New Macs shown, Apple Silicon is on the roll, thoughts?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by tzzsmk, Nov 11, 2020.

  1. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    @tzzsmk Naughty Intel, eh?
    Unbelievable that they even tried to use the Air for the batt test! But there it is.
  2. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    I won't judge until I get my hands on M1, Apple deserves some punches for their value-less charts and empty claims,
    sadly Intel is trying hard to find anything their CPUs are good enough against competition which is becoming increasingly harder,
    Intel is trying to remain relevant at CPU market, they had to perform similar shizzlery before when AMD destroyed Intel's lineups with Ryzen launch back in the day
  3. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Intel marketing is seriously embarrassing lately. It already was with AMD, but this one... :rofl::rofl:

    BTW, Intel is now losing its ass trying to move as soon as possible to Taiwanese company TSMC technology for all of their most powerful chips. TSMC is pretty much the base of all consumer chips: AMD (7nm plus), Apple (5 nm), probably future nVidia, all Apple iPad/iPhones...

    Until then they just can't compete no matter how they manipulate their benchmarks. the 11k line was designed for Intel's 10nm technology. And later back-ported to 14nm because they can't make 10nm.
    I'm not saying they'll be bad CPUs, but come on... battery live comparisons with the M1... :hahaha:
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
  4. marmull

    marmull Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    I got my Apple MacBook Pro with M1 CPU a couple of weeks ago and it works fine & fast as expected. Usually I use Cubase on my notebooks but due to corona no live-gigs right now. Therefore I haven't tried audio software yet.
  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    As I am writing this I'm discovering that Intel Evo marketing is becoming the trending laughing stock on the tech YT community :rofl:
    Check out this "unbiased unsponsored" video. Correction, skip the video, check out the comments :rofl:
  6. epochfunk

    epochfunk Member

    Feb 20, 2016
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    I've been using an M1 Macbook Pro for about a month, even tho most audio apps are running in Rosetta atm they all work great. Windoz apps run fine using Crossover. Some iOS apps will load in Logic, others can be piped in using interapp midi and loopback. I've never heard the fan run even once, even when playing or rendering a track with dozens of plugins. If anything I'd wait for the larger models as it gets annoying having all that power and such a tiny screen. Helps if you've got an iPad, you can use it as a second touchscreen monitor with sidecar. Graphics apps are a bit more hit and miss, sometimes slightly older versions will install better that a recent one.
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  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Oh man, and check out the Like:Dislike ratio on the video! :hahaha:
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Mac stuff is so nice, but why is it so damn expensive and like in teh video above, its very unconnective?

    For me the only reason to buy a mac if i had the money, is probably logic? I mean the ES2 is a damn great stock synth plugin. But other than that, its just to expensive and limited in all ways ...
    There is no way u can upgrade later ...
  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    The video is fake info, obviously! Read the comments on YT.
    This is what Xupito was pointing out.
    The whole video is a paid advert and has ruined the career of the YouTuber!

    All the good studios I know are happy to still be running on older Apple hardware, even if not on the most up-to-date macOS.
    I know a lot of people who are only happy to go so far with Apple! IE. not all the way!
    I agree it is not for everybody.
  10. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    That video might have been ok-ish if he never mentioned the M1 Macbook. Because it says upfront it includes paid promotion sponsored by Intel.
    What amazes me is how Intel try desperately to mend their public image and they keep shooting themselves in the foot or worse. I mean the incompetence of whoever are responsible for advertising/marketing @ Intel is a primary example of what NOT to do lol.
    Are you completely sure my brother he's ruined... The guy bases his yt "career" on sponsored videos where the main topic is the sponsor's product. Can't get more directly sold out than that, can it hehehe. Even so he has ~1.5 mil subs... What does this say for the state of the human mentality...
    Have we gone completely bland from habitual consumerism? Admittedly i'm not the person to lay out case studies on mass psychology.
    But what's even more ironic, a week after that Intel sponsored vid, and in what i presume as an effort to patch things with the mac community after that outrageous Intel vid, he puts out this:

    It becomes funnier when comparing the two vids, any sane person would come to a simple conclusion: Either the guy does anything for money, or he's a really disturbed bipolar personality. The latter would be really far fetched so its probably the first.
    And Intel has been down the straight up slander path so many times over the years that i 've lost count. Yet, i still get to hear Intel fanboys saying this and that and i haven't seen Intel sales hurt much yet.
    As far as sales go, Intel are outselling themselves with an almost 7 years old technology. The current state of cpu and gpu shortage from AMD and Nvidia, the high price of the M1 (and lack of an all Apple desktop model), all favour Intel who still are the largest cpu company with their own fabs and even them have admitted to have a problem of not being able to meet the continuously rising demand of this wretched Covid era. TSMC's announcement that they will serve first and foremost the automotive industry puts another obstacle to the non-Intel computing world. I was reading an article the other day how miners, now that they 've exhausted the global gpu supply, they 've turned to laptops as they 're the last comps which may come with a decent gpu at a semi-decent price.
    If i can make a guess, things will get worse before they get better...
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  11. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Unfortunately it's true that the Cobitch/Coronalypse provoking shortages has made Intel sell more. But they're going to move to TSMC too for their fastest chips. I'm wishing for them to recover for the sake of competence and therefore prices. AMD has already ryzen, sorry, risen prices now that they're clearly superior with the 5K line.

    The miner/scalper mobs make it even more difficult for GPU buyers. That sucks more every time. And like you say it's affecting now even gamer laptops. Crazy fucked up times indeed.

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Surely they want to. Supposedly their yet to be released 11 series i-lie :hahaha:, was initially going to be a 10nm cpu of 10 or even 12cores due to the physical shrinking of the die. But that never happened and Intel fans (sic) who stick with loyalty to the blue company are going to be greeted with a downgrade to 8 cores for the top of the line 11 series cpu. Intel claims an ipc improvement of 19% (hmmm... does this ring a bell lol).
    So as far as i can predict, we may see Intel getting in bed with Samsung for their 12th series cpus. TSMC is more busy than ever and they keep a strict "first come first served", so i doubt Intel will "bend over" to TSMC's will and testament and vice versa. With that said, all is possible, especially now that TSMC is making new fab in Arizona hehe.
    On the other end, Intel, AMD and Nvidia, all signed a "petition like letter" to the US goverment asking for funding so they can build fabs in the USA, stating that it's much more expensive for them to operate manufacturing in the USA because of labour cost, taxes etc., yet they need to meet market demand and more importantly to offset Chinese/Taiwanese competition.
    So anything's possible really. I 'm taking the back seat on this and hope i'll enjoy the ride although afaik, it's gonna be bumpy :rofl:
    PS: I 'm struggling to buy either a 3060ti or a 3070 and cannot. Yesterday the cheapest 3070 was ~1100 euros and 3060ti was ~700-750. I didn't buy earlier because i was flat broke, now that i got some money gpus are double of what they cost 2 months ago. WTF lol.
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  13. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Allow me to explain since, you know, I'm a modern global tech guru:
    In Intel's mind (see latest marketing) IPC turns from "Instructions Per Cycle" to "Instructions Per Core". They had to cap two cores so everything fits :rofl:
    Man, that's hilarious. The famous "back-port" from 10nm. No 10nm, no 10 cores, but let's leak our glorious 8-core power eaters "benchmarks"
    That's what I thought too. Samsung is the only chip manufacturer head to head with TSMC. Like nVidia's RTX 3K using Samsung's 8nm technology.
    But seems they've as much shortages as TSMC. nVidia's themselves shortages... and being their own mobile chips their priority. Also, nVidia can't switch so fast to TSMC so I guess they'll still need Samsung at least for the next gen.
    I actually saw a decently trustworthy leak saying they'll switch to TSMC.
    Who knows. I'm totally making this up but the order would be Xiaomei/Huawei->Apple->AMD->nVidia->Intel but that's only for PCs/mobile.
    And I'm not sure if the old ARM chips from Apple used TSMCs.
    Please Mr Biden do that. We need chips. And not Intel ones :rofl:
  14. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    YES I HAVE a 16gig M1 mac mini and no.. your normal concept of how ram is addressed in x86 does not apply. 16 gig is fine. My xeon loaded with Ram is in mothballs now in favor of the M1 mac mini and an i7 8th gen Nuc networked via Audiogridder. The most powerful rig I've ever owned and super stable.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2021
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  15. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Your Mac will cache any free memory it can - that doesnt mean you need 32GB since you're actually using 7GB there not 32GB. If you had 16 it would just cache less that doesn't necessarily mean it would be slower unless you use a shit load of massive sample libraries at the same time.
  16. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    indeed indeed, but I can tell Mac being able to cache more stuff, especially when multitasking (reopening things eventually) makes things faster - can't tell on NVME swap since I still use SATA SSDs though,
    and then there's that 7GB ram usage, despite running any major workload, means 16GB still remains the very bare minimum for me I guess
  17. flush with your foot

    flush with your foot Platinum Record

    Apr 12, 2017
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    very well Nuc or mini pc as a server, I have a mini pc with ryzen 7 gen just for Kontakt, 36 giga ram, it's stable, without noise, and it doesn't take much space, coupled with an intel 10 gen desktop, it's really too good, off network of course!
  18. Bitmonkey

    Bitmonkey Producer

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Yeah personally I'd always go for 16GB as well for more future proofing of my needs but thats a personal thing. I have 16GB in my MBP and 32GB in my Mac Pro and both perform just as well as each other for DAW usage.
  19. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    whenever in the past apple announced something "three times faster than before" it either was a lie - or it took some 3-4 months for dell to catch up and offer the same thing for 20% cheaper.

    it is more than naive to think that apple will be able to produce and sell PCs which are 3 times faster than others.

    all operating systems are always built for all kind of processors and later they decide which are going to be supported officially and which not.

    i see a bright future with cheapo third party ARMs running hacked copies of MacOS 11.
  20. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    that's a reasonable mindset, but let's not forget Microsoft/Windows has never dealt with such major cpu architecture transition, so no matter how much effort and knowledge DELL, HP, Lenovo and other major PC hardware players try, in the end it's software devs and third-party hardware drivers will need to conform and adapt - and that's simply something PC market cannot reasonably afford - compared to closed Apple ecosystem with tight software and hardware integration and limited third-party software and hardware support;

    I don't think there will be strong-enough third-party ARM chips anytime soon, but sure once they become real (3 years or later from now) then hackintosh community will totally embrace them :yes:

    this video is kinda on point...
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