Mystery Islands updates Virus/HC Editor & Librarian to v1.1.6

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, May 18, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Finally, the long wait for Access Virus a, rack, b, c, xl and TI users is over: Now you can plug your classic and / or new Virus
    synth into your DAW and make some - music just like you had a Virus TI! AudioUnit and VSTi plugin for Mac & PC AVAILABLE NOW!

    No more sync errors, use your Virus without stress. :)

    Changes in Virus/HC v1.1.6:

    - Fixed: Renamed envelope names for Virus TI. Amplifier renamed to Filter in dropdown menu
    - Fixed: Updated outgoing multi data which didn’t match the data set on plugin user interface. This caused parts being set to muted
    on project reload
    - Fixed: Resolved a problem where sound was altered up on project reload
    - Fixed: Resolved a problem where sysex checksum was miscalculated on models prior to TI
    - Fixed: If patches are changed from hardware, patch data will be updated to the plugin user interface as well
    - Fixed: Revised the way how incoming sysex data was checked. This update has a huge impact in cases where patch data was missing
    on whole bank request
    - Fixed: Updated Filter Cutoff 1 and Filter Cutoff 2 link behavior. If link is on, Filter Cutoff 2 now behaves as offset just like
    in hardware
    - Fixed: Fixed an issue where multi name was not saved as supposed to
    - Fixed: Fixed an issue where patch bank names were not updated if empty slots were located inside the midi file. Empty slots are
    now empty within the librarian as well
    - New: Added function to read midi and sysex files from subfolders
    - New: Automation parameter names are updated. Layer renamed to part and every part has a identifier to indicate which part parameter
    is used. For example: [1] Filter 1 Cutoff 1
    - Fixed: Filter and Vocoder parameter link options updated
    - Fixed: Fixed an issue where vocoder parameters didn’t work as expected
    - Fixed: Fixed an issue where envelope velocity and resonance velocity sensitivity knobs didn’t work as expected.
    - Note: Removed effect mix knob from delay section, because the knob was actually used for phaser mix
    - New: Link functions between knobs completely rewritten
    - Fixed: Fixed an issue where plugin would crash if patch file name is longer than 32 characters

    Virus/HC for Windows and Mac (VST/AU) is available for purchase for 49.95 EUR

    More INFO: Mystery Islands | Virus / HC Librarian Editor Plugin
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  3. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Just wanted share this news for anyone with this plugin , this software has bought my virus synth back to life :)

    Major update coming for ‪#‎VirusHC‬ during the end of this week / early next week.

    I added:

    * Drag'n'drop patches from multiple banks to single bank in one run (old method only allowed single list working -> saving -> redo from different bank).
    * Previous bank edit data now resets after discard / saving of bank.
    * Improved the librarian view updates.
    * Improved the way how midi and sysex messages are handled by the plugin.
    * You can now record knob automation to your DAW from your hardware ( YES !!! ).
    * Pre-TI users had trouble getting the multifx as it was up on total recall. This is now fixed.
    * Modwheel, pitchbend and various other parameters now passes the plugin filters and the values are received by the hardware.
    * Prepared plugin frame with TI arp editor. This is not visible in graphics nor in parameters yet. Wait till version 1.4.0 pops out!
    * Some minor fixes added too. Whole list will be revealed up on public release.
  4. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    @DKB – Check your PM!
    I've made a black/grey background panel.

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
  5. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    That's a great colour skin mate . Exactly the way I wanted it to look :like:
    Just loaded the plugin up with the skin and it looks perfect you can see everything a lot better now it all looks clear with the knobs and settings menu .
    Thanks mate I appreciate it
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
  6. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    is there somebody who can help me to setup this plugin?
    I read about midi-ox but that program won't work in windows 8.1 x64.
    I am to stupit to understand this english manual.
    And the youtube movies are also not clear to me.. i miss some actions.

    help is appreciated!
  7. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I'm also struggling and looking for some advice. I follow the instruction but my DAW and my Virus don't seem to talk to each other. I'm new to the Virus too and not played with it much yet but would appreciate any help in configuring it. Like i said, i follow the instructions but don't get an communication. I'm using a Steinberg Midex 8 as my MIDI interface and i know it's not that as my DAW talks to my Virus (and Nova) fine when using Ableton's external instrument etc, so the MIDI interaction is clearly working.
  8. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
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    i can find movies about the virus desktop c. But i have a desktop TI2 and i don't understand the settings on the hardware unit. That is my first problem. And then in the movie i see that they select virus desktop midi in the midi drop down menu of the plugin. But i see no virus midi drivers. I think that they make this driver with midi-ox and the other program they talk about. But my English is not that good to understand the manual. And midi-ox is not running properly Because i run windows 8.1 x64.
    Maybe is there an other way to make it work.
    So in search for a person that can help me.
    I find it to difficult with my bad English and i am not a ICT guy. :-(

    help is appreciated
  9. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    is there somebody who can or is willing to help me with the setup?
  10. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Set up is easy
    You need to go to the multimode mixer page section and at the bottom is a box on the left hand side click the box and select you virus version . Once you've done that got to the top and select the midi input and output .
    Once your curus is configured then go the patch section and select any of the patches factory banks . I use it in logic X but I've put a few links on set up down below .
    One note to add I sometimes have to unplug my motu midi device for it to link up to my daw as they don't always connect but as soon as I unplug it they sync straight away .
    It's a really great plugin

    Here's a few tutorial links
    Logic X set up

    Ableton live set up

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  11. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    thanks for the reply DKB!

    i think i make a mistake on the hardware... i have pictures of the screens.. i really don't understand how the settings must be.
    I have push with the button multi and single on the hardware the virus in multi mode.
    when i push on the audition buttons i have sound so the audio in put must be good now.
    maybe you can see what i do wrong.
    i also make a video of my DAW and the plugin.

    hope you see where i go wrong

    And don't put the audio to loud of the movie i push the audition button and the sound is very loud ;-) sorry!!

    i feel sooooooo stupit man pffff






    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  12. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    You don't to dump patches from the hardware.
    You only do that if your moving patches from your hardware to the software . And you don't need to do that as there already in there from the patch section in the hardware . Go to the patch section and click bank a your see there all the patches from your hardware already in the software . I never edit patches on the hardware only in the software and save that patch in the editor so the hardware sound is untouched
    if you have any problems speak to jani at mystery islands he will get u up and running
    Make sure the hardware is set to multi not single and on the software you can use either . From your video I'd say set you midi channels to what your using and maybe try unplugging the us but to it and back in to reset it . I have to do that sometimes

    I see you have a focusrite Scarlett try the midi in there
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  13. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    ok so the settings on the virus are not the case here?
    And it looks like i do the setup right?
    do you see a mistake of me in the video?
  14. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Oh forgot to ad you need to ad a I/o plugin to the channel strip for the virus audio to be heard as midi is only the data not the sound . This will solve your issue
    Set the I/o plugin to the audio in and out of your virus

    I use logic X but I've found this for you in setting up a I/o plug

    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  15. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
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    DKB mate i am eating my shoes here aarrgghhh
    i have tried focusrit midi in and out and it won't work too
    i understand that i need an audio i/o but that is the only part i understand :)
    i have restart my laptop 50x tried all midi in and outputs from audio interface and usb midi cable.
    so the settings on the hardware could not be the case?
    i have tried multi and seq mode but i don't connect with anything.

    Thanks for all your time and energy mate!!!
    i give up for tonight ...i am getting on fustration level 110%...
  16. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
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    what so weird is .... when i turn the filter, osc, lfo knobs...the lights in ableton turn on that there is midi signal.
    but i get no connection with the plugin
  17. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Your best bet mate if your not getting anywhere is to contact jani at mystery islands he will help you no problem. Just explain your problem and what you've tried so far .
  18. guitarie

    guitarie Kapellmeister

    Sep 2, 2012
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    i will do that again.
    i had hope that i make a simple misstake and that you could tell me that i overlooked something


    i will put my energy in typing a email again to jani
    glad that you understand me in my bad english :)
    so jani must understand me too

    Good night DKB!!
  19. waveform90

    waveform90 Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2017
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    How can i change the skin guys?
  20. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
    Likes Received:
    In version one you have to replace the png file for the background image if you have one . But if you’ve brought it F85CF849-B3B7-49CC-8456-6A1D36E9AFD3.jpeg you’ll get version two for free in you’re mystery islands account . Version two has skins built in and you just select the version you want to use
  21. waveform90

    waveform90 Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Can you send me the png files?
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