Need help updating Keyscape

Discussion in 'Software' started by Rain Drum, Apr 23, 2023.

  1. Rain Drum

    Rain Drum Noisemaker

    Jan 14, 2023
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    Hi there,

    I tried updating to the newest Keyscape (Spectrasonics Keyscape v1.5.0c WIN_MAC [MORiA]) from the sister site.

    1. I installed Keyscape
    2. I updated the soundsource library v1.5.0.c
    3. I wanted to apply the the patch_soundsource library 1.5.0c
    3. I wanted to apply the patch Library v.1.5.1.c

    Step 1 & 2 worked without issues. Unfortunately, during Step 3 I get an error message:

    F:\Specatrosonics\STEAM\Keyscape\Defaults\default multi.mlt_key
    "An error occured while trying to read the source file: Failed to open output file"

    I can retry, ignore or abort. When ignoring the installer continues to not being able to find more files. I looked them up myself, they are all inside the STEAM folder.

    Any ideas why the installer fails to find the files?

    Edit: I found a fix. Apparently, the installer was too deep in folders. I think windows can causes erros this way. After putting the installer on my desktop, everything installed flawlessly...
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