Neo-Soul Keys Studio Edition Sneak Peak

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Pink Woof, Jan 8, 2017.

  1. GospelMusicians

    GospelMusicians Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Thanks everyone for your support. We think the price will be well worth it. Introductory price of $79.99 and upgrade price for any and all existing Neo-Soul Keys users of any format will be $39.99. We wanted to reward the customers that have supported us throughout the years and entice any possible new customers at the same time.

    What's New from the Other Versions?
    • 42 New Electric Pianos (See List of all New Here)
      • New Clav
      • New Mark I Stage
      • New Mark II Stage
      • New Mark V Stage
      • New Wurli 300
      • All EX5 Ep Factory presets
      • New FM Tines, Dynos, and Crystal EPs
    • 26 New Mechanical FX
    • Featuring Overloud's Vintage Keyboard FX suite integrated as the main FX.
    • Overloud's Vintage Keyboard FX included as a seperate dedicated FX rack for your DAW
    • Optimized CPU and loading with extra attention to Logic Pro and Mainstage
    • Optimize preset system with better saving options and a search function
    • Much larger HD GUI screen for better viewing (1000x780)
    • Simple serial number authorization

    Highlights and Features:
    • Available for VST/AU/AAX/Standalone
    • Operating Systems: Windows 7+ and OSX 10.7.5+
    • 21GB of High Quality Samples
    • 88 Distinct Electric Piano Timbres
    • 60 Dedicated Mechanical FX
    • 126 High Quality Presets
    • All of the VKFX Vintage Effects from Overloud
    • VKFX Included as Standalone FX to use in your DAW
  2. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    So barely a week left until release? That's good news. And prices are great too. I'm sure ppl will appreciate.

    I really liked the overviews. Sounds good to me. You did a great job, Jamal.
  3. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Hey, Jamal. @GospelMusicians

    I've been watching your videos for a while and getting inspired by your chops. I have a few of your products. I'm happy to finally be ready to get NSK. And, a plug-in version sounds like it could be a good move. I understand how it would be good for your company.

    I'm curious about a few things. How does the plug-in work with that large of a library of sounds? Does it load & purge like Kontakt? Are the samples on standby and put into RAM when played?

    As far as the serial activation, how would one take care of the 30-day 're-activation' on an offline computer not connected to the internet? Also, how many devices can I activate with the one serial number? With UVI/Falcon, I can install on up to 3 computers (i.e. in my case, the desktop, laptop, and a backup in case of a switch).

    All in all, the sounds are amazing! And, the price is right.

  4. GospelMusicians

    GospelMusicians Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Oh ok @Xyenz Fyxion ....I see your a techie...I like that. Very good questions:

    1. Our library uses a form of enhanced DFD (Direct from Disk). Since SSD drives are so fast, we are able to load directly from the drive. Yes, samples are purged when not used and loaded when needed. The cool thing is that it is so optimized that only the "header" or the beginning portion is loaded (Just like Kontakt), so the RAM is super low. The bulk of the work is on the SSD, or 7200 RPM drive.

    2. Our serial number has an offline mode and you will have to re-authorize every 30-days. I suppose we can set this higher, I will have to talk to the dev. You will get up to 3-activations

    One more cool thing is that the desktop version will be 90% compatible with the iPad version. I wish there was a way to offer a discount, but Apple doesn't allow good crossgrades.
  5. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I appreciate the response, fam. And, yes. I am a techie - can't (and wouldn't) help it. :wink: Can you resize the plug-in GUI? I would love to have that feature.

    These answers all sound good. I can tell that actual care goes into your product and through to the end-user. This points me to the 'Cart.'

    Could you elaborate on that compatibility? Does that mean there would be a crossgrade if one purchased the iPad version, first? I ask this for everyone else. I am not personally not very interested (yet) in using my iPad. I'd probably need a newer one, but this certainly does have value.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
  6. GospelMusicians

    GospelMusicians Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Thanks so much @Xyenz Fyxion I appreciate the support.

    As far as the iPad crossgrade: Apple is very, very limited to developers. It's a closed system, so there is no way to offer any crossgrades across the two. Furthermore, we can't even offer any crossgrades for people who want to get the new iPad version. It sucks really, but crossgrades are Apple App Store's weakness.
  7. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Thank you, @GospelMusicians. The whole Apple thing is a paradox. They are great and terrible for the same reasons. I use a lot of their products, but I don't wholely buy into the 'exclusivity' thing.

    Are you able to give us a clear launch date for this magic plug-in, NSKS?
  8. Xyenz Fyxion

    Xyenz Fyxion Producer

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Bro! @GospelMusicians, just bought NSK Studio! Thanks for your hard work and dedication to excellence. Now, I'm going to go blow a hole in my bedtime.
  9. GospelMusicians

    GospelMusicians Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Man thanks so much.....It's been a packed day today!
  10. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    The last I used (and still use) is NSK x3 and it is not bad... not the best out there in my opinion but a good and usable one for sure.

    The problem with "sampling" an old Rhodes is that the sampled Rhodes is old and it has its distinct character... there are a few key "farting" from time to time, some strange noises on some keys and so on...
    What happens to me is that, no matter how good or bad the piano is sampled, I get tired of listening to the same "characteristic farts" on the same keys over and over again, while I am playing.
    It works great for a song or two, and You can really enjoy it, but than it becomes a PITA to hit some keys, and the fun is than over for me :(

    I`ll try the new one, and if those "issues" are resolved, I will for sure buy it, since I use it in a live environment.

    Best wishes Jamal !
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  11. GospelMusicians

    GospelMusicians Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    We remedied this in this new version. We have three Clean suitcases for those who like the clean sound. The Mark V is super clean. The main suitcase is clean. Not the 3X with that thud noise that we kept. But as you have pointed out, that's what a real EP sounds like. You can't take it out. We tried to keep the "good" characteristics, and sample out the bad. You can, indeed, sample out of the ugly anomalies.
  12. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Hi Jamal,

    So I took advantage of your sale today for Neo-Soul Keys Studio and I have to say, I'm a bit dissapointed :(

    After almost 2 hours of trying to establish some stability with the plugin, I've just about given up. Ive tried reinstalling several times, running the library from my main drive (SSD) and my storage drive (HDD) while adjusting the stream settings accordingly, but at best I'm getting sporadic usability before it crashes my daws. Ive tried running it in both Cubase 9 x64 and Maschine 2.6 x64 with no luck.

    If I try to record midi while using the plugin, my daws immediately crash on either stream setting. When I do manage to get it to work for more than a minute, there are occasional audio drop outs, with audio sometimes only streaming through the right channel... its pretty damn buggy.

    I run a beefy system and I have never had any problems using large library plugins, including most of your previous UVI libraries, but I cant for the life of me figure out why Neo-Soul Keys Studio is continuously crashing my sessions. Here are my specs:

    Win10 x64
    Intel Core i7-4700HQ @ 2.4GHz
    16GB RAM

    Can you confirm if other users are having the same issue and if so, when can we expect an update? Thank you.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2017
  13. GospelMusicians

    GospelMusicians Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    @aymat Not at all....We've sold hundreds so far and you are the first to report this. We had one customer report issues, but the were all resolved after changing the hardrive streaming. We should have some type of logging going on. What would help soo soo much is if you could shoot a screen video so we can hear what is going on.
  14. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Here you go:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  15. GospelMusicians

    GospelMusicians Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Thanks so much for the video. I helps. Let's please handle this through E-mail directly instead of a forum though, since we can send screenshots and attachments better. Please E-mail the following:

    • OS / bit architecture
    • Computer specs (CPU, RAM, HDD)
    • External HDD Specs (SSD or speed of hardrive)
    • DAW with version number
    • audio device & settings (sample rate / buffer size)
    • Machine Version
    • IMPORTANT: Send us the Debug Crash report
  16. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Hi Jamal, I was able to contact your support team and this was their response:

    The wait is that we have to reproduce the bug. That’s the hard part. With no other Cubase or Machine users having issues and with us being able to run perfectly, we have no basis. You need to break it in order to fix it. If we can’t break it, then we can’t fix it. We need to literally get Machine and keep going and going until it breaks. We are working on a way to maybe create a log, but it’s not a simple fix a bug. How can we fix a bug we don’t see on our system.

    The weird thing for me is that Ive never had a problem with library releases made by Gospel Musicians until now. Out of the 350+ plugins I own and use, this is the only one that is not working properly in Maschine.

    One thing I think could be helpful to you in isolating the issue: I'm part of a large producer community on Facebook which currently has almost 7k members, the majority of which are Maschine users. I could post on the page to let them know the issue I'm having to see if they could replicate the problem as well. Is there a trial/demo that can be downloaded by members of the community? This way they could test the plugin and submit their findings to you directly, while expediting the testing process and also promoting the plugin as well. Let me know your thoughts. Thank you.
  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    interesting.. watched the video... just curious, is it essential for you to use it within Maschine? Not being cheeky...
    I know a lot of people like to take advantage of the functionality the software offers,
    but aren't there some simple workarounds/alternatives? I realize I'm probably showing some ignorance about it... but then as with many things DAW/sequencer related it requires us to find a different way... unfortunate but true..

    again, have no issue that you point this out, it should indeed work within Maschine..and if that's your work flow...
    you have a reasonable expectation to use it there of course...
  18. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Well, Maschine is what I mainly use to write music on so for me it would be. If I had known it would not have worked in Maschine, I wouldn't have purchased it but since I've never had an issue with their libraries before, I just assumed it would work properly.

    Granted, I think this is their first foray into developing a standalone instrument, so maybe developing software outside of an architecture like Kontakt or UVI comes with some problems they just didn't foresee. It could also have been that they simply did not do enough testing within Maschine. The support team was a bit vague with their answers so its not exactly reassuring. In any case, I'd like to be proactive about it and help in anyway I can since Ive already invested money in purchasing it, and this is literally the only plugin I own that doesn't work as advertised. That's why if there is a trial/demo available, it would be great to have Maschine users from this community and in the facebook groups I'm active on to try for themselves to at least verify if its working for them and narrow down the issue.

    @GospelMusicians Jamal, can you verify what kind of testing was done on Maschine and if there where any stability issues before the plugin was released? Do you typically test on all DAW platforms for stability or just certain ones?
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I was considering getting this one as well.. now that you point out the issues... I might wait a while...
    who knows what else could be lurking in a new product... I'm surprised as well that it's crashing a platform
    that has been in such wide usage for such a long time now... it probably predates their libraries

    at least I know I have seen Maschine for as long as I have been seeing neo soul libs
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2017
  20. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Personally, considering I have yet to have had any of my questions answered by their support staff and a condescending response to my emails by one particular staff member, you may want to consider waiting until they can provide a solution.
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