My brand new workstation is a 6000$ piece of Junk

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by yabiss, Mar 27, 2018.

  1. Referne

    Referne Newbie

    Mar 31, 2018
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    Hello there.

    Sorry to hear that.

    I went thru that pain last year I bought a 2x 14 core 128 Gb ram Monster and it was performing worse than my old 6 core 3960x.

    I went anal for months with latency checkers stripping Windows 10 to the bloody core removing system services....tweaking every possible thing until helpless I calles some computer audio audio specialist and they confirmed that dual processor Mb not good for music due to having 2sets of memory so realtime audio gets fucked.

    That was with Ableton.

    Try to remove one processor amd you’ll see latency checkers like dpc give you much better results.

    Good for Rendering. Bad for realtime audio.

    Get an I9 with fast memory and drives thats what Ive done happy now.

    hope this help
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  2. kokorico

    kokorico Platinum Record

    Oct 15, 2017
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    Disney World
    Reaper's next update includes this:
    + Multiprocessing: allow autodetection of up to 32 cores/threads
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  3. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I saw that. It looks like it's getting even better.
  4. kokorico

    kokorico Platinum Record

    Oct 15, 2017
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    Disney World
    I'm looking forward to user feedback in terms of latency and real time.
    And ARA is coming, Not Winter, but Ara!
  5. bxbeatnocka

    bxbeatnocka Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Bronx New York
    If possible send the new one back go to

    Pro Studio Coffee Lake
    Case: Deluxe Silent Full-T..
    Power-Supply: 1000w ultra quiet
    Coffee Lake CPU: 8700k
    RAM: 64GB DDR4/3200 (4x16..
    OS drive: 1TB SSD
    Audio drive: 1TB SSD
    Samples drive 1: 2TB 7200RPM HD
    Samples drive 2: 2TB 7200RPM HD
    Burner: 24x DVD/RW
    Add 2nd Burner: 16x BDR
    Video: UHD-630
    Thunderbolt 3 and USB 3.1
    Operating System: Windows 10 x64 Pro

    $3,753.00 + Shipping

    Pro Rack Coffee Lake
    Power-Supply: 850w ultra quiet
    Coffee Lake CPU: 8700k
    RAM: 64GB DDR4/3200 (4x16..
    OS drive: 1TB SSD
    Audio drive: 1TB SSD
    Samples drive 1: 2TB 7200RPM HD
    Samples drive 2: 2TB 7200RPM HD
    Burner: 24x DVD/RW
    Video: UHD-630
    Thunderbolt 3 and USB 3.1
    Operating System: Windows 10 x64 Pro

    Total $3,788.00 + Shipping

    I'd get the rack but that's me if you need to run more than a pair of monitors get a dedicated graphics card they have several + M.2 drives and anything else you could want for much less than 6k i built a system that runs laps research is key. ADK is good and about the same price/specs Samsung SSD's etc. either way you shouldn't need to spend more than $4000 custom system build to you're door with the best of everything. If you need more than this idk? good luck with the Xeon.

    In real time coffee lake gives the Xeon The Beats!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  6. bxbeatnocka

    bxbeatnocka Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    Bronx New York
    If it's a laptop same thing different build same outcome... better.
  7. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    there is no DAW or Plugin that can use more than 1 core per plugin, no matter what OS/DAW.
    multithreading is available but not desirable, i agree, every Pc or every hackintosh "may" be more performant than any apple, since ever.
    but thats the point i was referring to, to get and stay there is the problem. (drivers)

    as for kontakt using no power, please watch the entire video.

    to pump up an apple device you go the same way as always:
    backup, sell your old one within a day, (because with every apple device you can), buy another used one, install, done.

    never touch the hardware in the first place as will only cost time, money and stability.

    i consider 200 tracks a fairly big project, most projects use less than 40, it may be "medium" for you, thats legit ofc.

    "slowdown before going loud as fck" i consider this a good thing, and you can indeed do your own cooling settings.
    apple always slowed down performance to be quiet and runs way hotter than all the competition, as-well as using the "bad ones" from the silicon lottery to run even slower/quieter/longer since ever.

    thunderbolt 2 outdated ? its still 4 times faster than any USB and you got plenty of them, as well as usb.
    that rackmount thing is just crap tbh, the can is not designed to lay down in the first place. this will just end up in hardware failure.
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  8. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    @yabiss there's something you might be interested in checking out, the latest Reaper 5.79 (released yesterday) has this feature mentioned in changelog:
    "Multiprocessing: allow autodetection of up to 32 cores/threads"
    might prove a noticeable advantage of your beasty specced rig :)
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  9. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Drivers for what ?!
    The only driver I installed is teh RME Driver. Anything else works with the official Apple Drivers, including Graphicscard etc ...
  10. Weasel

    Weasel Ultrasonic

    Jul 30, 2016
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    This might come as a huge shock to you guys. So only read it if you can muster the truth.

    I know it's hard to accept, but software & technology is not based on magic. It's based on logic. So please stop thinking of it as "hurr durr tech will just always improve idk how, people are creative!!1!one!!1!".

    And simple logic tells us that chaining two things one after another ("serial") means that the second one can not start its job before the first one is finished (without introducing latency). It is a logical fact, it is impossible.

    This is not something you can "fix" with a "magical software update", please. It is fundamental logic.

    Reaper uses multi cores when it can: when two plugins are in parallel on two different tracks (so one's INPUT does not depend on another's OUTPUT). It's the best DAW in my opinion, but it can't break the fundamentals of logic, sorry.

    So, if you want more "multi core" processing, stop having such long VST chains on a single track, or CPU-heavy VSTs in the same track one after another.
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  11. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    mainly Pc
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