n00b question . . . how to replace samples? sidechaining?

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by thethirdperson, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I'm totally sold on Studio One after the 3.2 update it's workflow experience is truly groundbreaking! That being said I especially like that it has made it really easy to work with audio samples instead of having to use them in a sampler as midi. That being said I have absolutely no idea if there is anyway to replace samples without having to completely redraw them. For example if I wanted a 4/4 kick drum I just drag, drop and then duplicate on every beat. Well what do I do if want to change that particular kick drum sample? It be super easy to just delete it and repeat the process if I was just doing 4/4 kicks but I have a tendancy to enjoy working with complex rhythms.

    Also I find the sidechain routing a little bit confusing. So I open up a compressor on the bus that I want sidechained and then put a send out from the channel that is sending the sidechain signal right? Is there anyway to not have to repeat that process with each new bus I want sidechained?

    Any more sort of tips and tricks would be most appreciated.

    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
  3. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    You are not a noob; you already know more than most people here. :bleh:
  4. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Load the kick into a sampler, write a midi pattern and you're set.

    As for the second question, a little terminology for your better understanding: generally, a compressor has two inputs (audio input & sidechain input) and one output - even if you see one in - one out. Normally, when you put a compressor on a bus, both audio input and sidechain input are "wired" to the same input audio signal - the compressor is processing the audio input signal according to the sidechain (which is the same input signal) resulting the classic behavior.
    Alternatively, if you want an audio signal processed by the compressor based on a external signal, you have to tell the compressor which source he has to listen to on the sidechain input (which otherwise, as I've said, is routed to the compressor's audio input). Now you see why everytime you want to sidechain a compressor to a different signal you have to do it manually.

    What you can do (I personally don't do it like that as I have enough other summing busses to deal with): Send everything you want to duck (let's say, bass, fx, pad) to a single empty bus. Then add a compressor on that bus, and sidechain it with the kick bus (or whatever is your source for the sidechain). This way a single compressor can duck all your busses.
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  5. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    what you also can do is 'fake' sidechaining with a plugin like volumshaper or lfotool (xfer)
  6. metroidprime

    metroidprime Newbie

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Find the kick (or any sample) you want to use in the browser and while holding Alt, drag it on top of the existing sample and Studio One will replace every instance with the new sample you selected.

    An easier way of working (which was already mentioned above) is to use SampleOne for your drums. That way if you change your mind about a particular sample you can simply toggle through your sample library with the Next/Previous buttons while your track is playing.
  7. thethirdperson

    thethirdperson Producer

    Aug 13, 2015
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    @metroidprime Thank you sooooo much that's exactly what I wanted to be able to do! I would have tried the sampler route already but I have really gotten tired of playing with midi instead of just programming the audio of one shots directly on a grid.

    @jayxflash thanks so much for explaining that better for me. I'm pretty well versed on a lot of audio stuff it's just the terminology a lot of time just seems to surpass me. I will try that though. I usually create separate busses for different categories (drums, synths,etc) of things so your advice will make it easier. I might create a single bus that is being sidechained and run my category stuff through there.

    @statik What are your thoughts on lfo shaper? I've been interested to try it out but haven't gotten around to installing it.

    @ddoctor Oh thank you ever so kindly for helping me elude my n00bishness.

    Thanks everyone though for helping me through this! Studio One is quickly becoming my go to DAW and it has definitely maximized my workflow output with minimal input =)

    . . . If you haven't checked out the new 3.2 update I highly recommend it! This coming from a highly loyal FL Studio user for more than a decade!
  8. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    You might also look at some drum replacement software. Drumagog and Trigger are good ones. Once you learn how to set them up, they can work very well.
  9. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed

    it's quite good, nice presets, nice options, easily tweaked
  10. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    ...but you don't need to sidechain your FXs or Leads or Pads on your kick drum,usually.Unless you're lookin' for a pump effect.
    Usually you sidechain your bass on your kick drum because both of them have the same frequency range,if you want to get a "proper" & "punchy" kick drum.Also I saw a video showing a star producer who was using a Dynamic Equalizer with the sidechain option instead of a compressor.He said the result is better.You can try it,with the Brainworx dynamic EQ for example.You reduce the frequency of your bass around 90 or 100 Hz,the major frequency of your kick,when your bass is on your kick with the sidechain input.
    However if you want to do a similar effect of a sidechain without a compresor or a plugin like LFOTool or an envelope shaper,you can automate the volume of your device drawing an envelope.
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