Need Help With Arranging Mixer Channels

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Crevice9, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. Crevice9

    Crevice9 Producer

    Jan 29, 2020
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    I want to rearrange some channels in the mixer so they will be in the same order as my tracks but they are acting crazy. I can't just highlight/select 8 channels that are side by side and move them. I can't move 1 channel. Every time If I do get a channel or selection of channels to move other tracks tag along. It is completely unpredictable what will happen. It's driving me nuts! Is there a setting somewhere that will allow me to deactivate whatever is happening? I have 2 track folders and when I open them and they populate the mixer, that's when the fun seems to begin.

    If they are closed they seem to move just fine. Then when I open a track folder such as 8 horn tracks packed to a folder. It opens in the mixer and for instance, a guitar channel will move, right into the middle of the 8 horn channels and fights if you try to move it out.

    What the heck is happening?
  3. Oneeyedstan

    Oneeyedstan Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2021
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  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Mixer Channel Types in #StudioOne

    Getting started with mixing in Studio One

    Studio One: Managing Large Sessions

    Folder Holder
    The Arrange window allows tracks to be gathered into a folder track. The folder track makes it easy to group all of the member tracks it contains, or to assign them all to a bus channel for submixing. It also makes it easy to collapse all of the member tracks into the folder track to reduce clutter. There is no directly equivalent grouping method in the mixer, but there is a way to piggyback on the folder track to gain channel hiding. Open the Mixer Options dialogue, tick the ‘Link show/hide of Track List and Console’ option, then tick ‘Link expand/collapse of folder tracks with show/hide’.

    Note that this option is greyed out until ‘Link show/hide...’ is ticked.
    With those options enabled, collapsing member tracks into a folder track also causes the corresponding mixer channels to be hidden. This is useful whenever you have groups of tracks, such as drum tracks or multiple microphones on a guitar amp.

    There are other interesting relationships between folder tracks and mixer channels. For instance, moving a channel in the mixer also moves the corresponding track in the Arrange window. So what happens if you move a channel that corresponds to a track that is in a folder track? The answer is that moving a channel away from fellow folder member tracks channels results in the corresponding track getting moved out of the folder. If this is undesirable, you can, of course, drag the track back into the folder in the Arrange window, but you can also drag the appropriate channel in the mixer to a position between two other member track channels. You must move the channel between two other member channels; moving it next to the last member channel won’t do it.

    You can avoid all of this unpleasantness and keep member track channels together by clicking the group button on the folder track, but this will mean that moving any member channel in the mixer causes all of the grouped tracks to move with it — something which protects tracks from getting inadvertently moved out of a folder track, but might be a bit unwieldy in the mixer. Everything is a trade-off!

    Folder tracks include a field for assigning all of the contained tracks to a bus channel for submixing. Once again, Studio One offers options for how the submaster channel and the member track channels behave in the mixer relative to each other. When the ‘Preserve order of channels with folder track’ box in the Mixer Options dialogue box is ticked, a submaster will always be located to the left of the member channels feeding it. Drag any of the member channels or the submaster in the mixer and they all go along for the ride, even if the folder track’s group button is not active. Untick the box, and the submaster can be moved independently of the channels feeding it, which is what I do for the master drum submix.

    Since bus channels do not correspond to tracks, bus channels feeding other bus channels — such as, for instance, snare and tom submixes feeding an overall drum submix — are unaffected by any of this. The name of this box is misleading, though, as the order of channels is not preserved. Even with this box ticked, it is possible, say, to swap the order of the top and bottom snare mic channels, assuming both are in the snare folder track. Of course, the tracks will also change order when you do this.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2022
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