Need some help with picking right drum sequencer.

Discussion in 'Software' started by JohnTheKlingon, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. JohnTheKlingon

    JohnTheKlingon Noisemaker

    Jan 27, 2023
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    Hi there fellow AudioSex members (although I'm still not a member because I'm not allowed to use chat),

    I'm testing some of the drumsequencers and I'm not certain which one to pick. I bought Playbeat3 because it was on sale and the promo vid they have gave me the confidence to give them some coin. After a week of testing I'm not really satisfied with the workflow. After checking other promo's and YT tutorials, Xfer Nerve seems to hit the spot for me. I want to make beats for Trap and Techno, so there must be something out there to help me out with that. But.....

    The only downsize of Nerve demo is that the GUI is extremely small and using accessibility tools like the Windows magnifier isn't really productive, I know because I tried it. My eyesight sucks eyeballs and the arthritis in my hand controlling the mouse sucks even more, but certainly no eyeballs.

    I've got two questions.

    1. Is there a sequencer which comes near to what Nerve can do? If so, can you please sum up these sequencers? Nerve really has a steep price compared to other sequencers.
    2. Can anyone share the latest Nerve installer because apparently there's one that has the possibilty to unNerve my eyes and hand but Google says No and Bing AI isn't that smart either?

    Many :thanks:'s upfront and cheers,

  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    The demo doesn't have it? Because, I hope you're not asking for warez here... :dont:
  4. AlexDMC

    AlexDMC Noisemaker

    Oct 26, 2016
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    " 3) Download the latest version from "Your Account" ... "

    All you have to do is login.

    Maybe also checkout geist2
  5. JohnTheKlingon

    JohnTheKlingon Noisemaker

    Jan 27, 2023
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    Sorry for not getting back here sooner. I totally forgot about my question and I was busy with getting my DAW back into action again after some really strange iLok behaviour, directly after installing Universal Audio Native plugins, a great deal btw without taking that good old OS murder into account. Got to love iLok and every single company that embraces it. It's a 100% customer friendly solution ;)

    @No Avenger I'm certainly not asking for warez here, only for the latest demo installer so I can test it because it's not available and back then I couldn't find anything about it on the interwebs. Looking back at what I wrote I totally understand why you warned me but you can be relieved, I'm in here with a clean heart looking for a good solution for a two-sided problem. One of which is my cross-eye/double glasses switching situation from time to time. It's not the age, that's what the doctor told me, it's the brain.... :yes:

    I've found my answer after using DuckDuckGo and not Google btw. It seems that Steve Duda can be contacted about testing a demo which has GUI resizing active. It's rather strange not putting that up for demo because, well, High-DPI is getting a bit of a standard lately, 5 years ago. Without that feature it's a total Nerve racking experience (sorry Steve).:rofl:

    But I really need to thank @AlexDMC for his advice. Geist2 seems to be Nerve on steroids, never heard of it. But as it goes with my luck, Geist2 is discontinued. Tried to buy it because it's $20 less than Nerve and I can deduct VAT but :excl:bam:excl:, FXpension software is no longer available on this site. Please visit etc. It's seems that Geist2 has become a bad investment. Some people are selling their licenses on Knobcloud but what do you get? Software that is discontinued. You can't find anything remotely pointing to FXpension products in the support section on the Roli interwebsite. Paying $120 for discontinued software while they sold it for $179, nehhh. when it drops below say $80 I will take my chance. Geist2 is the tool I want and hopefully when support is needed it isn't that shady after all.

    Back to square one again knowing the following. Geist2 has the best options and functionality but it is discontinued, it seems to have a shady support structure and Knobcloud prices are to high. Nerve is supported but it also looks like a bad investment looking at the features Geist2 is giving you hence, Nerve is missing a lot of features and looking at some of the scarce release notes I couldn't find any evidence that Mr. Duda is expanding the Nerve feature set. Oh well, life can throw some extremely complicated things at a person from time to time but for those moments there's always Bobby McFerrin singing his wise words and whistling the cherries on top of it.

    Thanks all for helping me here. Maybe I'm sticking with Battery 4 and all sorts of M4L devices to keep getting what I want. Sometimes the hard way is the only way to go :guru:

    One last completely off-topic thing @No Avenger , I really think that the exclamation emoji doesn't look like an exclamation emoji at all. It has some female beauty in it but it certainly isn't a !. This is what you get when you need to resize every single thing on your screen, the burden it brings. Focus and once you see it, it will never leave your brain.... Thankfully It's a confirmation that !'ve seen places, that's one item off the bucketlist.

    PS. Could you please put a lock on this one before I get more dislikes. Still I can't leave this little info thread without thanking @mrsex for giving me My First Dislike on AudioSex.
    A historical moment it is :mates::wink:
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2023
  6. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Just for the books, it was a friendly reminder, a warning is something different and appears on your Profile page.

    We are :winker:

    That wouldn't prevent further ratings, only further comments. But I neither understand why @mrsex rated you dislike.
  7. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Sugar Bytes DrumComputer might fit your bill.
    Has a nice drum synth engine inside.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2023
  8. maxion0090

    maxion0090 Newbie

    Oct 4, 2021
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    Man, I've done the same hunt for most of this year. There are only two that will not piss you off while making trap.... Geist2 and Beat Scholar...Geist2 really gets me 98% of the way there. You just have to do a small workaround to get true triplet HH rolls in it. Beat Scholar is the newbie to me but so good in helping you find quick perc/HH patterns (drum patts period) and triplets are much easier on it. Honeslty, If Beat Scholar gave you the ability to reverse your sample and copy/duplicate more than one pattern at a time, it would replace Geist2 for me. Geist is old and seems like the Devs dont care to update it anymore. Dont sleep on Beat Scholars interface, its wierd at first but it works. Embrace the 'Pizza slices'...youll get it once you check it out lol

    But yeah, I was looking for a sequencer that was close to FL studios for Trap/House and ended up on these two.
    • Interesting Interesting x 2
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  9. softice

    softice Producer

    Sep 19, 2021
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    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  10. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    For EDM drum/perc tracks I have always just used Reason for these kinds of things. Reason is very daw friendly and there's always rewire when you want to sync things up to other vst's. Since Reason is now vst friendly as well, it's almost a one stop shop for anything EDM.
  11. JohnTheKlingon

    JohnTheKlingon Noisemaker

    Jan 27, 2023
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    I have to thank alot of fellow members for feeding me even more info, you're the first one @maxion0090 :bow:
    I will check out Beat Scholar for sure and after playing again with Playbeat I'm totally done with it. I even bought MPC Studio yesterday hoping this would bring new insights but nehhhh. My "I want" list has grown. I've fallen in love with a MPC Live, for the dull moments at the health center or I trade in my Push 2.... Choices....

    Reading further, thinking about your FL Studio sequencer wish in mind, I was browsing Gumroad because, well, what else can a guy do if sleep seems miles away. I maybe have stumbled upon something that comes close to a FL Studio sequencer in Live and it's all made possible with M4L.

    Here you check out that litte $15 Juicy device. It seems amazingly simple and making a beat would only take a minute, or two.
    I think I will go for it, what's there to lose, right?

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