My son got kidnapped and robbed

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by asad12, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. Beth

    Beth Guest

    OMG that's a dreadful thing to happen !
    Thankfully your family didn't get hurt any worse. Hopefully time will heal the psychological trauma you all suffered.
    Best wishes for the future and i really hope you are able to move on and put this all behind you.
  2. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    Sad story, I hope your son feels better now, in my country police hunted them like animals, i wish we had access to weapons. :mates:
  3. Lepow

    Lepow Producer

    Sep 12, 2015
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    Sad fot the OP, but you guys noticed how bad your country is to the people? I mean, why sometimes ONE does goes crazy and make some shit like the last Vegas shooting (even here in Brazil this week a bullied guy opened fire in the classroom) BUT this is just product of your policies and stuff, i was watching a discovery doc where the soldiers recorded on cam all those afghans operations and stuff, while they're there and the afterwards when the dude come back home to his normal life, and the dude just can't relate anymore with all this, just watch it and it will be so clear, don't know who's to blame.
  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I'm so sorry for what you and your family had to ran and run through and suffered from and am so happy no one of you got physically hurt.

    I hope you all will fully recover from this nightmare and wish I could send you some of my strength to help you (I don't need all of it at the moment for myself) but my thoughts and compassion are with you.

    You got to be strong for yourself (don't forget that) and your family and that's not an easy thing to do under these circumstances.

    I can't say if moving to another city is the best way, make this decision with your whole family. Maybe familiar surroundings, neighbours, friends and classmates can keep you and your family grounded, maybe you need to move.

    I know what Rasputin
    said is not easy to understand but it's true. I have some experience with traumatic incidences myself, in one way or another...

    If you have the feeling you're in need of help listen to it and try to get as much help as you can from everyone you can address. Be it the police, your neighbours, friends, family, religion, psychologists, this forum in general or any particular member here (me included).

    Thank you for sharing this with us, buddy, I wish you and your family all the best. :mates:
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  5. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @asad I'm very sorry for you and your familiy and can imagine what a horror your son has gone through.
    But PLEASE, don't buy a gun. The chance to kill a person by accident will rise a lot AND the chance for you and your family to get murdered by burglars or robbers will rise as well. The robbers will most likely shoot first, if they realize, you have a weapon.
    Your son did very well with giving the robbers money, so they went away. It's just money.
    If weapons would help, the US would be the most peaceful place on the planet.

    If you've got an insurance for your home, it most likely will cover burglary and robbery, so you'll get back your money or property without the need to become a streetfighter.

    Best way is to move to a better neighbourhood. And after this experience it may be a good idea, to bild something, I've seen in rural Canada, where all neighbours build a network (by phone) and watch out for possible burglars and call the police soon or warn each other:

    Best wishes to you and your family.
  6. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    Man, that's truly awful. I live in a very violent country, so I'm somehow used to these kinds of things, which is just sad...I guess we're not so evolved and intelligent as we like to thing we are, right? A truly intelligent being wouldn't even think about doing anything which may violate the integrity of another...We're just ugly furless monkeys.

    I don't want you to start being paranoid about this, but these guys know where you live. I'd be extra careful about that. You never know what's going on in these idiots minds...It would be smart to install a couple of surveillance cameras. (I assume the police have already done that, but if they haven't, check for surveillance cameras in your area and ask their owners if you can take a look. The sooner the better. Maybe you can get a clear shot of the assailants)

    Anyway, you have to ask yourself some questions as well, specially if you have reason to suspect that your child wasn't picked up randomly...If you're wealthy or have expensive stuff at home, the first thing you have to ask yourself is who may have tipped them about you. Nowadays, unfortunately, we must be suspicious about who we allow to get into our homes.

    Good luck man. Judging by how your kid reacted, telling everyone to get away from the windows and all, he's a very smart kid who knows how to use reason in moments of extreme pressure.

    Tell him you're proud of his quick thinking and bravery. Focus on the good side of things. Don't treat him as a victim, but as a hero. This will only make him stronger, hopefully.

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
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  7. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Generally, the law justifies violence in the name of self defence, but try to understand that an act of violence only generates more violence, whether physical, psychological or spiritual.

    May the infinite providence offer your wife, your son and you all peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power, and knowledge. Just a few suggestions to help in this difficult time of overcoming after a traumatic experience: Try to breathe deeply, stop to think for while and thank God 'cos all members of your family are alive. Meditate, pray and ask for divine gifts to help you find the best way out of your problems (use of pepper spray, taser, neighborhood change, discuss with neighbors policies for better public safety, charge political representatives more security, etc.). Help is on the way, you just have to calm your mind and connect with the spiritual world so that your actions may be accurate and correct (I say this because the physical damage, besides the stress and the financial loss, is totally remediable: you and your family are safe and well!)

    You are not alone and nothing happens by chance: You guys have gained a new chance to live. Maybe you can act to transmute this sad event into something good for you, your family and your community.

    Stay in peace and may God bless you all.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
  8. n0xin

    n0xin Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2014
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    sorry to hear that mate... hopefully, one day soon, everything will be alright. :(
  9. Ponstory Games

    Ponstory Games Ultrasonic

    Oct 29, 2016
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    You have every right to own a gun. Sorry for what you went through.
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Your thoughts are pretty much irrational as can be. Certainly you can not put the blame on cops. As in any profession there are idiots, same as with the police, though they are not doing the drive by shootings and armed robberies.
    You keep avoiding naming thugs, gangs, as the culprits in your rambling.
    How the hell are cops gonna patrol every street, home, its just impossible, unless you put the army on the streets and even then you can not guarantee a peaceful environment.
    This why liberal rambling on how guns are a problem makes no sense. Take away your right to defend yourself, disarm the citizens and then you expect the bad guys are gonna go along? lol
    In which world? Maybe in a movie, certainly not in a real world and i dont own any guns and im not pro anything, but USA is not Europe and if i lived in the states id put a magnum under my pillow.
    USA is pretty much fucked regarding crime stats, its becoming a 3rd world, it would be naive to rely on cops to defend your family.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2017
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  11. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Ok, Your son is Ok... You are OK.
    Time to go hunting mate; no time for trips out of town ;)
  12. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    what a world we live in. i am very sorry to hear my friend. but please be careful , they know now that your son is a soft target and they will try it again .
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  13. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    An armed society is a safe society. Hope those morons get what they deserve eventually. Like they say you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
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  14. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I'm really sorry for what have happened. Can't believe these things still happen today. So sad...

    Wrong people like that always gets what they deserve in the end. And good people that have experienced something badly always gets stronger and stronger with more positive experiences in return than anybody else. Also the band of the family will become so much stronger right now to the point of invisibility whereby nobody can do anything badly anymore. And these wrong people, they will get paypack very hard!

    I can imagine very well that it can be very hard to get through it at the beginning. But remember time is key. The key to close this nightmare. I'm very sure your son, you and your family is very lovely and very strong. It will succeed! We and the angels are on your side!
  15. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Sorry to hear of your nightmare. It's good that no one got hurt.
  16. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    Hey asad, the good thing is your boy is safe.

    When I was 15 I was robbed at knife point and it was one of the most traumatic experiences Ive ever had to go through. After it happened, I was afraid to leave the house even if I was around people I knew. It was incredibly difficult to get back to a "normal" place but eventually I got past the trauma. And a lot of that had to do with the support of friends and family.

    I'm telling you this because as overwhelming and terrifying all of this is, your family will heal from it. Take time to listen to your son and provide him with the support he needs. Also, take a moment to seek therapy if you can as a family because it makes all the difference. Having each other together in one place will make him feel like he isn't just carrying the weight on his own.

    I dont know you, but I wish I could be there to give you and your family a big hug right now. Everything is going to be ok. Trust in that. <3
  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    doesn't happen here every day... but has happened time to time.. and could happen anywhere really
    maybe it only seems more common these days... but I think the frequency is higher in these times
    of this kind of vermin expressing their depravity in their actions...
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  18. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Its impossible to comprehend this situation unless you personally experience it. I'm sending thougths your way.
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  19. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    This has nothing to do with gun control, I don't care how many guns anyone has, never have, I know enough about guns and I know the difference between owning/having one and actually being able to use one. I don't even care what kinds of guns people have, I have no issue with any of it.

    I don't want to hijack this thread as it is not a discussion about gun control.

    What I said about the police being useless goes beyond thugs robbing and kidnapping people. It might just be a symptom of age but I see and feel a marked difference between the efficacy of different police forces in different states in the United States. I don't know where you are from - I vaguely remember you identifying as from somewhere around Cologne and maybe the police in Westphalia are exemplary specimens and over-worked.

    What I said applies to my experience here in the Philadelphia suburban townships and it is my view that the police around here are weak enforcers of the law on multiple metrics not just violent gun crime. Even when complaints are made (I've complained about people driving down my street at highway speeds before, multiple times, I've complained about people driving by with illegally loud cars that actually cracked a window, and nothing has been done. I don't live on a major road, or in an urban area, or an economically depressed one. I know we have quite a few policemen in this township, you just very rarely see them.

    I've lived in other areas in the United States (where I live) where the police force was exemplary, professional, present and you would see them working. On the highways, on patrol, on duty. When I lived in Virginia Beach we once called 911 cause some drunk guy was driving down our dead end street weaving between mailboxes the response time was under 5minutes before two police cars showed up. I've been moved around quite a few times in my life and the places where I know the police are actually useful, professional and astute are VA, MD, NC. They don't let you slide on anything - Stop signs mean STOP, the speed limit is the speed limit, noise violations, etc... and for that vigilance for the most part the personal feeling of security and the respect one has for a person in a police uniform are both greatly heightened.

    Those are my views, and as I stated before... the police in my contemporary area of normal travel which includes SE PA and SW NJ are about as useful as tits on a statue. There is nothing discriminatory of offensive about that. This has nothing to do with thugs or criminals - they exist everywhere - when everyone acts like a thug though because nobody polices them (and that is human for most people - they get away with what they can - and there different types of people) then I will blame the police for their lack of effectiveness. I can drive to grocery store and back a 15minute drive in each direction and almost be driven to road rage every time by someone doing something blatantly illegal and dangerous (and we only really have 3 or 4 high traffic roads around here in this village, yet I see someone getting a ticket maybe once a year.

    You experiences in Germany might be different, and if they are good for you. However, I don't live in Germany and other than some sympathy here and there about shared experiences and on broad subjects that touch on the human condition your views and my views on many matters maybe wildly different. You have your country and I have mine.

    So please, when am expressing an opinion on what I view as institution in my area that I think is failing its citizens, feel free to disagree and say so and express you opinions based on your experiences in your country - but please do not color my words and resist the temptation to insult, derail or disparage my basic intelligence. I do the same for you, I think you are a pretty cool dude most of the time, but saying that I don't blame or name the thugs is a bit churlish when I purposefully state that criminals are everywhere and always will be.

    This isn't about politics, this isn't about gun control or any liberal agenda. This is about a police force in my area that has doubled in size over the last 8 years that I've lived in this house and reduced in observed efficacy proportionally to the amount of people they have added to staff. Once more to be clear, this isn't a world spanning meta indictment on all police forces. I am not in any state of mind to really give a shit about how the police in Jakarta are doing and what they are doing that is a problem for the people of Jakarta to deal with.... I am only speaking for myself and for where I live as I stated.

    Cheers man.
  20. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    That's way it should be.

    It is a beautiful thing, everyone knows that the law is the law on both sides of the blue line and everyone respects it.

    Went to a cousin's wedding on the eastern shore of MD this summer and as soon people crossed the DE/MD state line everyone that knew where they were was driving 55MPH within 30 mins I saw 5 cars pulled over on the side of the road one with FL plates 2 NJ and 1 PA I guess they figured they could drive 80MPH in a 55MPH like they do back at home. That was one of the most relaxing drives I've had in at least a year or two. Cruise control on 55 and you know nobody is going to jump out in front of you from behind a stop sign. You know everyone will stop at every stop sign. You couldn't drive 20minutes in that little town without passing a local policeman or state trooper. It felt good.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017