Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol 1.5 with NKS (3rd Party VSTs) Out Now! (Thread Updated)

Discussion in 'Software News' started by dadarkman, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    The KOMPLETE KONTROL 1.5 software update is the biggest yet. It introduces Native Kontrol Standard™ (NKS™) – a new plug-in format which unlocks KOMPLETE KONTROL so that third-party instruments can access the Light Guide, Smart Play features, and more – with all instrument parameters intelligently mapped. VST support opens the gates to your entire software instrument library. And welcome KOMPLETE KONTROL S88 – a pro keyboard with fully weighted, hammer-action keys. Out Now!

    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
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  3. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    I was going to upgrade to the advance 61, but coming from the oxygen 88, the s88 sounds like a win to me.

    EDIT: $1000?? :woot:

    Back to reality. Advance 61 here i come!! :rofl:

    But damn, i will miss hammer action).

    To those who own the maschine Studio and the kontrol keyboards, do you feel owning both feels repetitive at times (as they both manipulate the software)?
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
  4. eddielee

    eddielee Kapellmeister

    Apr 30, 2012
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    As an owner of a s61 can't wait ...going to be so useful
  5. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    sup guys.

    will be fast: wtf has this controller better than others? I only see coloured lights and lack of controls. srsly: if this keyb is monstrous for VST handling, where the fring are faders (Vintage Organs needs them) or pads (Battery needs them, Maschine or drums libraries)? Are the PRO-sides only 1) plugin names on the panel 2) controls mapped under pot ...and then? wut?

    I'm not blaming, just want to understand how to use this keyboard. I should buy the Arturia Keylab 88, then this could make me think twice before buying, but without any controls, WHY should I choose this NI-keyb after Arturia?

    a very confused user.
  6. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    Can't wait for 1.5!
  7. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Native instruments
    Are the New Apple.

    1000€ for a machine... where is the fukin audio interface?

    Just watched the new MPC TOUCH from Akai. .. 2in 2out. YEAH
    This is what machine should have been.

    a super controler where the user must still look at his monitor, 90% of the time,
    oh yeah, the 16 pads have some cool lights.

    a midi controler at almost 1000 euros. Oh yeah, some great lights, for absolute perfect keyboardist that will have too follow the green or red left key, to change from legato to sustain inside kontakt . Because without those lights, that pro keyboard player would have never found the C1 keyswitch without looking at it, right?

    * come on, dear devs, let's spend another 3 months implementing this new proprietary thing, vst, au, aax, 32,64bits, vst, vst. Because with those 3 months, you could have added some new features to an existing plug-in or instrument, and your clients would be happy getting those new features. It's a great time to see you spend you time with us, thanks*

    Just like the guys that buy the new iPad or iPhone, no matter if there is a new one every 2 months,

    I am sure most maschine1 users jumped on the double-display machine 2, because, hey, it's native instruments.

    like apple,
    today, if

    *what, you don't have a Maschine? What, you don't have their keyboard? No Kore? How can you make some music? You must really suck at composing, without their tools, you're fucked up.*

    *hey, Steve is coming to our home studio next week, with his friend Matt. God, what are they going to think about us, when they see we don't have a Maschine? *

    at 1000 euros, one could almost hire a student, just to say/read the values and to turn the knobs, on a cheaper midi keyboard.

    why don't they build a mpc touch /maschine XXL like, with 16gb of ram, an ssd and a "swapable" laptop cpu, with a 2in2out, +2 mics, a 10 inches touch display, and their maschine sequencer with some upgrades. Vst support , 1hdmi out (just in case we want to see everything on a 50" monitor), 2x phones out, 4 usb3 ports + Ethernet 1Gb.

    This is something I would sell some hardware, to pay the 2-3000 euros it would cost.

    though, I am sure plenty of users are happy with their NI midi keyboard and the integration with the komplete ultimate bundle. Respect.

    but 1000 euros... it's still a TON of money. Native instruments are clearly targeting the 'rich' people who like fancy things.. like apple users.
  8. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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    They want you to buy this keyboard alongside Maschine!
    Thats how NI makes money:chilling:
  9. Amirious

    Amirious Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2015
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  10. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I´ve tested this one and it´s so much quality you wouldn´t believe it if it wasnt because you actually played on it!

    A lot of money no doubt, but on the other hand: I´ve had so many midikeyboards/controllers during the last many years and they actually turns into nothing compaired to this one!!!!
  11. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    You might be right and NI might become some kind of Apple in the pro audio field.

    Nonetheless you have to admit that at the moment, nobody comes close to their offering.

    Yes, the price is a bit too much for me too but their current keyboard line is similar to the 1st iPhone released: There's currently no contender and their Marketing guys know it, which explains why such an outrageous price tag.

  12. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    I tell you what though, I'll take the Kontrol 88 over the Roland A88 of the same price but without any significant advanced technology. I'll take it over the Kawai VPC1 Virtual Piano Controller running at $1849 or the Studiologic Numa Nero at $1599 because as much as these two have great features for Pianists, they don't have much I'd go berzerk for as an electronic producer. And for various little tiny reasons, I'll also take it over the Arturia KeyLab 88 and the Akai APK88 both running at $800.

    That rambling about Maschine not having an audio interface is really late man. I mean by now, there are so many people who own Maschine (including myself) who never have the need for an interface in it! Would it be great if NI add it? Sure, but not a great necessity though.

    Are Native Instruments expensive? YES!!! You are absolutely right, they surely are. However, just like Apple, they've successfully managed to keep a core fan base with enough offerings and found the sweet spot price that their average users are willing to pay. We can go days after days about what NI don't offer (when other brands already offering them and some even better than NI); On the other hand, we can also go years and years on highly productive things a NI user can do with NI products; That new Kontrol keyboard may not be required to be productive, I know! :).

    Honestly, it all comes down to choice man (Your money, your wallet) and the few personal questions that one always have to ask himself: Do I really need this? Am I not doing good enough with what I already have? How is this a benefit to my workflow? etc..

    All in all, we have alternatives too. For whoever is in the market to buy an 88-key and are not ready to drop a G then there are a few offerings of 88-keys at good to great prices without the extra bell and whistle being advertised at them: M-Audio Keystation 88 $199; Nektar Impact LX88 $299; Alesis Q88 $199.

    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
  13. wouala woualouf

    wouala woualouf Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2015
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    i am sure they could sell this keyboard at 500-600 euros, and STILL MAKE a crapton of cash with it.
    like they could sell the maschine2, at 600-700 euros, and still make a ton of cash.

    but like apple "our users love what we do, and are ready to pay whatever we ask, because, hey, it's an apple product, and the high price means top quality", they can set ultra high prices, they will justify by "ohh, it's quality, here, hence the high price", and fans will follow.

    yes, i said fans, and not customers. because a guy who will spend twice the cash on a ni device, it's more because he is a fan than because he absolutely needs it, or because it works much better than the competition.

    and with these fans, and not customers, just like apple, NI know they can sell any product at 1000,1500, 2000 euros, fans will still run and buy it. and the more a device will cost, the more the fan will think "hey, that thing MUST really be the best thing ever, and that 2000 euros device, probably costs 1900 to make."

    of course, if i had the money, i would still buy a Maschine2 (probably), and a small keyboard, too.
    but other devices work a well, but much cheaper.

    i watch tons of tutorials, with guys using their fancy Maschine controller. the guys are looking at their monitor ALL THE TIME. excepting when recording-playing some with the 16 pads, + a few other basic control functions, everything else is done with a mouse-keyboard and the monitor.
    well, maybe i'm the biggest idiot ever, but with a +1000 euros controller like the Maschine 2, shouldn't guys be making 90% of the job-tasks with the controller alone, and just leaving more complex tasks, like timestretching, deep sample editings, etc, to the mouse-keyboard-monitor edition ?

    what's the point of bragging about his maschine controller, if the guy is doing 95% of the job with mouse and monitor ?

    that's why i think, for what people do with it, for what it is able to do, +1000 euros is FAR too much cash. and sorry, but that nice black design and lights everywhere aren't enough to justify the price.
  14. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    the mod wheel does not have tactile feedback, right? it is completely useless, right?
  15. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    No a single fuck given about their overpriced fancy eye candy hardware for noobs. Luv that they open up Komple Kontrol Plugin for other devs (who probably have to pay mad cheddar for licensing) ;)
  16. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    Well i definitely messed around with it in store 2 months ago and just bought the advance 49 instead ,i already got the maschine studio so it was just adding keys and lights whoopeee ,the advance is better built and can pretty much do most everything kontrol does especially since it maps komplete kontrol software anyway plus it's got a bigger better screen and you can layer 3rd party vsti's that once again alot of the top ones are pre mapped annnnnd on top of that it does it all standalone as well,no need for a daw.
  17. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    Dude i hear ya,but trust i got the maschine mk2 and now the studio, the studio is definitely another level than the mk2 in the sense of almost never having to look at your computer(once you manually start up the maschine software) i definitely think it could be cheaper but as an all in production piece coupled with komplete you're pretty much golden ,pretty much add in any other basic midi keyboard and you're go to go but since one of decent quality is around 300$ i pretty much just figured i'd get the advance since akai controllers are well built,and i liked all the vip software features and the huge library it came with(granted i pretty much haven't even used yet it since i got komplete 10).The only time i actually go to the mouse is when i don't know how to do something from the controller and in that case i go straight to youtube to find out how, the maschine studio is defo the one those screens are great.
  18. JudoLudo

    JudoLudo Kapellmeister

    Jul 27, 2014
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    and VSTi's? how do you open VSTi's if not in a DAW and in a PC?
  19. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    Because the maschine software is pretty much a daw ,you can open most any third party vsti's and vsts and au plugins,there's a great built in mixer and you can record external audio in.You can arrange and then export your final stereo bounce.Oh Judoludo if you meant how does the advance open vsti's it's got standalone software called vip,you load vst's into that , and you can layer them.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2015
  20. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    So sharing music projects with friends is only posible if they have the same keyboard as you ?
    And if you sell your ni keyboard in future you wont be able to open your old projcts ?
    Stability of plugins depend on the NI software ...
    .? :rofl:
  21. reggiejaxx

    reggiejaxx Member

    Apr 12, 2014
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    That makes no sense ,where'd you get that info?