My New Songs (Part 3) (Covers& Originals) Opinions Please

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by kearnsy, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Part 3

    Issues (Original Song)


    Folsom Prison Blues (Johnny Cash Cover)

  3. gsoun

    gsoun Newbie

    Apr 8, 2012
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    been wondering when you were gonna put up some more real music. thanks for a load of songs. your production is pretty darn good, instrument mix, levels, song lengths and arangement...everything is up there.
    my only thing, and please dont get angry, is youve kinda got the J & M Chain or inspiral carpets thing happening here, everything is sounding "the same". and i mean not just these, but also yout older posts fit right in. youve got an album worth of some good stuff but its like, did i just listen to this one? again, theyre all good songs, some great lyrics on some, id say your pretty much there. Prong also suffered heavily from this, great stuff, but to listen to an entire prong record is like, arrgh!
    i think its due to the overall tempo and mood of the songs, kinda somber if you will, and it reflects in your vocal delivery. i dig your singing/vocals, and it fits the tunes fine, but with the tempo and mood they are all delivered in the same way, if you will. and dont get me wrong, i like most all your stuff, and think your almost to that "next level" as far as im concerned. id like to hear anything with a more upbeat, quicker tempo. i understand if your doing everything alone you get in a groove or rather rut of things, you find what works and repeat the equation, i fall into that myself.
    also, please tell me your playing "real" instruments for most of the stuff, i mean the guitars and bass, you get some great sounding guitar and bass sound. i struggle getting a decent bass sound to come out of the recording process, sounds great going in, but on playback im like, ichh. lol. i either go into amplitube or thru a couple mics and am just horrified. guitar is hit or miss, but can usually remedy the situation.
    ive got a bunch of stuff im trying to get on here myself for peoples help/opinions, but am almost overwhelmed because ive got to do everything. i had a drummer but we havent played in months, and the thought of doing all solo is almost daunting. im slowly getting ready to put it to the grindstone. i was gonna let my internet run out for a month or two and just concentrate on doing some music, as bilss have been piling up. but it would cut down on some distractions for me thats for sure...
    anyway, take it for what its worth. sorry if i sounded harse, its not meant to be at all. i like your stuff just wanna see you expand the pallet a bit. keep it coming, cant wait to hear some more stuff. hopefully i can get some instrument music up soon.
    thanks, g
  4. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Heh heh yeah man thanks for listening and commenting, you're right, i suppose it's just the music i write when i'm working on my own i think, if there was other people involved then that would take out the boring factor i think of everything sounding samey as they'd come up with different ideas and things, as opposed to me doing everything

    I bore myself sometimes with songs, i just like to get them out though, even if they're not that good a song, record it, then go back over all the songs and ideas at a later date and pick out the good ones, you can tell the good ones, because they'll stand out when you listen back to them all together i think, so i'm gonna keep on writing till i get the strongest songs

    But i know you're right, I've gotta get a more, what's the word, less moody kind of feel to some songs to avoid the repetative drone, ha ha, yeah that's it

    What i plan to do is get a good mix of songs together, basically, it's gonna be a rip off of dark side of the moon, where there's a theme throughout the album and it's all linked together, IE: no pauses in the album, and that's it, my lifetimes work on one album, i can retire then, it's out of my system '0)

    Yeah i play most of the guitars and bass and percussion bits myself, i tend not to worry or get bogged down too much with production though, i know that's sounds wierd, but i just go with it until it sounds right, if that makes any kind of sense?