My stupid questions never end! This time with long melody

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by foster911, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. GammaStar

    GammaStar Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2012
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    Sidechain,crush & squash.. give it more sausage.. no more.. stutter to taste... You have a unique piece unreproducible! its gonna be BIG!
  2. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    The truth or lampoon?:rofl:
  3. GammaStar

    GammaStar Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2012
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    DO IT! :wink:
  4. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Foster, I really don't understand your process... and I'm not talking about composing, everyone has it's own way so that process is negligible as long as it tends to results. I'm talking about the way you ask for help or opinion, it never comes across as "what you think of this?" with something as disposed as a 4 chords structure (in which the answer could be "yeah, it could work" or "no, try changing the third chord" or something like that), but rather comes across as a "I made this long pile of random stuf, help me select what is suitable" which can be seriously obnoxious for... well... most of us here, because it reads as if you don't wanna put effort or thought on it.

    The fun part of all of this is, you talk as if you have some kind of formal training in music, or as if you are no longer a begginer... you use the correct words, your parts are usually on key and are not that random, there's always a seem of it being somewhat concise (not just putting random notes in the piano roll, or playing randomly in a keyboard) and this is even worse, becuase it reads as if you were trolling.

    Now, I don't know your level of expertise, nor do I know your age, your capability, your process of training and thinking, your experience with other genres aside from what you produce; But regardless of all that, the way to get better is by observing, analyzing, and just doing it. That's the process we all are taking in here, from begginners to pros... it's quite a matter of making shit from start to finish, until you grasp why is shit and start just fixing it...

    I guess, the bottomline, without trying to sound mean or anything, would be; Take the journey with all of us, but do not expect us to take the journey for you

    edit: Well, I guess not always "the correct words" given that you mistook quite a few times "melody", but you get the point.
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  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    It is essential to step away from the computer and stop trying to "produce" or "compose" etc, it 'll never happen with any of the methods you follow. Unless you think you are smarter than everyone else, which i highly doubt. Also, stop playing these meaningless games with random chords and melodies, and take a mature look at what is the musical world as a whole. Realize for yourself that ignorance cannot re-invent the "wheel". Even the experiments that brought something new by accident, were done by well trained scientists and within their field of expertise. Atm you are lacking basic musical knowledge and if you keep failing to acknowledge it, you will forever remain a victim of your own vanity mate. Needless to say the "mocking" will never stop. Here's what you can do:
    -Learn an instrument as best as you possibly can. For your situation, preferably polyphonic like a guitar or piano.
    -Start with the usual note reading/writing lessons and finger stretching/extending exercises. Also ear training with solfege and dictee lessons and practice all these religiously everyday or regularly if you wish, on your spare time.
    -Find which of the songs you like are the simplest so you can start enjoying the somewhat rough start asap, by trying to play them on the instrument of your choice. As humans we learn better through the process of imitation and repetition so make this a habit of yours.
    -Try to connect the "dots" between what you like to play and listen to and what you learn, so your lessons can have a real world application.
    -The more you study and practice, the faster you will progress. Do not favor studying or practicing but give both equal time,so you can progress without having knowledge gaps. Balance is gold.
    -Once you 've mastered how to play and reproduce simple melodies and chords written by others, you can start testing yourself in writing simple melodies,songs etc. Surely there is much more to learn after the basic musical training courses like harmony, fugue, songwriting etc. But the basics are essential. Without them you will never move forward just like those people who learned 2 songs on the guitar as kids and died knowing these very two songs, never learning anything else in their entire existence. It is my understanding you do not wish to be one of those people, so simply, if you know what's best for you, get on with it.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
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  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I don't want to cook up some story for vindicating my thoughts or expounding them but I have done some of your mentioned guidelines and even have created some threads for them. I love your remark and is kind of an axe to grind but if we set making music (any kind) against making a vehicle, it would be fully comprehended that every style of music needs its own tools and techniques. For example it's obvious that for making a DNB music, you don't need to be a skilled instrumentalist, theorist, practitioner or for making an orchestral work, sound designing capabilities would not be needed much. You can do the same comparisons for making any type of vehicle too.
  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    What i wrote is the usual and proper route anyone should follow, and it is universal. You cannot create an artistic vehicle without a solid foundation to build upon. You will be only posing as an artist but never become one. And as Marley says "you can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time" ( Actually this is a paraphrase of an Abraham Lincoln quote) .
    I would like you to expand on what exactly is you know music-wise, so i don't have to "rewind" on your posts please. Please permit me to say, that imho you are misguided by a ton of misconceptions. DnB for instance is one of most difficult genres of electronic music to program,mix and produce. Names like Pendulum, Noisia, Squarepusher, RoniSize, Photek and many others are regarded and hailed by the sum of our industry as some of the best electronic producers AND musicians ever, regardless genre. DnB has its origins in reggae, funk and a bit more remotely, jazz. It also uses the practices of extended sampling and manipulation, frenetic multi-rhythmic programming, sound design of intense atmospherics to name only a few. You maybe able to program a four on the floor 2bars rhythmic pattern and put a bass loop and simple hook on top of it to create whats known nowadays as a "beat", but to create a simple convincing dnb track you need skillz dude. Moreover,to become a dnb artist you need a thorough understanding of the musical genres dnb "fused" in the first place. Failure to comprehend all this, sends you back to 1st grade elementary school.
    Also, orchestral work features a ton of physical sound design. The way the majority of classical composers made music was actually based on sound design. How the woodwinds can simulate the leaves falling. How can the brass can indicate the triumphant return of a hero. How the strings can soar and weep for a love lost. And a zillion other examples to prove my case. There is nothing more picturesque than the great composers' works. The classical orchestra can play myriads of sound fx and imitate most of nature's living sounds. So, if you think sound design is bound to the word "synthesizer" you definitely have a huge gap to cover,and yes, again back to 1st grade.
    I suggest you follow the routine i gave you mate. If you think you have some of that already covered just tell me which is which, because i fail to see, what it is exactly that you know because i neither see nor hear any skill in any instrument whatsoever. Feel free to correct me.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
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  8. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Do you actually believe this Foster? Because this is very wrong. Yes, there are some people who made good music and didn't know shit about notes or scales; yes there are people who don't know what a saw wave is but still can make good music; yes there are people who had no clue on what they were doing, couldn't play any instruments. You know what all these people had in common though?

    Effort and Willingness to make music

    and that, i believe, is the most important aspect.
    which you are at the moment lacking.

    Cheers !

    EDIT – the first guy who replied here made a good point: follow your signature!!
  9. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Stupidity started again (made it right now):
  10. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I promised not to create any new thread and now another promise, the above one was my last messy snippet posted here. I've tested all the possible ways for making pieces that notes and sounds in them do not clash unpleasantly with each other and that's enough.:bleh::mates:
  11. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Kudo's to you, man. I know that's a difficult thing to get past. Personally, I was blessed with the pre-conceived knowledge that once you start something, it's easier to do it the next time. But I have known those I call friends that have struggled with this. I make it a point to never judge someone else's path in life.

    I've read that a good way to access the subconscious is through directed meditation as well. It's kinda like making a path through the woods. The more you travel it, the easier the passage becomes.
  12. Swiss Made

    Swiss Made Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Switzerland & France

    Well, this is actually good, I mean I was able to hear it all the way through and neither me or my dog had any problem doing so.
    In 48hrs you went from a Sigue Sigue Sputnik b-side to a credible Karl Bartos effort. It would be sad to see you leave.
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Imho always...
    It ain't too smart to post something a 6 yo could have made effortlessly on his phone as an answer to WHAT THE FUCK IT IS THAT YOU ARE PLAYING, and sneakily declaring stupidity will not get you off the hook. If you declared insanity on the other hand, it would be different. Of course no word back for your assumptions about d'n'b and orchestral music etc. No need to answer anyway. It is obvious by your post you are a hopeless button pusher mate and by your quotes of the musical genres you seem to have no grasp of what is musically eligible and what not, not even as a listener. You 've been given the guidelines by others too and yet you insist on pushing them knobs instead of even trying to LEARN SOME FKiNG INSTRUMENT and post music you ACTUALLY PLAY ON... You should know by now that "no pain no gain" is true when it comes to learning music. Stretch those fingers on the godam piano please, and stop messing with what is the equivalent of a fkin Nintendo, sheesh...
    For what it's worth, keep pushing those knobs if it makes you happy. But for the love of God, stop pestering.
    Bye bye
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
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  14. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    The piece you provided seems to be limited only to minor 3rd and perfect 4th, why is that? The most interesting of melodies often span across at least five intervals.
    Try experimenting with suspended 2nd and 4th :yes:
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  15. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Here's progression to which you can tailor some melody onto, if you like the challenge:
    MIDI here:

    Just a bunch of maj/min chords linked together, nothing diminished or accented. You might have to quantize it though :)
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  16. Resonator

    Resonator Kapellmeister

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Why not just think of what you want to hear and try and put the work into that instead, might take you longer per bar to create but you wouldn't be throwing loads away. I keep saying it, if you gotta block on idea's then just copy until you make it yours or you get inspired or just learn something new that makes things click in your mind and musical life easier, everyone else usually does.
  17. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    For me in my music writing (in any genre), a good melody is about what we call "The whistler" Its that simple melody that sticks with you all day, you know the one that you cant get out of your head. Its repetitive but not the same exact notes the whole time (but it can be). You might phrase them differently the 2nd or 3rd time around. Think of how a lead gtr player sequences their lead riffs, its in a similar fashion.
    But the most important thing is to keep it simple so you can whistle it, hence the term "the whistler" If you listen closely to any popular song you will see that they all have this in common.
    Jingles are written like this too, but they keep it to only a few notes. So many brands (not bands) are recognizable just by playing 3 or 4 notes.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
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  18. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Just some questions:
    Did you choose the chords considering the theory or what? Because the key is being changed 4 times: (C#Maj-->EMaj-->C#Maj-->C Diminished-->AbMaj). Is this number of changing needed in reality for this short progression? Does it make the progression laudable for contemporary musics?

    I can make melodies for your progression but it's so slow. You know we're the Electronic generation.:bleh:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2017
  19. Funk U

    Funk U Platinum Record

    Nov 17, 2015
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    If only there was some way to change the tempo inside of a DAW. Or move the midi so the chord changes happen faster.
  20. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    For the midi yes, but I think he wants the melody for the soundcloud's that is slow.
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