New Diva Beta out - Supersaw Osc, Oberheim Filter

Discussion in 'Software News' started by dokx1, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Correct, that's why it is pointless to crack a beta, especially a beta from U-he. And the interface is not even ready yet.

    It's rather unlikely that R2R cracks a U-he product and then not leaking it - until now Assign/R2R brought every U-he product to the table.

    If they are able to crack Satin, then we will get it soon - if not, I'm afraid we won't see any new U-he product soon. :sad:

    Urs said that he also combined protection with synth functionality - so that if a group removes the protection, they will also remove the special functionality. :wow:
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Urs isn't doing anything revolutionary there, it's a common programming technique. In fact I believe the guy from XILS does it as well. It's too bad there aren't more audiowarez teams anymore. Honestly I don't really care, I'm all set with what I have now between purchased products and things I'm trying out. We have more power in our hands for music creation than our predecessors ever dreamed of anyway.
  3. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    true, and honestly we pretty much have almost everything available as warez. Fucking the latest plugin was fabfilter MB and R2R handled that with a breeze. We couldn't be more thankful...

    Everyone from TheScene has grown up now and moved on...most of them are in their 30's to 40's...times have changed...demoscene is not as cool as it used to be and we're more in the era where computer technology is more of a norm than a platform to push, discover and challenge...
  4. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Problem is: time moves on, and I guess in around five years a lot of the people do not want to work with 5 year old plugins any more.

    Who works with Vanguard any more, or with old, ugly looking NI stuff nowadays?

    But it's ok: limiting one's options is the best way empowering creativity. :break:
  5. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I know what you mean but you can always get some sick hardware synth that will fill in any gaps. You're absolutely right about limitations because I find I work better that way too. :grooves:
  6. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Or you can just buy from time to time - with all my purchases I feel a special connection to the soft and much more motivation to just use it on a daily basis (because I paid for it, therefore I want to use it.) When you get sth for free you don't have that special connection. *no*
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I somewhat agree with you because I did buy some software but to me it's all about the synth. I don't need any more special connection than that. :boombox:

    I do naturally want to support good devs though, that's important to me.
  8. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Well that's the thing is that time DOES move on, and as it does the need for heaps of warez groups is no longer necessary. No matter what, there will still be
    groups here and there and we will get latest plugin releases, but the amount of cracked plugins that exists now is so much, that we don't need like 15 different
    groups cracking the moment a plugin gets released, it is cracked because all the scene groups that exists are already one step ahead with the releases.

    Back in the day, so many protections were still in the 'cracking development' process, so you had to wait quite a while before some Team could fully crack the latest say, Adobe, if Adobe release another Photoshop, in about a few days, topsites are already pinging...
  9. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Well, that's not entirely true as we can see with a lot of newer releases - Satin, Alchemy 1.5, Nexus, ZebraHZ, to name a few.

    Adobe is cracked because they really do not put that much effort into their protection, they know that some kids couldn't effort the Multimedia Suite, and pro designers normally buy anyways, because they can write the costs off financially.
  10. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    ^trust me they do...the amount of protection updates they make you install can get really annoying...especially when the CS3 series was GOD I fucked up the cracks so many times due to bullshit updates I installed...
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    adobe has the same protection for Photoshop since v7 :D and i think its still the same.

    you cant compare nexus with satin - thats a totally different protection. zebraHZ needs only retail and to tell you what i have a copy here.
    not going into detail about alchemy. *yes*
  12. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    nope adobe changed their protection schematics when CS3 came out. The serial and activation method was the same, but there were a whole lot more extra in-softwate protections that needed bypassing.

    I remember because I got the first crack for CS3 or I think it was CS4 and most people were complaining that it wasn't ready...everything would be fine until the next start up of photoshop, to which it would need reactivating...weird shit...

    What hasen't changed much is Autodesks protection, the company has the most sophisticated software but they haven't went hard on trying to protect...mainly because not many people pirate it due to the fact that you can get the student edition for free...
  13. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Well I'm not comparing those two, it's just that people obviously don't realize that some stuff cannot be cracked/is not cracked for years.

    Whatever protection is used, both Nexus and ZebraHZ (and Zebra 2.6 btw) are not cracked though there is a ZebraHZ retail out for months - but the protection is just too good it seems. Funny note: A serial protection from a small company seems just as good as the Nexus dongle shit. :rofl:

    I never had problems with Adobe since the CS4, you just have to pick the right, proper package and not jump on the first badly cracked package which comes out. :wink:
  14. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Only product that i been waiting since it got release.. BFD3.

    I'm pretty sure, it will be crack but they probably have a hard time setting up old libraries + new libraries to work properly.

    About nexus.. I duno why people even like that.. it feels like an expensive kontakt library.

    I never been a fanatic of Diva. This gui seems pretty nice. There's always gonna be a few plugins that you will need to buy. Sadface.
  15. dontcrack

    dontcrack Guest

    shame on R2R that they even play this game. If I use a synth like DIVA but don´t pay for it I would be ashamed. Wannabe "musicians" show their friends music they did with stolen software how humiliating is that? Nowadays you get a high complex synth with zero delay filters for 179,-- but you don´t par for it. Years ago you had to pay 3000,-- to get something similiar. Crazy world, stupid people (R2R)
  16. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Well, comparing software with hardware pricewise does not always work. 179 bucks still a lot of money for many.
  17. dontcrack

    dontcrack Guest

    don´t fuck with me. Every 13 year old has a smartphone when you look around in metro etc. And you are telling me 179,-- a lot of money? Well, then just don´t use it! btw: MauSynth has 0df and is donation ware. why not using that if those kiddies don´t have enough money. Jesus christ!
  18. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    You're welcome. :wink:

    And now may I suggest that you kindly leave here and look for a place where people with manners like yours are welcome. *yes*
  19. dontcrack

    dontcrack Guest

    ah so you agree with me that this is more a place where software developers are being laughed at because they want money for their hard work? Hmm ok, na, well I stay. Maybe some people here overthink and are not warez guys like you.
  20. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Obviously you do not even read carefully before you post your answers - I know that this is sometimes difficult, especially if you are not a native speaker. But thank you for trying. :wink:

    You can call me whatever you like - feel free to express yourself in exactly that manner you are capable of. *yes*
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