NAD Viso HP50 Headphones

Discussion in 'Studio' started by xHitoKiri, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Anyone on here had a taste or own this headphones

    I heard they have amazing stereo image. Also that they are flat response on low/mid/hi freq and that's what in looking for.

    :dancing: I appreciate it any comments on them. I probably ended up buying them at the end of the week if anything.

    Only downside that i don't like is the style. They look kinda big and gonna look like i have something coming out of my head. Then again i been looking all over the place and these seem to be the best ones around 300ish for stereo /flat response.

    Any productive info on this ones will be appreciate it

    That's the best review i seen online. They are still fresh so there's not alot of info out there! :sad:
  3. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hello, xHitoKiri,

    have tried them, liked them, sweet sounding great things to have them if you want to enjoy the things you hear through them... *yes*

    for studio work, also for the same or near by this price, you can buy one pair of cans from the choice of more, in the studio work sense established, nearly trade marked for this purpose, headphone companies... *yes*

    if you already have one pair of cans for all purposes of possible use in your studio, also if you want one more for the sheer, pure, joy of music hearing, go ahead, buy them...

    this is how this here me feels towards them, the choice is, as always, yours... *yes*

    later edit, all this comes from someone who has had his first auditing chain elements from this firm... *yes*

    later edit, this here me thinks that no one should use mirrors during her, his, enjoyment of music... *yes*

    later edit, headphones used by pilots ought to have excellent parameters in the field of damping all outside noise sources, as there are many, as there are strong, possible impacts, against communication which can be, on occasion, the saviour of your life, too... *yes*

    all the best... :bow:
  4. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    I try not to taste any Headphones as they have a real plastic flavor to them :rofl:
    But I heard those were ok theres many better ones in the same price range! And your right Their ugly, looks like something a Air plane pilot would wear
  5. bxbeatnocka

    bxbeatnocka Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Bronx New York
    Interesting though iv'e never really thought of NAD as a pro audio company more mid range home theater gear but maybe they are trying to break into the pro audio world ? i always liked the amps/preamps they made i might check these out - however if you are looking for pure studio monitoring headphones i would check out something like the Focal Spirit Professional or the amazing "do it all" Audio-Technica ATH-M50's they can't be beat, simply one of the best pair of headphones you will find as far as how they look, headphones are not a fashion accessory unless your a teenage girl and even then only sound matters if they sound right for what you are trying to do get em' if you want pro headphones that you can listen to music on after you have finished mixing check out the Sony MDR-V700DJ Headphones if you can find them these are many pro DJ's & Engineers go to playback cans myself included again i wouldn't finish a mix with them but they sound great & many artists like how they sound while tracking vocals) one last thing he mentions some prosumer brands like v-moda as he is comparing the NAD's you may as well get a pair of beats as they are not professional audio headphones even the Sennheiser Momentum, don't get me wrong Sennheiser make truly great professional headphones for pro audio the Sennheiser HD 800's are one of the best or the HD 280 Pro's at a more down to earth price but if you are using these as monitor headphones get a pair of truly flat cans that will tell you what's really going on in the mix the NAD's might be that but it's hard to believe they don't add fluff which is nice if you're just listening but not if you are mixing or making music. just my 5 nickles worth -

    Audio-Technica ATH-M50 (Pure Dope)
    Sony MDR-7506 (i use these also)
    Focal Spirit Professional Headphones (maybe my next headphones)
    Beyerdynamic DT 990 (really good cans)
    AKG K 701 (Classic) or AKG K702's (better for both mixing/playback)
    Sennheiser HD 280 Pro (trusted around the world)
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