dislike.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2020
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  13. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Nope wasn't me so as usual you're talking crap again.
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  14. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    Dear Peoples,

    Are there any good thoughts here about the strength/weakness of the M1's GPU and the fact that you can (only) have 16 gigs of RAM in it ?
    TIA !
  15. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Yeah, for instance the YT video testing Logic max number of tracks/plugins in M1 vs Mac Pro. But accurate tests are still to come.

    So my thoughts at this moment. Only technically. No Apple's privacy/political-marketing-closeness stuff. I'm on PC, not Apple fanboy neither hater. Too old for that shit.

    # The fact alone of integrated RAM in the same chip is huge. I could see this being the future for most users.
    ## RAM latencies are the sworn enemies of high performance. Today's RAM are fast, but the latencies are as slow as DDR2's.
    ## I'm dying to see specific numbers but this is huge. Imagine a HDD and a SSD with the same read speeds but with the huge SSD advantage in latency/access time. Not so big, but it's very roughly the same kind of improvement.

    # Similarly, a mid-end GPU integrated, not your average AMD APU. Another win for the same reason.
    ## CPU-GPU latency: another sworn enemy of performance. And the reason, for instance, there's barely no VSTs that can use GPU for real-time stuff
    ## A conventional APU (CPU-GPU) multiplies the RAM latency problem because, well, there's two big processor accessing at the same time memory. Hugely improved with this approach.
  16. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    that new chip is undeniable. if you deny it you it says so much about you.
  17. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Oh, forgot. Other interesting points
    # Legacy. x86's compatibility limits the chips design, power usage, a lot of things
    # Modern multicore chips. Turns out low-power, RISC designs are more suited for many-core performance. This is one of Intel's biggest problems, but not the only one.
    # Experience. Apple M1s use 5nm. They have a lot of experience with one chip devices with their high end iPads/iPhones. AMD is releasing 5nm next year the sooner. Just for fun, Intel is releasing the first 10nm high-end desktop CPU next year :rofl:

    # Limited RAM quantity
    # Limited GPU performance
    # Limited number of cores
    No matter how fast they are, there's still power users who need 64GB and number crunching beats 3D/AI/server GPUs.
    I wonder how the fastest IO port of M1s (PCIe 4?, I don't remember by heart) would perform with external RAM/GPU. With RAM obviously very bad. Time will tell.

    # In the same line of RAM and GPU, integrated sound chip. Sound software developers could be sure to have certain accelerated features. FFT, convolution, reverb, who knows...

    # JUCE's creator Jules Storer is developing the SOUL language which is kind of an OpenGL for sound. He probably had a boner of biblical proportions when he saw the M1 specs.

    RAM usage with Apple programming frameworks. Like ir or not, both Android, Windows and Apple (Java/Kotlin, NET/C# and Swift/whatever) uses "pseudocompiled" and then JIT compiled languages. They are pretty fast, but unlike C++, those languages use garbage collection. This raises a lot memory usage, not to mention kills real-time high performance.

    Turns out Apple uses reference-counted garbage collection, which uses way less memory than Windows/Android.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2020
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  18. Misterguywick

    Misterguywick Producer

    Feb 3, 2019
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    8gb ram 256gb m2 over 1000 plugins @ 128 for £700 ??? surely there is nothing better?
  19. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    M1 GPU shares memory pool with all the other components of the M1 package, which means it can theoretically allocate much more of it, maybe even 8GB as vram if need for ex., but simultaneously is capped by max total usable RAM, and it seems M1 chip is physically limited by 16GB ram,
    about performance, M1 gpu outperforms everything Intel has in their cpus, means, it's better than every Apple Mac without dedicated gpu (like Mac Mini 2018, Macbook Pro 13 2020 etc...),
    one thing to note is, M1 does NOT support external gpus (unlike Intel chips)
  20. Foobar

    Foobar Producer

    Dec 6, 2018
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    You are completely crazy. Are you on meds or something?
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