My Bass Synths are not analog fault?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Molly Poppins, Jun 12, 2020.

  1. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    90 % of the magic is in the signal chain (and this is valid for hardware, too). I wouldn't say that many old synths are BETTER. You can make a simpler sound, process it in the right way to imitate them, but you CANNOT remove the analog distortion/slew limiting from them to imitate clean sound.

    Your aesthetics are already warped:
    Once digital was introduced, analogue stuff got abandoned and was considered trash, because digital was expensive.
    Now analogue is expensive and digital is trash, because it's cheap.

    Btw, I know for sure several successful synthwave (the stuff that sounds like 80s shit) producers that are producing mostly with vsts...
  2. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    most analog sounding is legend and diva followed by some others
    but the best grid you get from resampling hardware into hardware samplers
  3. You are correct. Analogue hardware sounds so much better than any vst. They are thin and plastic sounding. You have incredible perception to have picked this up. Even professionals can miss this.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2020
  4. Here's a thought. If I was you, I'd start by telling us what DAW you use. Then what audio interface, then what monitors, then what soft synths you are using, then what plugins you are using.,..... then!! then maybe we can help you find whatever the hell it is you're looking for because you have given this community of users, who are very knowledgeable, almost no information except to say your bedroom productions don't sound like major label releases.
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  5. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I like using Monark and add some saturation in paralel.

    Options for Saturation:

    • Kramer Tape. Saturates nicely
    • Omni Channel Saturation
    • Abbey Road Saturator
    • Box Analog Design HG2 (incredible plugin)
    • Elysia Phil's Cascade (complicated but has nice tones)

    A great technique if you use Waves Plugins only:

    • create your Bass, put StudioRack v11 on an insert.
    • Create a multiband Split.
    • Split the band into two parts (maybe 3)
    • Set Lowband x-over frequency to around 80 or 100 Hz
    • Insert RBass or LoAir on Band 1 and tweeak the low end
    • Insert Saturation of choice on insert 2 and create a nice saturated tone
    • blend Band 1 and 2 to taste

    Now with the multiband split, you can use the solo function and adjust both splist to taste and use the volume sliders to blend both bands to taste. If you can't get a great bass tone with that then maybe you need to check your monitors or room.
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  6. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Saw this and bought the damn thing for 99 smackers. It sounds great and so don't need a rectangular box clogging up my visual real estate.

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  7. The Legend is more reliable than my Moog. I've A/B'd them and there's no difference. I've even AC/DC'd them but they couldn't do Angus Youngs duck walk.
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  8. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    This is what I do, maybe it'll help.

    First, nothing in analog realm is absolute, VCO's drift, modulation leaks. For instance, my 101 never has the VCO tune and the OSC mod at absolute zero so maybe add just a tiny tad. Then disable any VCO sync features etc etc.

    One thing to consider as well is the filter, make sure that they're in tune with your track, what works for me (TM) is to crank up the resonance almost to self-osc and dial a suitable amount, first the sustained tone and then the attack portion.

    And finally, if you have a spare filter after all that, switch it to HP, set 100% keyfollow, low rez and no envelope. Then tune down to sculpt the bottom end.

    I'll leave the processing bit to others, plenty of stuff already here. Hope this helps.

    *edit*: Oh and the noise, always add a bit of noise, doesn't have to even be audible.

    *edit 2*: duh, osc -> filter in bits, sorry
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2020
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  9. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    If your budget stretches then Trillian is one of the best plugins for bass sounds out there. If you can stretch to a Moog Phatty, Minitaur or Behringer Model D or Pro One then you wont look back. None of the Moog or Pro One software emulations I've used so far can achieve that low end I get with the above, they sound great for most things but not the low end but you can probably achieve some of it with a bit of wizardry as previously mentioned but not straight out of the box.
  10. Molly Poppins

    Molly Poppins Ultrasonic

    Mar 23, 2020
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    Finally, some hands on advice. Thank you, i will try it.
  11. Molly Poppins

    Molly Poppins Ultrasonic

    Mar 23, 2020
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    Nice Video, the Legend was recommended a couple of times. Never used it, top of my list now!
  12. Molly Poppins

    Molly Poppins Ultrasonic

    Mar 23, 2020
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    All you do is post smart ass comments, no real contribution. Also, the Threads are NOT the same:
    1. Software Threads questions my ability to take the Bass Synth Vsti to the max? Looking for answers that elevate my vsti skills, tips and tricks that are at a higher level.
    2. Gear Thread contempaltes buying a hardware synth to reach a specific sound? Looking for answers that justify the investment, is it really worth it, will I get the sound. What is the experience of the owners of such hardware.

    So read and understand before you post your toxicity!
  13. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Noise, distortions and lfo is what makes our brain think: this sounds analog!!
  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    One of my secret weapons for bass and drums is a cheap analogue compressor DBX 166XL [1066 has even better sounding limiter, so called DBX PeakPlus]. Its peak limiter sounds pretty juicy on basses. Drawmer DL241's limiter sounds even better and much warmer, but it's not that cheap. I often "reamp" sounds through some guitar pedals, amps and different speakers too, to get the tone that goes into the DAW just right before even starting to mix with plugins. It helps with the gain-staging, too. :wink:

    I process all sounds through some kind of hardware [I also use old hardware samplers, not just VSTs] and into a nicely sounding little Soundtracks mixer, then it gets recorded into Reaper. I find it much easier to mix with hardware processed sounds than ITB alone, but it's not impossible to make it sound nice in the box, either.

    In both cases, though, you have to know what you're doing. Knowledge about mixing is crucial when you're doing it alone. Low mid frequencies [100-700Hz] are especially important to get right, so your mix won't sound muddy. HPF on basses at very low frequencies [20-50Hz] can also be your friend. I mean HP bass or kick, but usually not both...

    Second option is to find someone experienced to mix the tracks for you. :shrug:

    Just my 2p. Cheers! :wink:

    edited to get the details right. lol
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2020
  15. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Basically its a model of a Minimoog (like Monark for reaktor). Classic synth for Funk and hip-hop basses and leads.
  16. Molly Poppins

    Molly Poppins Ultrasonic

    Mar 23, 2020
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    Actually, a famous techno producer is using the UAD DBX 160 plugin on all of his tracks, its his favorite. He says they are so good that he does not use is comp / limit racks anymore. So its on my list :wink:
  17. Molly Poppins

    Molly Poppins Ultrasonic

    Mar 23, 2020
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    Best Answer
    Gonna finalize this thread,
    1. I got a lot of recommendations in terms of technique and new plugins, gonna try them all which will take time :rofl:
    2. My plan is to get better in the Vsti, try new things and hunt that sound.
    3. I am also going to buy a Moog Sub Phatty, I decided I need to make my own experiences...good or bad. Also, this is going to be the only Synth I am going to buy as I dont need one for other sounds. When I listen to the Moog Sub Phatty, my EARS and my HEART say yes! Maybe its just subjective.

    Again, thank you all for your constructive feedback. I really appreciate it!
  18. Molly Poppins

    Molly Poppins Ultrasonic

    Mar 23, 2020
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    Here are 2 examples of the Moog Sub Phatty and Sound Demo...the low end is sooo goood!

  19. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I tend to think that Native Instruments [but Softube made for NI actually] DBX 160 doesn't sound so bad for ITB compressor. Maybe try that one? It's part of NI Classic Compressors series. You get a not so bad Urei 1176 and LA-2A emus, too. I'm not really a fan of NI nor Softube, however all of these have quite an in your face sound to them. Not bad for when you need that, usually for drums and bass tracks, or a bass bus [submix bus track of bass sounds]. But you don't get that analogue hardware saturation and distortion from these.
  20. Molly Poppins

    Molly Poppins Ultrasonic

    Mar 23, 2020
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    I am gonna try the UAD DBX 160 version and the Chandler Zener Limiterby Softube.
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