My old tracker files

Discussion in 'Collaborations' started by Yurik, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. Yurik

    Yurik Newbie

    Feb 2, 2013
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    hey all,

    i thought i´d upload a bunch of my old tracker made music for people who are interested in it.
    most of these aren´t real songs, but an idea noted down (and most of them are crap, granted, haha) -
    you can use them for educational purposes, or take parts from them, but if you do the latter, it would be nice and fair of you to tell me
    via PM, and give me an soundcloud link, or mp3, as i would be interested in what you did with it.

    another edit : it´s mostly drum and bass (or whatever i thought it would sound like, hehe), techno and some hiphop sketches.

    ah, one more thing, there might be one or two songs where i used vsts, as it was done first in fasttracker 2, then modplugtracker, so probably there is an eq missing or so, but that´s no biggie, it´s still audible without. in case it is important - it was tl-audio eq. there also might be a delay vst missing, but i totally forgot the name.

    -> edit : i found out about the other VST i used - it´s northpole.dll (freeware from waldorf),i guess i only used it once,
    so no worries.

    the attached file is quite big (around 100 mbs)

    hope you like some of these !

    edit : i´m sorry - i just realized, i´ll have to use a one click hoster for a file that size - pardon..
    here ya go :